Meeting Recap 10/6/18


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Brandan James, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Zoe Landon, Ben Samuelson, Alex Wright, and Elaine Wright

Games Played

Michael, Dave, Ben, and Alex started with a close game of Imhotep, that Alex won with 40 points, just edging out Michael at 38 and Ben at 37.

Chris, Michael, Dave, Ben, and Alex moved on to Century: Spice Road, with Chris winning handily with 59 points over Alex’s second place 51.

Chris, Michael, Dave, Ben, and Alex played Mountains of Madness where they got out with 9 artifacts and 3 injuries.

Chris, Zoe, and Alex won a game of Forbidden Desert.

Michael, Brandan, and Dave tried out Above and Below, which Michel won with 71 points from lots of adventuring.

Chris, Zoe, and Alex played Ticket to Ride: Europe, where Alex thought he had won, but then they remembered to give Chris his longest route points putting him over the top 128 to 126.

Michael, Brandan, and Dave finished up with Splendor, with Brandan winning. 

BEBGC Meeting Recap 11/19/16


Matt Ackerman, Phil Davenport, Jim Halloran, Dave Olson, Ben Samuelson, Jeramee Scherer

Games Played

Jim, Dave and Jeramee played Hero Realms in the cooperative mode and were quickly defeated.

Jim, Dave and Jeramee played Hero Realms PVP. It was a close game, but Dave was able to hang on for the win.

Matt, Jim, Dave, Jeramee and Ben played Scythe. Jeramee got out to an early start and was able to play his sixth star first – ending the game – but in the end Ben pulled off the win with 52 points, followed by Matt with 50, Jeramee with 46, Dave with 39 and Jim with 35.

Phil, Jim, Dave, Ben and Jeramee played Ticket to Ride: Europe. Final scores: Dave had 119, Ben had 111, Phil had 106, Jim had 100 and Jeramee had 96.

Phil, Jim, Dave and Jeramee played Shadows over Camelot. The knights got out to a rocky start, with black swords outpacing white swords in the early game, but the knights were able to complete a few quests, getting a slight edge. That’s when Jim decided to accuse Dave of being a traitor. Dave proved his loyalty, but Jim’s accusation immediately threw suspicion on himself. On Dave’s next turn he accused Jim, who revealed himself to be the traitor. In the end the loyal knights were able to barely pull off the win, 7 white swords to 5 black.

Jim (Sheriff), Jeramee (Renegade), Phil (Outlaw), and Dave (Outlaw) played Bang! The Dice Game. The outlaws won taking out the sheriff.

Jim (Sheriff), Dave (Renegade), Phil (Outlaw), and Jeramee (Outlaw) played Bang! The Dice Game. Once again the outlaws were victorious.

Dave (Sheriff), Jim (Renegade), Phil (Outlaw), and Jeramee (Outlaw) played Bang! The Dice Game. Outlaws took another win!

Club Business


BEWC Meeting Recap 12/7/2013

Attendees:Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Michael Feinberg. Alex Wright, Jim Halloran, Chris Cregan,  Alex Jordan, Ryan and Ronda Frans.

1)First off a game of Ticket to Ride: Europe – It was a frantic struggle for trains in the West at the start.  Mid game slowed down considerably and most everyone connected their routes with ease.  Karen, Alex and Michael took this opportunity to reach in for more destinations while Chris pushed on for some of the longer more lucrative train routes and ended up going out of trains.  Easily with longest route Chris ended with 130, Karen was incredibly close behind with 128, managing to reach all of her extra destinations.  Alex and Michael were less fortunate with their new destinations: Alex J 105 Michael 79.

2) Twilight Struggle Jim won over Alex W in the late era.

3) Terra Mystica: It was a close game, with mistakes made by everyone.  Michael managed to end in first with 115.  He took the dwarves and put their tunneling skills for great effect managing to connect all his cities and rival Alex for largest empire.  Chris played the alchemists and got bonuses for building dwellings and merchent houses and spent most of the game doing that and ended with 111.  Alex W also ended with 111 though would like it known that due to an oversight he should have won.  He played the swarmlings and built and built and built. Ryan picked up the cultists and despite being 1st in two different cult tracks only ended up 82.

4) Lords of Waterdeep was played with the Scoundrels of Skullport expansion. Karen won with 112 followed by Alex W with 10, Ronda with 102.  Jim’s score was “not so good”.

5) Dominant Species Michael as the arachnids dominated 95% of the entire game.  On his arctic shelf fortress he nearly lapped the reptiles before the last round.  Chris as the Reptiles had an incredibly slow start, and his species was endangered by the 3rd turn.  Ryan as the Birds was everywhere, picking up similar eating habits as the reptiles they fought for control of the greener lands for most of the game.  Then the last turn happened.  The Reptiles in mass migration swarmed the arachnids in the tundra hoping to drive them off.  While most of the reptiles died out they took several of the spiders with them.  The Birds did similar to the green lands.  Scoring over 100 points in the last round Ryan managed to not only catch, but pass Michael with a 232 over 222 win. Chris was surprised to find himself only 40 points behind at 183.  Both Chris and Michael were not fully aware of how end game scoring worked and so this game may have gone much differently.

BEWC Meeting Recap 1/5/13

Attendees: Michael Feinberg, Michael Kelly

Club Business: None.

Games Played:
1) Michael and Michael started with Innovation. Things initially looked good for Michael K, who got the world and empire achievements early, but Michael F used pottery to obtain some early score for his first achievement and then mathematics to bootstrap up to the age 5 chemistry card. Once he had chemistry he was able to score a 6 and claim the next achievement each round. Michael K was able to slow him down for one turn, but it was a quick march to achievements 2 through 6 and the win.

2) They then moved on to a close fought game of Ticket To Ride: Europe. Despite the potentially wide open spaces on a two player map, they both ended up with similar tickets and fought for board position. The game ended with both being able to place all of their trains and tied for longest route, with Michael K being slightly ahead on points. Michael F had completed one more ticket though, and won 131 to 128.

3,4) While waiting to see if anyone else would arrive, they played two hands of Lost Cities. Michael F won the first and Michael K the second, but Michael K just edged out the total score, 96 to 93.

5,6) They finished up with two games of Flash Point: Fire Rescue. The first game went smoothly for them, easily clearing all 10 victims from the building, but for the second they played the variant with random specialist assignments and no crew changes. They ended up with the driver and the imaging technician, which was not a great combination. The driver was able to use the deck gun to keep most of the fire from spreading, but the imaging tech was not great at getting victims from the building. With five people rescued and one lost to the fire, a series of chain reaction explosions brought the building down on to them.