Meeting Recap 5/21/22


Matt Ackerman, Robb Blazey, Chris Cregan, Michael Eisenberg, Chris Gronau, Jim Halloran, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson

Games Played

Chris C, Michael, Chris G and Alex played Nemesis Lockdown.  Michael was eliminated but Chris C, Chris G and Alex ended up pulling off a win.

Blazey, Jim and Dave Defenders of the Realm.  The Orcs ended up spawning faster than the heroes could deal with them, and the good guys lost.

Jim and Dave took another run at Defenders of the Realm, but got off to a rough start and abandoned the game pretty quickly.

Jim and Dave played Star Realms.  Jim won.

Jim and Dave played Star Realms.  Dave won.

Matt, Michael, Jim and Dave played Defenders of the Realm.  Victory!!

Matt (Venom) and Dave (Captain America) played Marvel United.  Venom and Cap were not able to prevent Ultron from completing his objective and taking over the world.

Matt (Iron Man) and Dave (Hulk) played Marvel United.  This time Iron Man and Hulk were able to disrupt Ultron’s evil scheme and defeat him.

Meeting Recap 11/18/17

Games Played

Star Realms

Played by Ben and Jeremy

Jeremy Won

Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization

Played by Ben, Jeremy and Dan

Ben won

A Handful of Stars

Played by Matt, Phil and Steph

Matt won


Played by Jim, Sel, Alex, Mark and Vince

Mark won


played by Steph and Chris

Steph won

Kaha Gawa

played by Steph and Chris

Chris won

Meeting Recap 10/21/17

Games played

Star Realms: Colony Wars

Played by:

Mark and Dave with Mark winning

Mike and Dan K with Mike winning

Josh and Abbie with Abbie winning

Betrayal at House on the Hill

Played by Jim, Dave, Sel, Mark and Matt

Coop victory against Sel

Eminent Domain

Played by Mike, Ben, Chris and Dan K

Mike won

Great Western Trail

Played by Mike, Ben, Chris and Dan K

Mike won

Shadow Hunters

Played by Jim, Sel, Josh, Abbie, Mark and Dave

Jim, Josh and Mark won the 1st game

Dave won the 2nd game

Sel, Dave and Abbie won the 3rd

Jim and Sel won the 4th game

Mark won the

Ghost Stories

Played by Dave, Mike, Sel and Mark

Coop Victory


Played by Jim, Josh, Abbie, Ben and Chris

BEBGC Meeting Recap 07/16/16


Matt Ackerman, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Ryan Kuzn, Ben Samuelson, Jeramee Scherer

Games Played

Jim and Ben started off with Risk: Star Wars Edition where Jim’s imperial fleet was victorious.

Michael taught Jeramee Star Realms and then won a close game.

Michael, Jim, Ben, and Jeramee played Suburbia. Jim’s well placed commercial buildings gave him a commanding income and the victory with 100 population, ahead of Ben and Michael tied with 94.

Chris and Michael split off to play Star Wars: Rebellion with Chris having his revenge as the imperials and quickly rooting out the hidden rebel base.

Matt, Jim, Ben, and Jeramee had a close game of Power Grid which Ben won with 17 cities powered, just ahead of Jim with 16 and Jeramee with 15.

Chris, Michael, Jim, Ryan, and Ben finished up with Lords of Waterdeep and the Scoundrels of Skullport expansion. Michael’s exclusive completion of commerce quests combined with his lord pushed him to a 156 point victory with Chris in second at 131.

BEBGC Meeting Recap 05/21/16


Matt Ackerman, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Robert Gohl, Ed McGran, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson, Jay Olson, Ben Samuelson, Jeramee Scherer

Games Played

Alex (Sheriff), Jeramee (Deputy), Jim (Renegade), Robert (Outlaw), Ben (Outlaw) and Michael (Outlaw) played Bang! The Dice Game. The outlaws won after an Indian attack killed the sheriff.

Michael (Imperials) and Ed (Rebels) played Star Wars: Rebellion, and the empire won.

Jeramee (Imperials) and Ben (Rebels) played Star Wars: Rebellion, and the empire won.

Overlord Jim went up against heroes Alex and Robert in Castle Panic, and the heroes won.

Dave and Jay played Star Realms, and Dave won.

Robert, Ben, Matt and Alex played Firefly: The Game and Matt won.

Jim, Dave, Jay and Jeramee played Samurai Swords and Dave won.

Robert, Michael and Alex played Firefly: The Game and Robert won.

Club Business


BEBGC Meeting Recap 05/07/16


Eray Aksit, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, Brandan James, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Dave Olson, Jay Olson, Ben Samuelson, Byron Varin, Nicholas Varin, Alex Wright

Games Played

Eray, Dave L., Alex, Byron and Nicholas played Ra. Eray won with 42 points, followed by Dave with 40 and Alex with 39.

Michael, Ben, Karen, Scott and Chris played The Grizzled and won!

Red Team Jim, Chris, Byron, Karen and Scott went up against Blue team Alex, Michael, Nicholas, Dave O. and Brandan in three rounds of Codenames. The red team won two of the three games. Or maybe it was the other way around.

Jay (USA), Ben (East), Eray (South), and Dave L. (West) played Fortress America. It was a hard fought battle, but in the end the USA fell and the Eastern invaders (Ben) were the ultimate victors.

Michael, Byron, Nicholas and Brandan played Ticket to Ride with the UK map. Final scores: Michael – 85, Byron – 73, Nicholas – 68, Brandan – 60.

Jim, Chris, Scott and Dave O. played Andromeda. Final scores: Jim – 56, Chris – 54, Scott – 38, Dave O. – 26.

Jim, Nicholas and Dave O. played Smash-up. Final Scores: Dave O. – 14, Jim – 12, Nicholas – 10.

Michael and Chris played 2 games of Star Realms, winning one each.

Karen, Brandan and Byron played Sheriff of Nottingham, and Karen was the winner.

Brandan, Jay, Chris and Dave O. played XCOM: The Boardgame. They were able to band together and repel the alien invasion.

Karen, Michael, Dave L. and Eray played Castles of Mad King Ludwig. Final scores: Karen – 122, Michael – 102, Dave L. – 92, Eray – 81.

Club Business


BEBGC Meeting Recap 03/19/16


Matt Ackerman, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Robert Gohl, Chris Gronau, Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, Ed McGran, Dave Olson, Kerri Olson, Ben Samuelson, Jeramee Scherer, Chad Willard, Drake Willard

Games Played

Robert, Chris G, Jim, and Dave played Pandemic. Unfortunately, the team was not able to thwart the spread of the diseases, losing to the 8th outbreak.

Scott (Empire), Michael, Chris G., Dave and Chad played Imperial Assault. The group started the Return to Hoth campaign with the first mission of the campaign. It was a close match, but the rebels were able to eke out a win.

Matt, Robert Jim and Jeramee played Defenders of the Realm. The realm was successfully defended!

Chris C and Drake played Imperial Assault in the extra-complex variable rules skirmish variant. Drake’s imperial squad was victorious.

Jim, Jeramee, Robert/Dave, Matt and Ben played Xia: Legends of a Drift System. Ben was the winner playing as a peaceful merchant, despite having his defenseless ship blown up by Jim.

Michael, Robert, Chad, Drake and Chris C. played two rounds of The Grizzled, losing the first and winning the second.

Chad and Drake played several rounds of Star Realms.

Jeramee, Robert, Jim, Chris C., Michael, Ben and Kerri played Bang! The Dice Game. The outlaws won.

Robert, Jim, Chris C., Michael, Ben and Kerri played Bang! The Dice Game.

Michael,, Robert, Jim and Kerri played 2 rounds of The Grizzled, winning both games.

Jeramee, Chris C., Ben and Dave played Specter Ops. The hunters successfully stopped the agent.

Club Business


BEWC Meeting Recap 10/18/14

Attendees: Micheal Feinberg, Dave Olson, Jim Halloran, Chris Cregan, Evan Hollenbeck, Chris Feliberti, Robbie and Frank Fulton.

1) Mike and Jim played the club’s new Star Realms.  Mike won with 18 life left over.

2) Catan was next with both Chris’ and Evan playing.  Chris C. ended up winning with a good sheep production and a sheep port.

3) Chris F. and Evan played in Star Realms, Evan won.

4) Mike, Dave, Jim and Robbie Played a round of Five Tribes.  Mike won with 159, Jim 2nd with 132, Dave with 129, and Robbie 121.

5) Bang the Dice Game Chris C. was Sheriff Frank was the deputy, Robbie Mike and Dave were the outlaws, Jim was the Renegade.  The outlaws won.

6) Chris C. played Mike Star Realms both winning one game.