Meeting Recap 2/3/18


Eray Askit, Michael Feinberg, Scott Harris, Brandan James, Dave Landon, and Karen Landon

Games Played

Eray, Michael, Scott, Dave, and Karen started with two games of Between Two Cities. Michael won the first close game with 55 points, with Karen just behind at 54, and everyone else at 53. Dave won the second with 57, while Scott and Eray tied for second at 56 and Michael and Karen had 54.

Eray, Michael, Scott, Brandan, and Dave played Viticulture with the Tuscany expansion. It was a learning game for everyone except Michael and Dave. Michael got out to an early lead and won with 29 points, but Dave and Brandon were racing to catch up, finishing with 23 and 20 respectively.


BEBGC Meeting Recap 10/01/16


Eray Aksit, Dan Carey, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Scott Harris, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Ben Samuelson, Alex Wright

Games Played

Chris, Michael, Dave, Karen, Ben, and Alex started out with Ca$h ‘n Gun$ where Michael was the best gangster, just edging out Karen with $85,000 in loot to her $80,000.

Everyone then tried out the club’s new copy of Captain Sonar. Ben started as the captain of the blue submarine with Scott, Dave and Karen on his crew. Michael led the yellow submarine with Chris and Alex. The first game was played with the turn-based-rules and was closely fought, but the yellow team managed to sink blue. For the second game, Eray joined the crew of the yellow submarine and Alex took his turn in the captains chair. We switched to the chaos of the real time rules and this time blue was victorious. For the final game, Dan stepped in for Dave on the blue team and Chris took his turn as yellow captain. Chris’s rapid fire commands kept blue guessing and yellow was able to find a sink them.

Eray and Dave refought history with 1960: The Making of a President, but history largely repeated itself with Dave winning the election as Kennedy with 308 votes in the electoral college.

Dan, Chris, Scott, and Ben played Kemet with Chris taking the victory with 10 points over Ben’s 9.

Michael taught Viticulture to Karen and Alex and ended up as the most successful vintner at 28 points, but Alex was close behind at 23/

Chris, Michael, Scott, Dave, and Karen finished up with Airlines Europe. Karen was by far the most successful business person, amassing 89 points with Michael in second at 68 and the rest of the table close behind.

BEBGC Meeting Recap 04/02/16


Matt Ackerman, Matt Bozzonetti, Dan Carey, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Dave Olson, Jay Olson, Ben Samuelson, Jeramee Scherer

Games Played

Matt A., Michael, Jim and Dave L. played The Grizzled and won.

Matt B. and Jeramee (rebels) took on Dave O. and Jay (empire) in Star Wars: Rebellion. The game had several ups and downs for both sides. In the end the empire was able to capture Mon Mothma and interrogate her to learn the location of the rebel base (Dantooine), but unfortunately they did not have any units within striking distance to attack and destroy the base before the game ended. Rebels win!!

Matt A., Michael, Dave L. and Ben played Viticulture. Ben was the most successful wine maker, sneaking in a big wine order at the end to with 29 points over Michael’s 23.

Dane, Chris, Jim and Karen played The Castles of Mad King Ludwig. Chris won with 95 points, followed by Jim with 80, Karen with 72 and Dan with 70.

Chris, Dan, Jim and Karen played K2. Chris won (with 20 points) due to both of his climbers reaching the peak and surviving. Jim ended the game with 17 points, Karen had 13, and Dan had 11 points.

Dan (USA) and Jim (USSR) played Twilight Struggle. Dan won in round 10 with an auto-victory.

Chris, Michael and Ben played Leaving Earth. Michael got off to an early start with the first man into space, but then Ben seemed set for a clear win with series of slow space probes out to the Moon, Mars, and Ceres. Chris snuck in and made it to Mars before Ben, stealing those points and allowing Michael to win by getting the first man to the moon.

Matt B., Dave L., Dave O., Jay and Jeramee played Betrayal at House on the Hill. Dave L was the traitor who shrunk everyone to the size of a mouse and then set cats loose in the house to chase everyone down. The other explorers found a toy airplane and tried to fly out the window, but the cats were able to swat the airplane out of the air and eat up the explorers. The traitor won.

Club Business
