Meeting Recap 8/17/19


Matt Ackerman, Mary Bos, Chris Cregan, Matt Eller, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Gerald Power, Jeramee Scherer, Wolfie Tuk, Chad Willard, and Drake Willard

Games Played

Mary, Chris, Michael, and Jeremy started with two games of Bargain Quest, joined by Matt E for the second. Chris won the first game at 17 points, followed by Michael at 16 and Jeramee at 15. The second game was also quite close, with Chris winning again at 20 and Michael just behind at 19 and Matt at 18.

Matt A, Jim, Gerald, and Wolfie played two games of Wildlands, with Matt winning both.

Matt E, Chad, and Drake moved on to two games of Smash Up, where Matt one the first and Drake the second.

Chris, Michael, Jim, and Wolfie finished up with Suburbia. Michael had trailed most of the game but caught back up in end game bonuses to tie Wolfie with 94 points and win the tie breaker of reputation 8 to 7.

BEBGC Meeting Recap 05/07/16


Eray Aksit, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, Brandan James, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Dave Olson, Jay Olson, Ben Samuelson, Byron Varin, Nicholas Varin, Alex Wright

Games Played

Eray, Dave L., Alex, Byron and Nicholas played Ra. Eray won with 42 points, followed by Dave with 40 and Alex with 39.

Michael, Ben, Karen, Scott and Chris played The Grizzled and won!

Red Team Jim, Chris, Byron, Karen and Scott went up against Blue team Alex, Michael, Nicholas, Dave O. and Brandan in three rounds of Codenames. The red team won two of the three games. Or maybe it was the other way around.

Jay (USA), Ben (East), Eray (South), and Dave L. (West) played Fortress America. It was a hard fought battle, but in the end the USA fell and the Eastern invaders (Ben) were the ultimate victors.

Michael, Byron, Nicholas and Brandan played Ticket to Ride with the UK map. Final scores: Michael – 85, Byron – 73, Nicholas – 68, Brandan – 60.

Jim, Chris, Scott and Dave O. played Andromeda. Final scores: Jim – 56, Chris – 54, Scott – 38, Dave O. – 26.

Jim, Nicholas and Dave O. played Smash-up. Final Scores: Dave O. – 14, Jim – 12, Nicholas – 10.

Michael and Chris played 2 games of Star Realms, winning one each.

Karen, Brandan and Byron played Sheriff of Nottingham, and Karen was the winner.

Brandan, Jay, Chris and Dave O. played XCOM: The Boardgame. They were able to band together and repel the alien invasion.

Karen, Michael, Dave L. and Eray played Castles of Mad King Ludwig. Final scores: Karen – 122, Michael – 102, Dave L. – 92, Eray – 81.

Club Business


BEWC Meeting Recap 2/7/15


Chris Cregan, Anthony Eaton, Michael Feinberg, Frank and Robbie Fulton, Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, Brandan James, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Dave Olson, Jeramee Scherer, Alex Wright

Games Played

Love Letter played by Dave O, Dave L, Jim, Karen with Jim emerging the victor.

Castles of Mad King Ludwig, Alex 105, Dave L 125, Scott 104, Mike 129

King of New York played by Jerame, Chris, Jim, Dave O. Jim won

Twilight Struggle Roberta & Frank America saved to world from communism

XCOM: The Board Game, Brandan, Jereme, Chris, Dave O and the human team beat the aliens.

Smash up, Anthony, Karen and Jim played, Karen won.

Lords of Waterdeep. Micheal 124, Jeramee 111, Anthony 107, Jim 104

Smash up, Micheal , Jim, Anthony, Jeramee. Anthony won

Game of Thrones with Feast of Crows expansion. Scotts Baratheons won against Brandan, Chris and David L.

Five Tribes Micheal 166, Jim 179, Anthony 161

A 7 player game of 7 Wonders with the new expansion and David L won with 57 points

BEWC Meeting Recap 5/3/14

Attendees: Alex Jordan, Michael Feinberg,Chris Cregan, Scott Harris, Jim Halloran, Alex Wright, Dave Landon, and Karen Landon.

1) Alex W. and Jim fought it out in Twilight Struggle.  Alex’s America won out in the end over Jim’s red menace.

2) Alex J, Chris, Michael and Scott played Firefly.  It was a money grab mission, Chris won with 12700 with a salvage op heavy strategy, Alex J was closest with 8400 managing to finish up most of his missions to avoid the penelty.  Michael and Scott managed to stay positive with 3100 and 3000 respectively.

3) Alex W., Dave Karen and Jim played a round of Smash Up.  Alex W won in the end with his Ghost Bears edging Dave out by a point (16/15).

BEWC Meeting Recap 3/1/14

Attendees: Dan Carey, Michael Feinberg,Chris Cregan,Kevin, Brandan James, Jim Halloran, Victor Liu Dave Landon, and Karen Landon.

Club Business: None.

1)  Starting off the day, Michael, Brandon, Karen Victor and Jim played a game of Smash Up.  Realizing she wasn’t going to win, Karen and her Dinosaur-Bear alliance hoisted Michael with his ninja zombies to win, edging out Brandon with his steam-punk mages.  Jim’s killer plant ghosts proved ephemeral and Victors Robot tricksters broke down during the game.

2) Elsewhere, Chris Dan Dave and Kevin were embroiled in a game of Kingdoms.  Dave managed to get off to a solid lead after the first turn.  Dispite narrowing that gap every turn, Dave still managed to cling to 1st place by two points.  Final Scores: Dave 198, Chris 196, Dan 132 and Kevin 118.

3) Next up, the club’s new copy of Exodus was opened up by Chris Victor, Brandan, Jim and Michael.  Victor and Jim decided to start off slow and build up their reserves while Brandan and Michael expanded throughout their quadrant and Chris hunted the passive Centauri.  Later, Brandan in a sneak attack, destroyed all of Jims forces before they could be properly fitted with armaments.  Michael with a sufficiently advanced fleet found even the advanced centauri child’s play while Chris found his starting fleet nearly decimated after several battles.  Victor’s fleet appeared on the board fairly late but with only the most advanced weaponry and defense.  In the final turns, Victor’s fleet ruled the galaxy but was unable to make any decisive victories with everyone else avoiding him.  Jim’s empire had resorted to WMDs to strike back at Brandan for the earlier loss.  Brandon found a few of his planets reduced to point singularities, though it was Michael who ended up losing his fleet.  Chris had recreated his fleet but found it was fairly outdated compared to Victors and Brandon’s forces.  In the end Brandan won with 64 points, followed by Victor with 57, Chris at 46, Michael at 27 and Jim with 4.

4) Meanwhile, David, Karen, Dan and Kevin played a game of Thurn and Taxis.  David ended up winning with 25 points, Karen got 2nd with 15, Kevin ended with 9 and Dan at 8.

5) No game of Galaxy Trucker was played.

BEWC Meeting Recap 1/4/14

Attendees: Dan Carey, Michael Feinberg, Scott Harris, Brandan James, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, and Alex Wright

Club Business: None.

Games Played
1) Dan, Michael, Scott, Karen, Dave, Karen, and Alex started off with Unspeakable Words. Michael won with 109 points with Dave behind the 100-point threshold with 99. Alex and Scott went insane.

2) Dan, Michael, Scott, Brandan, Karen, Dave, Karen, and Alex then moved on to 7 Wonders with both the Cities and Leaders expansions. Nobody could stop Alex’s science machine and his 81 point victory, Dave came in second with 69, with the rest of the pack close behind with only five points separating 2nd and 5th places.

3) Michael, Scott, Dave, and Karen split off for Star Trek Catan where Michael made good use of McCoy’s support to go through the development deck and get the cards he needed for largest star fleet, edging out the win from Dave 10 points to 9.

4) Dan, Brandan, and Alex played Castles of Burgundy, which Alex one with a commanding 236 points over Dan’s 191 in second place.

5, 6) Dan, Michael, Brandan, Karen, Dave, Karen, and Alex played two rounds of Ca$h ‘n Gun$. In the first Dan one with $85,000 and Alex just behind with $80,000. For the second game, individual player powers were added, leading to a more brutal game iwht both Dave and Dan dying and Michael sneaking in with a $105,000 win with Alex in second at $95,000.

7) Dan, Michael, Brandan, Karen, Dave, and Karen hunted Alex in Scotland Yard, and despite a nice early breakout by Mr. X, Alex was hunted down in round 10.

8) Michael, Brandan, Karen, and Alex played Smash Up with victory being snatched from Michael’s Alien Zombies when Alex broke a base one round for Michael could break his. Alex’s Ninja Dinosaurs were victorious with 17 points, with Karen’s Robot Wizards in second.

9) Dave, Karen, and Alex finished up with a game of Samurai.