Meeting Recap 6/17/17

Games Played

Castle Panic with the Wizards Tower expansion

Played by Jim, Alex, Mike, Chris and Mark

Cooperative Victory

Star Trek Ascendancy

Played by Matt, Mike, and Mark

Mike won

BANG! The Dice Game

Played by Jim, Selwyn, Jay, Chis, Alex, Dave and Marni

Shadow Hunters

Played by Jim, Selwyn, Jay, Chis, Alex, Dave and Marni

Chis won the 1st game, Dave won the 2nd


Played by Jim, Mark, Dave, Jay, Chris and Selwyn

Stone Age

Played by Alex, Mike and Chris

Alex won.

Legends of Andor

Played by Selwyn, Dave and Jay

New Purchases

Club voted to purchase Shadow Hunters and the Old Saloon expansion for BANG! The Dice Game.

BEWC Meeting Recap 4/20/2013

Attendees: Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Chris Cregan, and Dave Olson

Games Played

1) Alea Iacta Est was brought out to determine who was the better Roman senator.  Michael focused heavilly on Patricians and Senate and ended up with a total 36 points.  Dave focused more on provinces while mostly ignoring the Senate and ended with 25.  Jim had a diversified stratedgy and ended with 26.  Chris focused on Patricians and Provinces and ended with 36 points.  In all tie breakers Chris and Michael were even and thus grudgingly shared victory.

2) Dave began to set up the 3rd game and so did not participate in a game of Stone Age.  It was Jim’s first game and ended up with 128.  Chris managed to have the most tools, people and farms but still only ended in 2nd with 165.  Michael ended the game thus wasting the fewest resources and getting 169 points mostly through huts and artifacts.

3)Continuing the trend of JRR Tolkein inspired games the group divided up into two teams of good (Michael and Chris) versus evil (Jim and Dave) in War of the Ring.  Evil started off strong, crushing Rohan in the first few turns while good spent their time getting the northern men into the war.  The Fellowship quickly lost Gandalf, but due to Saurmans intervention Gandalf the White was quicly brought into play.  This seemed to turn the tide, rallying in Minas Tirath he defended the city from the first incursion of Saurons forces, negating a large Ringwraith presence.  Over the next several turns Good fortified the walled town and Evil was not able to advance.  The fellowship made it down to the city with almost no corruption, though they had lost everyone but Frodo and Sam.  The journey from Gondor to Mordor would prove more difficult and quickly gained corruption.  Evil finally won a few steps from Mt. Doom.

BEWC Meeting Recap 7/21/12

Attendees: Greg Chandra, Michael Feinberg, Frank Fulton, Robbie Fulton, Jim Halloran, Dave Olson, and Alex Wright

Club Business: None.

Games Played:
1) Michael and Jim started with one round of Lost Cities that Jim one decisively.

2) Michael, Jim, and Dave tried out The Adventurers: Temple of Chac, which was a fun light diversion. Dave suffered at the hands of the temple, first falling into the lava and then after just barely avoiding going over the waterfall, his replacement explorer was mowed down by the boulder. Michael was well ahead and got took the safe road over the bridge and out of the temple first, but Jim did well collecting treasure in the river on his way out and ended up with a bigger haul and the win.

3) Michael, Frank, Robbie, Jim, and Dave played Shadows over Camelot, with Greg joining in about halfway through when he arrived. Shortly after that, Michael completed the Lancelot quest, but instead of the expected win (and 2 life point recovery), it was a tie, causing Michael to lose his last life point and be out of the game. Things didn’t go much better for the knights for the rest of the game, with catapaults building up and quests steadily being lost. Ultimately the forces of good lost and it was revealed that Greg was the traitor.

4) With Michael out of Shadows, he and Alex played Innovation. Alex got off to an early lead in score and achievements, but Michael was building a large tableau and was able to pick up most of the late age achievements, leaving them tied at 5 each. Both players were only missing one or two clock symbols to satisfy the empire achievement, but Alex got there first (on a draw and meld from Michael’s dogma effect) and he won the game.

5) Greg, Michael, Dave, and Alex played Ascending Empires where all of their flicking skills left a lot to be desired. Greg went early into orange tech, deploying his battleship and expanding deep into Alex’s quadrant. Michael went into grey tech, but spent most of the mid game fighting for grey planets into Alex and Dave’s quadrants and it was close to the end of the game before he managed to hold one long enough to build a research station and max out the tech tree. While Alex was set upon from two sides, Dave mostly stayed in his own quadrant and attempted a strategy of mining his planets for victory points. Ultimately Michael and Greg both tied with 28 VP (to Dave’s 21 for third), but Michael won the tiebreaker of developed 7 levels of tech while Greg had only developed 6.

6) Greg, Michael, Dave, and Alex finished off with Stone Age. At the end of the game Michael was leading in points on the board, helped by a 42 point 7 gold building buy, but Alex had been piling up the cards and handily won, 179 points to 136.

BEWC Meeting Recap 3/3/12

Attendees: Dan Carey, Chris Cregan, Karen Deitrick, KC Deitrick, Tom Dunford Michael Feinberg, Rhonda Frans, Ryan Frans, Linda Galperin, Lionel Galperin, Brandon James, Michael Kelly, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Chris Leitenberger, Ian Rojas, Dave Olson, Alex Wright, and Elaine Wright

Club Business: None.

Games Played:
1) Planned games kept getting shuffled as people trickled in in the morning, but eventually Karen D, KC, Michael F, and Karen L started a game of Amun-Re. KC hoarded his money through much of the New Kingdom, and in the last round engaged in massive pyramid construction, giving him the win with Karen D coming in second.

2) Dan, Chris C, Tom, Brandon, Dave L, and Dave O played Power Grid with the China map, with Brandon winning and Dave L coming in second in a close game.

3) Linda, Lionel, and Ian played Wasabi where Ian won.

4) Chris C, Chris L, Dave O, and Alex faced off against Michael F in scenario 4C of Mansions of Madness, “Classroom Curses.” Things started off poorly for the investigators, which much of the school plunged into darkness and their sanity slowly being chipping away, but they persevered, steadily exploring and working their way through the clues. Ultimately it game down to a slugfest, to see if the players could kill the witch Helena Detaigne, before one of the Mi-go’s killed them. Michael’s luck as keeper had turned and none of the mythos and trauma cards he drew were helping him inflict damage, and so while he got close to killing several of the investigators, he couldn’t quite do it before Helena fell and the investigators were victorious.

5) Karen D, KC, Ian, and Elaine played a learning game of London that Ian won.

6) Dan, Rhonda, Ryan, Brandon, Michael K, and Dave L played Imperial. Michael was the best investor, with Rhonda coming in second.

7) Continuing the Cthulhu theme, Karen D, KC, Karen L, and Elaine played The Stars are Right, which Karen L won.

8,9) Chris C, Michael F, Ryan, Brandon, Michael K, Dave L, Dave O, and Alex played two rounds of The Resistance. In the first round, Michael K and Chris were the spies, the problem was Dave L was also a spy, but didn’t realize it having misread his card. This led to a lot of confusion and an easy resistance win. In the second round, Michael F, Dave L, and Alex all realized they were spies, but some miscommunication and bumbled cards led to an equal degree of confusion. Team after team got voted done under near farcical conditions, until at the last possible chance a resistance team was approved and succeeded for another resistance win.

10) Karen L and Elaine squeezed in a quick game of Bananagrams where Karen came from way behind to win.

11) Chris C, Michael F, and Karen L played Stone Age. Karen was ahead in victory points through most of the game, but Chris skillfully acquired civilization cards that pushed him to a commanding victory in the final accounting.

12) Ryan, Brandon, Mike K and Dave L finished up with a game of Pandemic with the On the Brink expansion. Ryan took the role of bio-terrorist and successfully sabotaged all of the team’s research stations bringing them to a point where they could only survive one more outbreak, leading to a crushing defeat for them on a turn that brought six.