BEBGC Meeting Recap 10/17/15


Michael Feinberg, Lionel Galperin, Chris Gronau, Alex Jordan, Jim Halloran, Dave Olson, Ben Samuelson

Games Played

Michael, Alex, Jim, Dave and Ben played Defenders of the Realm.  Chalk up another loss for the defenders.

Lionel and Dave played Tide of Iron.  Dave’s US forces made a successful assault on the not-that-heavily defended target zone in the intro scenario.  Lionel’s German defenders were outnumbered by the assaulting US squads and fell quickly.  This scenario may not have been overly balanced.

Michael, Alex, Jim and Ben played Civilization.  It was a long game, and Michael’s Chinese empire was ultimately victorious.

Lionel, Chris and Dave played Pirates of the Spanish Main.  Chris sunk Lionel’s and Dave’s ships, earning the title of most fearsome pirate of the high seas!

Lionel, Chris and Dave played Lords of Waterdeep with the Scoundrels of Skullport expansion.  Chris came away with another win with 191 points, Dave had 146 and Lionel ended the game with 104.

Chris and Dave played Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends.  Chris picked up his third win of the day with a commanding win.

BEWC Meeting Recap 10/4/14

Attendees: Alex Jordan, Scott Harris, Alex Wright, Dave Landon, Chris Cregan, Matt Walker, Jay Olson, and Dave Olson.

1) First game was Love Letter had Alex Jordan won against Alex Wright, Dave Landon and Scott with only Alex W. managing to get a point.

2) In Betrayal at House on the Hill it turned out Alex W. was the traitor attempting to free a ghost and would have gotten away with it if it weren’t for those meddling adults!  Alex J. Chris Dave L., Scott and Matt teamed up to set the spirit free.

3) In  a game of Space Cadet Dice Duels two teams were formed; Black team with Jay, Scott, Dave O. and Matt against White team with Dave Landon, Alex Jordan, Alex Wright and Chris.  Both games were won by the white team.

4) Matt and Scott teamed up to battle the dark forces of the Olsons in Star Wars Epic Duels.  Matt and Scott won 3-0.

5)  Civilization was brought out and had Alex W. win against Dave L. Alex J and Chris.

BEWC Meeting Recap 4/5/14

Attendees: Ryan Frans, Dan Carey, Alex Jordan Michael Feinberg,Chris Cregan, Brandan James, Dave Olson Scott Harris, Elaine Wright, Alex Wright, Dave Landon, and Karen Landon.

Club Business: None.

1) Dan, Dave L Scott, and Brandan began with a light game of Kingdoms.  Dave won with a resounding 195 followed by Scott at 152, Dan at 125 and Brandan at 103managed to get off to a solid lead after the first turn.  Despite narrowing that gap every turn, Dave still managed to cling to 1st place by two points.  Final Scores: Dave 198, Chris 196, Dan 132 and Kevin 118.

2) Michael, Alex W and Karen played a quick game of Haggis.  Alex won with 85, Michael had 42.5 (+/- .5)  and Karen had 24.

3) Brandan then took on the role of games master in Mansions of Madness.  Dan, Scott, Karen and Dave L all investigated the house of Lynch and despite a few members going insane, managed to solve the mystery and prevent evil from victory.

4) In Rhinlander Dave L was about to complete his hat trick but was Duke blocked in the end and fell one short.  Brandan and Karen tied with 34, Dave with 33, Elaine with 22 and Dan with 16.

5) Ra allowed Dave L to get his third victory.  Final Scores were Dave 42, Brandan 38, Karen 37, Ryan 30 and Elaine at 25.

6)Metro.  Dave L and Karen tied with 49, Ryan had 39 Brandan at 34 and Elaine at 30.

7) While, the rest of the members ruled ancient Egypt, conquered the Rhineland, saved the world from Cthulianic evils and even built up modern days system of rail lines, Chris, Alex J, Alex W, Michael and Dave O, from rise to fall, ruled their Civilizations (with Fame and fortune expansion).  It was an incredibly close game in the end.  Michael had devoted himself into a culture creating machine, Alex W used the Greeks free tech ability to great effect and outshone most of the world with his scientific prowess, Dave O had built the grandest city of them all, three harbor, along with mines, and markets and rotating wonders, Chris had built a military juggernaut, with barracks in several cities and a large hand of unit cards, Alex W played it quiet sitting alone on an island.  Chris made the first grasp for victory, using steam power and a large amount of resources he teleported his 5/6 of his army to the gates of Dave’s city.  In response, Dave carpet bombed all of Chris’ Barracks and built up his own.  Dave defended as best he could, and held off three attacks but was getting weaker.  Alex W saved him with a well placed spy, locking Chris’ final armies in place.  The start of the next turn almost saw Alex J sneak in with the victory.  He had spent his entire game gathering coins, forsaking culture, tech and military.  He was a few coins shy however.  Dave offered him a tech sharing which would have brought him closer, potentially to victory, but Alex came in again to stop the trade.  Michael managed to be one space away from a cultural victory on his turn, and cursed a previous turns error which denied him that last space.  Alex himself was one tech shy of victory, with enough money to buy it in the end.  However, Chris managed to exhaust Dave’s military on his turn and took his capitol.

8) The night concluded with Bang.  Chris, Michael and Brandan were quickly defeated as the outlaws only managing to take Dave L the Deputy with them. Dave O was a well defended sheriff and watched as the obviously deputy Ryan fought it out with Karen the obvious Renegade.  In the end Karen defeated Ryan in a drawn out struggle, only to reveal that Ryan was the renegade all the time.  We fought the Law and the Law won.

BEWC Meeting Recap 8/3/13

Attendees: Mellissa Bassett, Bruce Clark, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Brandan James, Alex Jordan, Joe Kauffman, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, and Dave Olson

Games Played:

1) Bruce, Brandan, Alex and Dave L started off with Blokus, with Dave winning.

2) Brandan and Dave L settled in for War of the Ring, where Dave L achieved a military victory for the forces of Sauron.

3,4) Bruce, Michael, Jim, Alex, and Dave O played two quick games of Tsuro. Dave won the first, and Alex the second.

5) Bruce, Michael, Jim, Alex, Karen and Dave O moved on to Flash Point: Fire Rescue where we successfully got 7 victims out of the hotel with no fatalities.

6) Mellissa, Jim, and Joe played Rune Wars. Joe’s elves suborned a neutral dragon on the first turn and the threat of his forces kept Melissa penned in. Surviving severe clashes in the center of the map, Joe was victorious.

7) Bruce, Michael, Alex, and Dave O learned Sid Meier’s Civilization: The Board Game (the 2010 Fantasy Flight version, not the 2002 Eagle Games version). Despite the complexity and only Bruce having played before, we made relatively few rules errors. Alex’s Egyptians got out to an early lead with strong city development and moved well on the way towards both the technological and economic victory conditions. His neighbor Bruce’s Russians had been building up their military and moved in to try and slow him down. Dave’s Americans were also moving towards the tech victory condition and joined in on sniping at Alex. With Bruce and Alex concentrating on each other, Michael’s Romans continued their steady progress up the culture track and achieved a cultural victory, one turn before Alex would have made it to the economic victory.

8,9) Brandan, Dave L, and Karen played two rounds of Attika, with Dave winning both.

10) Brandan and Karen played two hands of Lost Cites and Karen ran away with both.

11) Dave L and Karen taught Brandan Galaxy Trucker, with Dave winning yet again.

12,13) Brandan, Dave L, and Karen played two games of Ticket to Ride. First was the Switzerland map where Brandan won, followed by India which Karen dominated.