Matt Ackerman, Robb Blazey, Chris Cregan, Michael Eisenberg, Chris Gronau, Jim Halloran, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson
Games Played
Chris C, Michael, Chris G and Alex played Nemesis Lockdown. Michael was eliminated but Chris C, Chris G and Alex ended up pulling off a win.
Blazey, Jim and Dave Defenders of the Realm. The Orcs ended up spawning faster than the heroes could deal with them, and the good guys lost.
Jim and Dave took another run at Defenders of the Realm, but got off to a rough start and abandoned the game pretty quickly.
Jim and Dave played Star Realms. Jim won.
Jim and Dave played Star Realms. Dave won.
Matt, Michael, Jim and Dave played Defenders of the Realm. Victory!!
Matt (Venom) and Dave (Captain America) played Marvel United. Venom and Cap were not able to prevent Ultron from completing his objective and taking over the world.
Matt (Iron Man) and Dave (Hulk) played Marvel United. This time Iron Man and Hulk were able to disrupt Ultron’s evil scheme and defeat him.