Meeting Recap 1/18/20


Matt Ackerman, Chris Cregan, Michael Eisenberg, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson, Ben Samuelson, Jeramee Scherer, and Wolfie Tuk

2020 Officers Elected:

  • President: Jim Halloran
  • Vice-President: David Olson
  • Treasurer: Michael Feinberg
  • Secretary: Jeramee Scherer

Games Played

Matt, Michael E, Michael F, Jim, Alex, Dave, Ben, Jeramee, and Wolfie started with Bang! The Dice Game. Alex was the sheriff, but took a lot or arrows, and some lucky rolls on Michael F’s second turn did 4 damage to him, leading to a quick outlaw victory for Michael, Michael E, and Dave.

Michael E, Jim, Alex, and Dave played Twilight Imperium, 4th Edition.

Chris, Michael F, and Ben played Ben’s new deluxe edition of Suburbia. Michael took an early lead on the star track, which helped him to a strong finish with 103 points to Ben’s 80.

Matt, Jeramee, and Wolfie played Blood Rage, with Wolfie winning.

Chris, Michael F, and Ben finished up with Bargain Quest, where Ben won with 17 points, followed by Chris at 15.


Meeting Recap 8/17/19


Matt Ackerman, Mary Bos, Chris Cregan, Matt Eller, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Gerald Power, Jeramee Scherer, Wolfie Tuk, Chad Willard, and Drake Willard

Games Played

Mary, Chris, Michael, and Jeremy started with two games of Bargain Quest, joined by Matt E for the second. Chris won the first game at 17 points, followed by Michael at 16 and Jeramee at 15. The second game was also quite close, with Chris winning again at 20 and Michael just behind at 19 and Matt at 18.

Matt A, Jim, Gerald, and Wolfie played two games of Wildlands, with Matt winning both.

Matt E, Chad, and Drake moved on to two games of Smash Up, where Matt one the first and Drake the second.

Chris, Michael, Jim, and Wolfie finished up with Suburbia. Michael had trailed most of the game but caught back up in end game bonuses to tie Wolfie with 94 points and win the tie breaker of reputation 8 to 7.

BEBGC Meeting Recap 07/16/16


Matt Ackerman, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Ryan Kuzn, Ben Samuelson, Jeramee Scherer

Games Played

Jim and Ben started off with Risk: Star Wars Edition where Jim’s imperial fleet was victorious.

Michael taught Jeramee Star Realms and then won a close game.

Michael, Jim, Ben, and Jeramee played Suburbia. Jim’s well placed commercial buildings gave him a commanding income and the victory with 100 population, ahead of Ben and Michael tied with 94.

Chris and Michael split off to play Star Wars: Rebellion with Chris having his revenge as the imperials and quickly rooting out the hidden rebel base.

Matt, Jim, Ben, and Jeramee had a close game of Power Grid which Ben won with 17 cities powered, just ahead of Jim with 16 and Jeramee with 15.

Chris, Michael, Jim, Ryan, and Ben finished up with Lords of Waterdeep and the Scoundrels of Skullport expansion. Michael’s exclusive completion of commerce quests combined with his lord pushed him to a 156 point victory with Chris in second at 131.

BEBGC Meeting Recap 11/21/15


Matt Ackerman, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Dave Olson, Ben Samuelson

Games Played

Matt and Jim played Risk: Star Wars Edition.  Matt’s rebel forces won the game by destroying the Death Star.

Michael, Dave and Ben played Suburbia.  Ben dominated, with Dave and Michael as distant second and third.

Matt and Jim played Risk: Star Wars Edition.  This time Matt’s rebels were down to their last fighter in a desperate attempt to destroy the Death Star, but it was not to be.  Jim’s Imperial forces crushed the puny rebellion.

Matt and Jim played Tiny Epic Galaxies.

Matt, Michael, Jim, Dave and Ben played Terra Mystica. Michael dominated the game, with Ben a distant second followed by Dave, Jim and Matt.

Michael (Containment Specialist), Jim (Dispatcher) and Dave (Medic) played Pandemic: The Cure. The good guys were no match for the diseases, losing to an 8th outbreak having only found a cure for one of the diseases.

Michael (Contingency Planner), Jim (Medic) and Dave (Generalist) played Pandemic: The Cure. This game was much closer to a win, with 3 of the 4 diseases cured, and a chance to cure the fourth on the final turn, but it was not to be and the 8th outbreak ended the game.

Club Business

The club voted to purchase a copy of Mission Red Planet and Castle Panic.