Meeting Recap 07/20/24

Attendees: Matt Ackerman, Michael Eisenberg, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson, Matt Skelton, Tyler Saunders

Games Played:

Jim (USA) and Dave (USSR) played Twilight Struggle. The USA was victorious.

Michael E, Alex and Matt S played Firefly.

Matt A, Michael F, Scott and Tyler played Last Light. Tyler won.

Matt A, Michael F, Scott and Tyler played Alien Frontiers. Tyler won. Matt won.

Michael E, Jim, Alex, Dave and Matt S played Shadows over Camelot. Matt was the traitor and won the game by placing the 12th catapult.

Michael E, Michael F, Jim, Alex, Dave and Tyler played a couple of games of Bang! Outlaws won both games.

Meeting Recap 8/20/22


Steve Prchal, Crystal Claussen, Alex Jordan, Robb Blazey, Chad Willard, Drake Willard, Haley Willard, Dave Olsen, Michael Eisenberg

Games Played

8 player game of Shadows Over Camelot!  A close game but the traitors (Haley and Crystal) pulled off the victory as Camelot fell to destruction by catapults.  Chad, Drake, Haley, Dave, and Michael then played a 5 player game of Space Base, with Michael pulling a close victory.

Meeting Recap 3/19/22


Matt Ackerman, Michael Eisenberg, Chris Gronau, Jim Halloran, Dave Olson

Games Played:

Matt, Michael, Jim and Dave Played Space Base.  Matt won

Matt, Michael, Chris, Jim and Dave played Samurai Swords.  Chris took a chance at eliminating Michael from the game to win the game, but came up short and vulnerable to a counterattack.  Michael was able to eliminate Chris for the win.

Matt, Michael, Chris, Jim and Dave played Shadows Over Camelot.  it was not looking good for the loyal knights, and the traitor (Jim) close to victory, but the loyal knights were able to pull of a win.

Meeting Recap 2/15/20


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson, Wolfie Tuk, Chad Willard, and Drake Willard

Games Played

Chris, Michael, Jim, Alex, Dave, and Wolfie played Shadows over Camelot. It was a rough start with two black swords coming out in the first round and Jim being unmasked fairly early as the traitor. However the knights managed to recover both the grail and the Lancelot’s armor and were well on the way to completing their final quest when an ambush while traveling to assist in that quest increased the black swords by one, losing the game.

Chad and Drake played Netrunner, with Drake winning.

Chris, Michael, Jim, Alex, and Wolfie broke out Lords of Waterdeep, with the Scoundrels of Skullport expansion. It ended up being quite a close game, with Michael winning with 149 points, Chris just behind at 157, Alex at 146 and then Wolfie and Jim tied with 134.

They finished up with Space Base, where an early income card on 6 and a lot of kind rolls rolls let Alex run away with the game.

Meeting Recap 8/19/17

Shadow Hunters

played by Jim, Selwyn, Liam, Shay, Dave, Alex and Robert

Liam, Shay, Alex and Robert won

Space Alert 

played by Dave, Shay, Robert, Selwyn and Liam

Coop Loss

Terraforming Mars

played by Jim, Matt, Alex, Mark, and Ben

Alex won

Shadows over Camelot

played by Dave, Shay, Robert, Selwyn, Liam and Mike

Dave won


played by Mike, Mark and Dave

Dave won

Xia: Legends of a Drift System

played by Jim, Ben and Selwyn

Ben won 2 games


played by Mike, Dave and Mark

Mike won


BEBGC Meeting Recap 11/19/16


Matt Ackerman, Phil Davenport, Jim Halloran, Dave Olson, Ben Samuelson, Jeramee Scherer

Games Played

Jim, Dave and Jeramee played Hero Realms in the cooperative mode and were quickly defeated.

Jim, Dave and Jeramee played Hero Realms PVP. It was a close game, but Dave was able to hang on for the win.

Matt, Jim, Dave, Jeramee and Ben played Scythe. Jeramee got out to an early start and was able to play his sixth star first – ending the game – but in the end Ben pulled off the win with 52 points, followed by Matt with 50, Jeramee with 46, Dave with 39 and Jim with 35.

Phil, Jim, Dave, Ben and Jeramee played Ticket to Ride: Europe. Final scores: Dave had 119, Ben had 111, Phil had 106, Jim had 100 and Jeramee had 96.

Phil, Jim, Dave and Jeramee played Shadows over Camelot. The knights got out to a rocky start, with black swords outpacing white swords in the early game, but the knights were able to complete a few quests, getting a slight edge. That’s when Jim decided to accuse Dave of being a traitor. Dave proved his loyalty, but Jim’s accusation immediately threw suspicion on himself. On Dave’s next turn he accused Jim, who revealed himself to be the traitor. In the end the loyal knights were able to barely pull off the win, 7 white swords to 5 black.

Jim (Sheriff), Jeramee (Renegade), Phil (Outlaw), and Dave (Outlaw) played Bang! The Dice Game. The outlaws won taking out the sheriff.

Jim (Sheriff), Dave (Renegade), Phil (Outlaw), and Jeramee (Outlaw) played Bang! The Dice Game. Once again the outlaws were victorious.

Dave (Sheriff), Jim (Renegade), Phil (Outlaw), and Jeramee (Outlaw) played Bang! The Dice Game. Outlaws took another win!

Club Business


BEBGC Meeting Recap 10/15/16


Matt Ackerman, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Dave Olson, Ben Samuelson, Jeramee Scherer

Games Played

Michael, Jim, Dave and Ben played King of New York. Ben won the game with 20 victory points.

Michael, Jim, Dave, Ben and Jeramee played King of New York. Ben won the game by defeating all of the other monsters.

Matt, Michael, Dave and Ben played Dead of Winter. Matt, Michael and Dave were able to win and meet their secret objective. Ben also met his secret objective (one survivor having two wounds), but Matt healed his survivor taking away the win.

Jim (Empire) and Jeramee (Rebels) played Star Wars: Rebellion. The rebels were able to pull off the win.

Matt, Michael, Dave and Ben played Dragon & Flagon. It was a knock-down drag-out brawl, but Ben was able to emerge victorious.

Matt, Michael, Jim, Dave, Ben, Jeramee played Shadows over Camelot. The loyal knights were able to win, and there was no traitor.

Jeramee taught Michael  7 Wonders: Duel and Michael won through science.

Club Business


BEBGC Meeting Recap 12/05/15

Attendees: Matt Ackerman, Chris Cregan, Christian Falk, Michael Feinberg, Robbie Fulton, Frank Fulton, Jim Halloran, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Dave Olson, Ben Samuelson, Jeramee Scherer 

Games Played: Sheriff of Nottingham, Shadows Over Camelot, Mission Red Planet, Caverna, Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game, Spyfall, Game of Thrones: Westeros Intrigue, Airlines Europe, Love Letter, Pandemic: The Cure


Meeting Recap 09/05/15


Michael Feinberg, Lionel Galperin, Jim Halloran, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson, Tim Sanker

Games Played

Michael (Cheyenne), Jim (Ghost), Alex (Doc) and Dave (Django) played Colt Express.  It was a close but chaotic game throughout, but Django pulled out the win with $2000, followed by Doc with $1900, Ghost with $1300 and Cheyenne with $1000.

Michael (Doc), Jim (Cheyenne), Alex (Belle), Dave (Tuco) and Tim (Ghost) played Colt Express.  Another close one, and we actually played the movement rules correctly this time.  In the end Ghost came away with the win with $2200, followed by Doc with $2150, Belle with $2050, Cheyenne with $1500 and Tuco pulling up the rear with $1000.

Lionel (Empire) and Dave (Rebels) played Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game.  This was with the introductory quick start rules.  The rebel X-Wing was able to take out the 2 Imperial Tie fighters for the win.

Michael, Jim, Alex and Tim played Starfarers of Catan.  Michael came away with the win, with Alex close behind.

Lionel (Rebels) and Dave (Empire) played Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game.  This was played with the full rules and a 70 point build.  The rebels, with 2 X-Wing fighters led by Wedge Antilles, took on a swarm of 4 Imperial tie fighters.  Some early high accuracy shots by the Ties put the rebels at a distinct disadvantage, and in the end the numerical superiority of the ties was too much for the X-Wings to overcome.

Michael (Sir Palamedes), Lionel (Sir Galahad), Jim (Sir Pericival), Alex (Sir Bedivere), Dave (King Arthur), Tim (Sir Tristan) played Shadows Over Camelot. The knights (Bedivere and Galahad) successfully fought off the Picts and were able to complete the grail quest early (Arthur, Palamedes and Bedivere). Unfortunately, the Black Knight and the Saxons were able to successfully attack Camelot. The score was 4 white swords to 2 black. Soon after, the knights (Percival, Tristan) won the Excalibur quest making the score 6 white, 2 black.

At this time intrigue in the court saw Sir Percival accusing Sir Tristan of being a traitor. Sir Tristan proved that he was loyal, throwing suspicion on Sir Percival. Unfortunately, when the false accusation took place there was a card in play that caused 2 white swords to flip to black on the round table (4 White, 4 black). A couple of additional losses to the minor quests saw the score go to 4 white, 6 black. The Knights put a card in play allowing them to win ties, so they just needed 2 more white swords to win.  Percival revealed that he was a traitor forcing the knights to discard some cards. The Saxons were threatening another successful attack on Camelot, which would have guaranteed a loss for the loyal knights.  In the end Sir Palamedes was able to win the Lancelot’s armor quest (with a card in play giving an extra white sword), and the good guys pulled off a win with 6 white to 6 black swords.

Lionel (Rebels) and Dave (Empire) played Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game.  The rebels, with 2 X-Wing fighters piloted by Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles, took on a group of 3 Imperial Tie fighters.  This was a much tigher battle, but in the end the rebel scum were defeated to the glory of the empire!