Meeting Recap 1/21/17


Jim Halloran, Michael Feinberg, Dave Olsen, Robert Gohl, Alex Jordon, Chad Willard, Haley Willad, Drake Willard, Chis Cregan, Matt Ackerman

Club Business

Elections results for 2017 Officers

President                              Michael Feinberg

Vice President                     Jeremy Scherer

Treasurer                              Dave Olsen

Secretary                               Jim Halloran

Club plans to hold an additional meeting on the 5th Saturday for those months with 5 Saturdays.  Matt has volunteered to host the 5th Sat meetings.

Board Games to be purchased:

Caste Panic: Wizard Tower

Star Trek Ascendecy

Games Played

Five Tribes: Played by Jim, Rob, Michael and Dave.  Michael won

Monsters Menace America: Played by Jim, Dave, Rob and Drake.  Jim won

Firefly: Played by Alex, Matt and Michael.  Matt won

Star Wars Rebellion-Played by Chad and Haley.  Unknown victor, game still in progress

Spectre Ops: Played by Drake, Rob, Chris, Dave and Jim.  Cooperative Victory for Dave, Chris and Jim

7 Wonders Duel: Played by Alex and Michael     One victory each.

Quarriors: Played by Chris, Drake and Michael.  Michael won

Defenders of the Realm: Played by Jim, Dave and Drake, and Jim and Dave.  2 Cooperative losses.

BEBGC Meeting Recap 07/02/16


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Brandan James, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Dave Olson, Kerri Olson, Ben Samuelson, Alex Wright

Games Played

Ben, Karen, Jim and Michael played Primordial Soup. Ben won with 47 points, followed by Karen with 41, Jim with 31 and Michael with 29.

Dave o. and Chris played Jarl: The Vikings Tile-Laying Game. It was a hard fought match, but Dave pulled off the win capturing Chris’ Jarl.

Dave L. (USSR) and Alex (USA) played Twilight Struggle. USSR went out to an early lead, but USA was able to bounce back and win the cold war.

Michael, Ben and Karen played Five Tribes. Michael won with 186 points, followed by Ben with 165 and Karen with 153.

Chris (Agent) went up against Jim, Kerri and Dave O. in Specter Ops. Chris was spotted several times sneaking around, and the hunters had him down to one HP, but Kerri was unveiled as a traitor in cahoots with the agent, and was able to distract the hunters and aid the agent back to safety for the win.

Jim, Brandan, Dave O., Kerri, Dave L., Chris, Michael and Ben played The Resistance: Avalon. Jim, Brandan and Dave O. were successful as the agents of evil and were able to sabotage three missions.

Jim, Brandan, Dave O., Kerri, Dave L., Chris, Michael and Ben played The Resistance: Avalon. This time the knights were successful in completing three of their missions, but Chris, Brandan and Dave O. were able to steal the win as the agents of evil when assassin Dave O. was able to assassinate Merlin (Michael).

Chris, Michael, Jim, Brandon, Dave L., and Kerri played a round of Coup where Chris was the best liar. Karen took over for Dave L. for the second round and won. Dave L. swapped back in and Jim left for the final round where Kerri was victorious.

Chris, Michael, Brandon, and Kerri finished off with a hand of Exploding Kittens with Brandon being the last person unexploded.

Club Business


BEBGC Meeting Recap 03/19/16


Matt Ackerman, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Robert Gohl, Chris Gronau, Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, Ed McGran, Dave Olson, Kerri Olson, Ben Samuelson, Jeramee Scherer, Chad Willard, Drake Willard

Games Played

Robert, Chris G, Jim, and Dave played Pandemic. Unfortunately, the team was not able to thwart the spread of the diseases, losing to the 8th outbreak.

Scott (Empire), Michael, Chris G., Dave and Chad played Imperial Assault. The group started the Return to Hoth campaign with the first mission of the campaign. It was a close match, but the rebels were able to eke out a win.

Matt, Robert Jim and Jeramee played Defenders of the Realm. The realm was successfully defended!

Chris C and Drake played Imperial Assault in the extra-complex variable rules skirmish variant. Drake’s imperial squad was victorious.

Jim, Jeramee, Robert/Dave, Matt and Ben played Xia: Legends of a Drift System. Ben was the winner playing as a peaceful merchant, despite having his defenseless ship blown up by Jim.

Michael, Robert, Chad, Drake and Chris C. played two rounds of The Grizzled, losing the first and winning the second.

Chad and Drake played several rounds of Star Realms.

Jeramee, Robert, Jim, Chris C., Michael, Ben and Kerri played Bang! The Dice Game. The outlaws won.

Robert, Jim, Chris C., Michael, Ben and Kerri played Bang! The Dice Game.

Michael,, Robert, Jim and Kerri played 2 rounds of The Grizzled, winning both games.

Jeramee, Chris C., Ben and Dave played Specter Ops. The hunters successfully stopped the agent.

Club Business


BEWC Meeting Recap 06/20/15


Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Dave Olson and Jeramee Scherer

Games Played

Michael, Jim, Dave and Jeramee played Buck Rogers: Battle for the 25th Century Game.  We played some version of the base game mixed with the advanced game with some elements of the fan inspired Version 2.0 from BGG.  Jim took control of Wilma Deering and set up base on Earth and the Moon.  Jeramee took the role of Black Barney and owned Mars AND Mercury, with a small presence in the asteroid belt.  Michael played as Buck Rogers with his forces split between Venus and the asteroids.  Dave controlled Killer Kane with forces on Venus and the asteroid belt.

Wilma and Barney jumped out to early leads running unopposed on Earth/Moon for Wilma and Mars/Mercury for Barney.  Kane and Buck figured out early on that they should form a non-agression pact if they were going to be able to compete with Wilma and Barney.  Kane made an attempt on Mercury, but was quickly thwarted by Barney’s numerical superiority.  Buck and Kane both made some inroads in the asteroid belt.  Barney made an early attempt to infiltrate the Earth sattelites, but Wilma was able to repel the attempt.  Barney also made a move against Buck on Venus, but was unable to capture any territories.

In the end, we did not get to finish the game since Jim (Wilma) had to leave early, but at that point Wilma was moving to take Mars from Barney, and Buck decided to back-stab his loyal partner and fellow Venusian Killer Kane.  The score when the game was abandoned was Jim 14, Michael 13, Jeramee 12, Dave 3.

Michael, Jeramee and Dave played The Castles of Burgundy.  Final score: Michael 93, Jeramee 68, Dave 59

Club Business

The club voted to purchase Ca$h ‘n Guns (second edition) and Specter Ops.