Meeting Recap 09/21/24

Attendees: Michael Eisenberg, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Sydnee Johnson, Alex Jordan, Luciano Maffei, Dave Olson, Ben Steinwurtzel

Games Played:

Michael E, Michael F, Jim, Sydnee, Alex and Dave played Coup. Sydnee won.

Michael F, Alex, Luciano and Ben played Terraforming Mars. Michael won.

Michael E, Jim, Sydnee and Dave played Defenders of the Realm. It was a close game, the heroes were set to take on the dragon leader in the next round, but the lad was too tainted to be redeemed.

Michael F, Sydnee, Alex and Dave played a couple of games of Space Base. Michael won both.

Michael E, Jim, Ben and Luciano played a couple of games of Splendor. Luciano won the first and Ben won the second.

Michael E, Jim and Luciano played Tsuro.

Michael F, Sydnee and Dave played Zombie Dice. Dave won.

Michael E, Michael F, Jim, Sydnee and Luciano played Tsuro. Jim and Sydnee shared in the victory.

Michael E, Michael F, Jim, Sydnee, Dave and Luciano played Tsuro. Dave won.

Meeting Recap 1/21/23

There was a very good turnout for the January 3rd Saturday Game Day:

Splendor: Megan Sell, Brandon Sell, James Halloran (Winner), Mathew Skelton

Between Two Castles (Practice Game, No Winner): Michael Eisenberg, Stuart Morse, Robb Blazey, Chris Gronau, Richard Bliss

Power Grid: Dan Carey, Robb Blazey, Stuart More, Richard Bliss (Winner, powered 17 cities)

Terraforming Mars: Megan Sell (53), Chris Gronau (62), Michael Feinberg (73, Winner)

Ark Nova: Richard Bliss, Michael Feinberg (Winner), Chris Gronau, Mathew Skelton

WarParty: Michael Eisenberg/Jim Halloran vs Alex Jordan/Dave Olson.  Michael got crushed, Jim/Michael conceded the victory to Alex/Dave

Terraforming Mars – Ares Expedition: Matt Ackerman (Winner), Brandon Sell, Mathew Skelton, Chris Cregan

Splendor: Dan Carey, Richard Bliss, Stuart More (Short game, no winner)

Dinosaur Island: Matt (124), Dan Carey (67), Chris Gronau (131, Winner), Stuart More (126)

Splendor: Michael Eisenberg, Alex Jordan, Jim Halloran, Dave Olson.  Alex won game 1, Michael games 2 & 3.

Meeting Recap 3/26/22


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Brandan James, David Landon, Karen Landon, Zoe Landon, Ariana Power, Gerald Power, and Alex Wright

Games Played

Chris, Michael, David, and Alex started off with a game of Nidavellir where Dave just edged out Alex 209 to 207.

David, Zoe, Ariana, and Gerald played a close game of Ticket to Ride: Europe where before the longest route bonus, Zoe had 100 points over Gerald at 97 and Dave at 96, but then she also secured the 10 points from longest route to seal the win.

Chris, Michael, and Alex taught Brandan Terraforming Mars in another close game where Michael won with 67, followed by Chris at 65, and Alex at 62.

David, Zoe, Ariana, and Gerald played Love Letter and were happy that they each won 3 rounds to their daughter’s 1 each.

Chris, Michael, Brandan, David, Zoe, and Gerald played Mysterium with Zoe controlling the ghost, unfortunately they were not able to get everyone to solve their mystery in time.

They then played a second round with Karen sitting in for David and Brandan taking over as the ghost. This time they did get everyone to solve their individual mysteries with a round to go and just barely identified the overall mystery to win.

Chris, Brandan, Karen, Zoe, and Gerald finished up with a game of Metro with Zoe winning and Brandan coming in second.

Meeting Recap 3/7/20


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Brandan James, David Landon, Karen Landon, and Alex Wright

Games Played

Chris, Michael, David, and Elsa started off with Forbidden Desert, but were beat down by the sun before escaping.

Chris, Michael, Dave, and Alex then played Terraforming Mars. Michael won handily with 71 points to Chris’s second place 54, but a misunderstanding of his corporation bonus gave Michael some extra early turn resources that certainly helped get things going.

Chris, Michael, Brandan, David, and Karen played Robo Rally, where Chris’s mechanical arm gave him an easy win riding the conveyor belts.

Chris, Michael, Brandan, and David finished up with Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig after Karen had to leave part way through the game. Chris had the best second place castle at 63 points, followed by David at 61.

Meeting Recap 8/19/17

Shadow Hunters

played by Jim, Selwyn, Liam, Shay, Dave, Alex and Robert

Liam, Shay, Alex and Robert won

Space Alert 

played by Dave, Shay, Robert, Selwyn and Liam

Coop Loss

Terraforming Mars

played by Jim, Matt, Alex, Mark, and Ben

Alex won

Shadows over Camelot

played by Dave, Shay, Robert, Selwyn, Liam and Mike

Dave won


played by Mike, Mark and Dave

Dave won

Xia: Legends of a Drift System

played by Jim, Ben and Selwyn

Ben won 2 games


played by Mike, Dave and Mark

Mike won