Meeting Recap 3/19/22


Matt Ackerman, Michael Eisenberg, Chris Gronau, Jim Halloran, Dave Olson

Games Played:

Matt, Michael, Jim and Dave Played Space Base.  Matt won

Matt, Michael, Chris, Jim and Dave played Samurai Swords.  Chris took a chance at eliminating Michael from the game to win the game, but came up short and vulnerable to a counterattack.  Michael was able to eliminate Chris for the win.

Matt, Michael, Chris, Jim and Dave played Shadows Over Camelot.  it was not looking good for the loyal knights, and the traitor (Jim) close to victory, but the loyal knights were able to pull of a win.

BEBGC Meeting Recap 05/21/16


Matt Ackerman, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Robert Gohl, Ed McGran, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson, Jay Olson, Ben Samuelson, Jeramee Scherer

Games Played

Alex (Sheriff), Jeramee (Deputy), Jim (Renegade), Robert (Outlaw), Ben (Outlaw) and Michael (Outlaw) played Bang! The Dice Game. The outlaws won after an Indian attack killed the sheriff.

Michael (Imperials) and Ed (Rebels) played Star Wars: Rebellion, and the empire won.

Jeramee (Imperials) and Ben (Rebels) played Star Wars: Rebellion, and the empire won.

Overlord Jim went up against heroes Alex and Robert in Castle Panic, and the heroes won.

Dave and Jay played Star Realms, and Dave won.

Robert, Ben, Matt and Alex played Firefly: The Game and Matt won.

Jim, Dave, Jay and Jeramee played Samurai Swords and Dave won.

Robert, Michael and Alex played Firefly: The Game and Robert won.

Club Business


BEWC Meeting Recap 4/6/2013

Attendees: Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Chris Cregan, and Dave Olson

Games Played:

1) Dave showcased Lord of the Rings expansion Friends and Foes as the first game for Jim, Michael and Chris in order to determine if the club should buy it.  All four played as the well remembered hobbits from the movie, leaving Fatty back in the shire.  Jim played as Pipen and staying true to the series had troubles with corruption through most of the game.  Dave played as Merry and had great success with defeating monsters, a new feature introduced in the expansion.  Michael played as Frodo and used his charecters ability to overcome difficult checks.  Chris played Sam, and took control of the ring for most of the game due to his ability to reduce the corruption it caused.  The party fought through to Isengard but it was clear that they would not make it to Mt. Doom before Sauroun’s corruption killed the hobbits, so instead they choose not to skip Helm’s Deep and instead make it their final stand and hopefully finish off all the agents of Mordor.  They were doing well, with only a few more foes to vanquish when an event forced Pippen to gain corruption and be fully taken by evil and thus dead to the group.  Frodo offered to use an item to save him, but Sam and Merry talked him out of it, they need to protect the ring bearer at all cost, and in this case it was Pippen.  The three remaining Hobbits then promptly won the game the next turn calling up the last foes and dispatching them.

2) Jim then advocated a game of Samurai Swords to get some desired revenge on Jim, Chris and Michael.  Chris was dealt the majority of the south island cards and proceeded to use that as his base for the game.  Jim out in the center of the island, just a little north.  Michael rallied his forces on the southern side of the main island between Jim and Chris.  Dave split his forces along the eastern coast fortifying the  island just North of Chris.  The map was very much south heavy, with the northern lands lightly occupied.  The game started off predictably, Jim expanded a bit north, Chris and Dave solidified their islands and Michael solidified the coast.  An alliance was formed between Dave and Michael, which prevented Dave from fully taking the island that lasted until the end of the game.  Later Jim and Dave fought for control of the North, eventually Jim would push Dave out towards the coast.  Michael and Chris danced around each other on the main southern peninsula, but their major battles would happen on the outskirts islands.  Eventually everyone had lost one of their leaders, with Chris’ being the last to fall to Dave.  The battle had taken a large toll on Dave’s forces and soon a rush was on to take out his leaders and take control of his territory.  Michael was next and took out the daimyo responsible for the latest offense.  Michael then tried to make the final assault on Dave’s island fortress but was rebuffed shortly after making landfall, both armies weakened but still alive.  Jim arrived next from the north, following in Michael’s path, and crushed both armies.  Chris was too late to make an attack on Dave so instead rallied to take out Michael s last daimyo, bring both of his remaining daimyo’s into the fight and succedding.  After tallying up total territories, Chris won due to Michael’s land size greatly exceeding Dave’s.

3. Finally a game of Carcasonne was played.  Final scores Chris 173 Michael 104 Dave 158 and Jim 123.  Dave and Chris “cooperated” to create an immense city with a cathedral.

Club Business

It was determined the club would purchase the expansion of Friends and Foes for Lord of the Rings.

BEWC Meeting Recap 2/2/13

Attendees: Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Frank Fulton, Robbie Fulton and Chris Cregan

Games Played:
1) Michael, Jim and Chris started with a game of Guild Hall, a new game Michael brought. Michael was the only one who had played before, but in the end turn order was more important. Chris won the game with 23 points with Michael in 2nd with 19 with Jim closing out at 16. Despite the scores it was incredibly close, with both Michael and Jim one turn away from getting over 20 points and thus winning the game.

2) Jim, Michael, Robbie Frank and Chris played the club’s new copy of Lords of Waterdeep. Jim with the City Guard jumped out to an early lead, buying up the first three buildings. These buildings gained him consistent victory points nearly every turn and a larger bonus from his Lords special bonus for buildings at the end. This allowed him to just edge out Chris’ Silverstars, who focused on high yield Piety and Magic heavy quests, 117 to 116. Robbie and her Knights of the Shield aimed at a diverse strategy of buildings and quests ending with 102. Michael’s Harpers finished a few plot quests early but unfortunately, wasn’t really able to capitalize on both of their special rewards and ended with 95 just edging out Frank who was hobbled by intrigue cards early in the game.

3) The meeting finished off with a round of the club’s Samurai Swords, which was formerly known as Shogun and is currently known as Ikusa.  Jim was the only one familiar with the game, which played similar to Risk if it were in feudal Japan except you can only have three large armies, each lead by a shogun.  Cards of the provinces were dealt out randomly and starting units placed.  Michael had control of the southern group of islands, with Jim just off the coast of those islands towards the eastern side of the map.  Chris and Frank were both far to the north, and Robbie directly in the middle of the map.  The early turns mostly consisted of players solidifying their starting locations.  Jim and Michael traded a few islands back and forth but no major battles happened until turn 3.  Frank took first turn and attacked Chris’ main force and ended up being defeated losing his Shogun.  Jim shifted focus and took out two of Robbie’s less defended Shoguns.  The next turn, Robbie lost her last general when Chris attacked with all three of his shoguns.  Robbie was removed from the game and Chris took control of both armies.  Despite the new territories he was in second place, with Michael having been content to gobble up the southern half of the island uncontested.  There wasn’t enough time to finish the game.  In the end Michael had the largest territory.  However, during the last turn, Michael had lost two of his Shoguns to Jim, his armies having been stretched thin.  Frank was also down to his last Shogun who had taken refuge in this well defended fortress.