Meeting Recap 1/21/23

There was a very good turnout for the January 3rd Saturday Game Day:

Splendor: Megan Sell, Brandon Sell, James Halloran (Winner), Mathew Skelton

Between Two Castles (Practice Game, No Winner): Michael Eisenberg, Stuart Morse, Robb Blazey, Chris Gronau, Richard Bliss

Power Grid: Dan Carey, Robb Blazey, Stuart More, Richard Bliss (Winner, powered 17 cities)

Terraforming Mars: Megan Sell (53), Chris Gronau (62), Michael Feinberg (73, Winner)

Ark Nova: Richard Bliss, Michael Feinberg (Winner), Chris Gronau, Mathew Skelton

WarParty: Michael Eisenberg/Jim Halloran vs Alex Jordan/Dave Olson.  Michael got crushed, Jim/Michael conceded the victory to Alex/Dave

Terraforming Mars – Ares Expedition: Matt Ackerman (Winner), Brandon Sell, Mathew Skelton, Chris Cregan

Splendor: Dan Carey, Richard Bliss, Stuart More (Short game, no winner)

Dinosaur Island: Matt (124), Dan Carey (67), Chris Gronau (131, Winner), Stuart More (126)

Splendor: Michael Eisenberg, Alex Jordan, Jim Halloran, Dave Olson.  Alex won game 1, Michael games 2 & 3.

Meeting Recap 4/16/22


Matt Ackerman, Robb Blazey, Chris Cregan, Frank Fulton, John Fulton, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson, Jeramee Scherer, Chad Willard, and Drake Willard

Games Played

Matt, Blazey, Frank, John, Alex and Dave started off with a partial game of Star Wars: Jabba’s Palace – A Love Letter Game.  We just played a few rounds while waiting for people to arrive.

Matt, Blazey, Dave and Jeramee played Terraforming Mars – Ares Expedition.  It was a close grouping at the end, but Matt came out on top.

Chris, Frank, John and Alex played Dinosaur World.  John won with the least deadly, most successful park.

Matt, Blazey, Dave and Jeramee played Tyrants of the Underdark.  Another nail biter, but this time Dave emerged victorious.

Chris, Alex, Chad and Drake played Warmachine: High Command.  The game was in progress when your intrepid reporter left for the day.