Meeting Recap 1/21/17


Jim Halloran, Michael Feinberg, Dave Olsen, Robert Gohl, Alex Jordon, Chad Willard, Haley Willad, Drake Willard, Chis Cregan, Matt Ackerman

Club Business

Elections results for 2017 Officers

President                              Michael Feinberg

Vice President                     Jeremy Scherer

Treasurer                              Dave Olsen

Secretary                               Jim Halloran

Club plans to hold an additional meeting on the 5th Saturday for those months with 5 Saturdays.  Matt has volunteered to host the 5th Sat meetings.

Board Games to be purchased:

Caste Panic: Wizard Tower

Star Trek Ascendecy

Games Played

Five Tribes: Played by Jim, Rob, Michael and Dave.  Michael won

Monsters Menace America: Played by Jim, Dave, Rob and Drake.  Jim won

Firefly: Played by Alex, Matt and Michael.  Matt won

Star Wars Rebellion-Played by Chad and Haley.  Unknown victor, game still in progress

Spectre Ops: Played by Drake, Rob, Chris, Dave and Jim.  Cooperative Victory for Dave, Chris and Jim

7 Wonders Duel: Played by Alex and Michael     One victory each.

Quarriors: Played by Chris, Drake and Michael.  Michael won

Defenders of the Realm: Played by Jim, Dave and Drake, and Jim and Dave.  2 Cooperative losses.

BEBGC Meeting Recap 12/15/16


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Robert Gohl, Jim Halloran, Alex Jordan

Games Played

Robert, Jim and Alex started with two games of 7 Wonders. Alex edged out Robert 59 to 56 to win the first game, while Jim came back to win the second with 57 over Alex’s second place 53.

Chris, Michael, Robert, Jim, and Alex played Lords of Waterdeep with the Scoundrels of Skullport expansion. It had seemed like Michael was ahead most of the game, but Chris completed a quest that let him put three buildings into play, earning him steady income from them and at the end revealed the builder lord giving him 6 points for each building. That put Chris just over the top, beating Michael 127 to 125.

Chris and Michael played two games of Star Wars: Rebellion. In the first, Chris’s rebellion gambled on locating their base in Geonosis, immediately adjacent to Michael’s imperial forces in Rodia. The rebels started off with a surprise assault on Rodia, but were unsuccessful, and the feint to Naboo did not draw off the imperial forces who invaded Geonosis and with the help of some luck with dice, Michael won on turn 3.

For the  second game of Rebellion, Chris and Michael switched sides and played a longer game of cat and mouse, with the imperials steadily marching through the galaxy, but not finding the Rebel base and the Rebels winning small victories. On turn six however a powerful imperial force found the Rebels on Yavin. If they could have held out against the initial assault, plans were in place to evacuate to Endor and for a different force to assault Coruscant, quite possibly leading the Rebellion to victory, but it was not to be – the base fell and Chris’s imperials were victorious.

Club Business

Jim, Michael, and Chris were named to the nominating committee for 2017 officers. Elections will be held at the 1/21/17 meeting.

BEBGC Meeting Recap 10/15/16


Matt Ackerman, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Dave Olson, Ben Samuelson, Jeramee Scherer

Games Played

Michael, Jim, Dave and Ben played King of New York. Ben won the game with 20 victory points.

Michael, Jim, Dave, Ben and Jeramee played King of New York. Ben won the game by defeating all of the other monsters.

Matt, Michael, Dave and Ben played Dead of Winter. Matt, Michael and Dave were able to win and meet their secret objective. Ben also met his secret objective (one survivor having two wounds), but Matt healed his survivor taking away the win.

Jim (Empire) and Jeramee (Rebels) played Star Wars: Rebellion. The rebels were able to pull off the win.

Matt, Michael, Dave and Ben played Dragon & Flagon. It was a knock-down drag-out brawl, but Ben was able to emerge victorious.

Matt, Michael, Jim, Dave, Ben, Jeramee played Shadows over Camelot. The loyal knights were able to win, and there was no traitor.

Jeramee taught Michael  7 Wonders: Duel and Michael won through science.

Club Business


BEBGC Meeting Recap 07/16/16


Matt Ackerman, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Ryan Kuzn, Ben Samuelson, Jeramee Scherer

Games Played

Jim and Ben started off with Risk: Star Wars Edition where Jim’s imperial fleet was victorious.

Michael taught Jeramee Star Realms and then won a close game.

Michael, Jim, Ben, and Jeramee played Suburbia. Jim’s well placed commercial buildings gave him a commanding income and the victory with 100 population, ahead of Ben and Michael tied with 94.

Chris and Michael split off to play Star Wars: Rebellion with Chris having his revenge as the imperials and quickly rooting out the hidden rebel base.

Matt, Jim, Ben, and Jeramee had a close game of Power Grid which Ben won with 17 cities powered, just ahead of Jim with 16 and Jeramee with 15.

Chris, Michael, Jim, Ryan, and Ben finished up with Lords of Waterdeep and the Scoundrels of Skullport expansion. Michael’s exclusive completion of commerce quests combined with his lord pushed him to a 156 point victory with Chris in second at 131.

BEBGC Meeting Recap 05/21/16


Matt Ackerman, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Robert Gohl, Ed McGran, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson, Jay Olson, Ben Samuelson, Jeramee Scherer

Games Played

Alex (Sheriff), Jeramee (Deputy), Jim (Renegade), Robert (Outlaw), Ben (Outlaw) and Michael (Outlaw) played Bang! The Dice Game. The outlaws won after an Indian attack killed the sheriff.

Michael (Imperials) and Ed (Rebels) played Star Wars: Rebellion, and the empire won.

Jeramee (Imperials) and Ben (Rebels) played Star Wars: Rebellion, and the empire won.

Overlord Jim went up against heroes Alex and Robert in Castle Panic, and the heroes won.

Dave and Jay played Star Realms, and Dave won.

Robert, Ben, Matt and Alex played Firefly: The Game and Matt won.

Jim, Dave, Jay and Jeramee played Samurai Swords and Dave won.

Robert, Michael and Alex played Firefly: The Game and Robert won.

Club Business


BEBGC Meeting Recap 04/16/16


Matt Ackerman, Bruce Clark, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Robert Gohl, Jim Halloran, Joe Lane, Sara Lane, Dave Olson, Ben Samuelson, Jeramee Scherer

Games Played

Jim and Robert played Tsuro , and Robert won.

Michael, Jim and Robert played Tsuro , and Jim won.

Jim, Robert, Michael, Joe and Sara played Castle Panic and won with 4 towers left standing.

Bruce (Rebels) and Matt (Imperials) played Star Wars: Rebellion. The Rebels won!

Jeramee (Rebels) and Jim (Imperials) played Star Wars: Rebellion. The Rebels won!

Robert, Ben and Michael played Ticket to Ride with the Pennsylvania map (Ticket to Ride Map Collection: Volume 5 – United Kingdom & Pennsylvania), and Michael won with 166 points, followed by Robert with 129 and Ben with 114.

Joe and Sara played Space Empires 4X.

Chris, Michael, Robert, Dave and Sam played Dead of Winter. The group completed the main goal, and Chris, Michael and Sam were also able to complete their secret objectives, winning the game. Dave and Robert fell short of completing their secret goals.

Club Business


BEBGC Meeting Recap 04/02/16


Matt Ackerman, Matt Bozzonetti, Dan Carey, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Dave Olson, Jay Olson, Ben Samuelson, Jeramee Scherer

Games Played

Matt A., Michael, Jim and Dave L. played The Grizzled and won.

Matt B. and Jeramee (rebels) took on Dave O. and Jay (empire) in Star Wars: Rebellion. The game had several ups and downs for both sides. In the end the empire was able to capture Mon Mothma and interrogate her to learn the location of the rebel base (Dantooine), but unfortunately they did not have any units within striking distance to attack and destroy the base before the game ended. Rebels win!!

Matt A., Michael, Dave L. and Ben played Viticulture. Ben was the most successful wine maker, sneaking in a big wine order at the end to with 29 points over Michael’s 23.

Dane, Chris, Jim and Karen played The Castles of Mad King Ludwig. Chris won with 95 points, followed by Jim with 80, Karen with 72 and Dan with 70.

Chris, Dan, Jim and Karen played K2. Chris won (with 20 points) due to both of his climbers reaching the peak and surviving. Jim ended the game with 17 points, Karen had 13, and Dan had 11 points.

Dan (USA) and Jim (USSR) played Twilight Struggle. Dan won in round 10 with an auto-victory.

Chris, Michael and Ben played Leaving Earth. Michael got off to an early start with the first man into space, but then Ben seemed set for a clear win with series of slow space probes out to the Moon, Mars, and Ceres. Chris snuck in and made it to Mars before Ben, stealing those points and allowing Michael to win by getting the first man to the moon.

Matt B., Dave L., Dave O., Jay and Jeramee played Betrayal at House on the Hill. Dave L was the traitor who shrunk everyone to the size of a mouse and then set cats loose in the house to chase everyone down. The other explorers found a toy airplane and tried to fly out the window, but the cats were able to swat the airplane out of the air and eat up the explorers. The traitor won.

Club Business
