BEBGC Meeting Recap 01/07/17


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Amanda James, Brandan James, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Jeramee Scherer, and Alex Wright

Games Played

Dave, Karen, Jeramee, and Alex started with Ra, where Karen won commandingly and Jeramee came in second.

Chris and Michael played 7 Wonders: Duel with Chris rolling over Michael to a military victory.

Chris, Michael, Dave, Jeramee, and Alex tried to “Escape from Innsmouth” in Mansions of Madness Second Edition. Initially things went well for the group and they found a way out of the town and solved most of the mystery, but the situation soon spiraled out of control. Much back tracking was required to find the final piece of evidence and to then make their escape and meanwhile the horrors of the situation were sinking in. By the end, all of the investigators had gone insane and their disparate goals kept anyone from making it to the boat out in time, causing everyone to lose.

Chris, Michael, Brandan Dave, Jeramee, and Alex played three rounds of One Night Ultimate Werewolf Daybreak. In all three the villagers were able to successfully find one of the wolves and win.

Chris, Michael, Jeramee, and Alex played a close round of Dominion. Chris’s shanty town + smithy combo won him the game with 31 points, but Alex was just behind with 30, then Michael with 29.

Amanda, Brandan, Dave, and Karen played Castles of Mad King Ludwig where Amanda won.

Chris and Jeramee played Blood Rage with Chris being victorious.

BEBGC Meeting Recap 05/07/16


Eray Aksit, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, Brandan James, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Dave Olson, Jay Olson, Ben Samuelson, Byron Varin, Nicholas Varin, Alex Wright

Games Played

Eray, Dave L., Alex, Byron and Nicholas played Ra. Eray won with 42 points, followed by Dave with 40 and Alex with 39.

Michael, Ben, Karen, Scott and Chris played The Grizzled and won!

Red Team Jim, Chris, Byron, Karen and Scott went up against Blue team Alex, Michael, Nicholas, Dave O. and Brandan in three rounds of Codenames. The red team won two of the three games. Or maybe it was the other way around.

Jay (USA), Ben (East), Eray (South), and Dave L. (West) played Fortress America. It was a hard fought battle, but in the end the USA fell and the Eastern invaders (Ben) were the ultimate victors.

Michael, Byron, Nicholas and Brandan played Ticket to Ride with the UK map. Final scores: Michael – 85, Byron – 73, Nicholas – 68, Brandan – 60.

Jim, Chris, Scott and Dave O. played Andromeda. Final scores: Jim – 56, Chris – 54, Scott – 38, Dave O. – 26.

Jim, Nicholas and Dave O. played Smash-up. Final Scores: Dave O. – 14, Jim – 12, Nicholas – 10.

Michael and Chris played 2 games of Star Realms, winning one each.

Karen, Brandan and Byron played Sheriff of Nottingham, and Karen was the winner.

Brandan, Jay, Chris and Dave O. played XCOM: The Boardgame. They were able to band together and repel the alien invasion.

Karen, Michael, Dave L. and Eray played Castles of Mad King Ludwig. Final scores: Karen – 122, Michael – 102, Dave L. – 92, Eray – 81.

Club Business


BEWC Meeting Recap 11/1/14

Attendees: Jim Halloran, Brandon James,Alex Wright, Dave Landon, Chris Cregan, Dave and Jay Olson, Ken McCarther and Micheal Feinberg.

1) The first game of the day was Mr. Jack. Jim ended up evading the authorities (Dave L and Scott) but was tracked the entire time by Alex the worlds only unemployed detective.

2) Meanwhile Chris played against Brandon in Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation.  Both won once as the forces of Sauron.

3) Alex, Dave L, Jim and Scott played Caylus.  Alex won.

4) Two games of Mansion of Madness  was played by Chris, Brandon, Dave O, Jay and Ken.  Chris was keeper the first game titled “Green Eyed Boy”, the party entered the mansion which was mostly empty.  They moved through the room getting the first few clues with ease.  Jay was the holder of the key items and was given a secret card by the keeper.  The party was wondering if maybe he was turned into a traitor but continued to trust him.  Dave was left behind after being attacked by a flock of witches and getting a broken leg.  Another card given to Dave which made him hesitant for his character to take his life.  Ken ran off ahead but after entering a darkened room constantly under attack by Witches.  Jay managed to catch up and continue finding clues while Brandon getting a secret card of his own moved into random rooms.  Dave managed to hobble to the starting room and the party converged to heal him up but found they lost control of their actions.  The turn ended up with Dave dead after Ken was forced to throw his lantern at him.   This was the victory condition for the keeper, Brandon’s secret card made him the traitor, thus Chris and Brandon won.

The 2nd game Brandon was keeper as he had played through the scenario before in “Blood Ties”.  The investigators managed to gather all the clues but the final puzzle piece was in a pit filled with zombies.  The party ventured in but was defeated, having been vastly weakened by very aggressive Keeper throughout the game.

5) Dave L Alex and Jim played a game of Ra.  Dave managed to win by like a lot.


BEWC Meeting Recap 4/5/14

Attendees: Ryan Frans, Dan Carey, Alex Jordan Michael Feinberg,Chris Cregan, Brandan James, Dave Olson Scott Harris, Elaine Wright, Alex Wright, Dave Landon, and Karen Landon.

Club Business: None.

1) Dan, Dave L Scott, and Brandan began with a light game of Kingdoms.  Dave won with a resounding 195 followed by Scott at 152, Dan at 125 and Brandan at 103managed to get off to a solid lead after the first turn.  Despite narrowing that gap every turn, Dave still managed to cling to 1st place by two points.  Final Scores: Dave 198, Chris 196, Dan 132 and Kevin 118.

2) Michael, Alex W and Karen played a quick game of Haggis.  Alex won with 85, Michael had 42.5 (+/- .5)  and Karen had 24.

3) Brandan then took on the role of games master in Mansions of Madness.  Dan, Scott, Karen and Dave L all investigated the house of Lynch and despite a few members going insane, managed to solve the mystery and prevent evil from victory.

4) In Rhinlander Dave L was about to complete his hat trick but was Duke blocked in the end and fell one short.  Brandan and Karen tied with 34, Dave with 33, Elaine with 22 and Dan with 16.

5) Ra allowed Dave L to get his third victory.  Final Scores were Dave 42, Brandan 38, Karen 37, Ryan 30 and Elaine at 25.

6)Metro.  Dave L and Karen tied with 49, Ryan had 39 Brandan at 34 and Elaine at 30.

7) While, the rest of the members ruled ancient Egypt, conquered the Rhineland, saved the world from Cthulianic evils and even built up modern days system of rail lines, Chris, Alex J, Alex W, Michael and Dave O, from rise to fall, ruled their Civilizations (with Fame and fortune expansion).  It was an incredibly close game in the end.  Michael had devoted himself into a culture creating machine, Alex W used the Greeks free tech ability to great effect and outshone most of the world with his scientific prowess, Dave O had built the grandest city of them all, three harbor, along with mines, and markets and rotating wonders, Chris had built a military juggernaut, with barracks in several cities and a large hand of unit cards, Alex W played it quiet sitting alone on an island.  Chris made the first grasp for victory, using steam power and a large amount of resources he teleported his 5/6 of his army to the gates of Dave’s city.  In response, Dave carpet bombed all of Chris’ Barracks and built up his own.  Dave defended as best he could, and held off three attacks but was getting weaker.  Alex W saved him with a well placed spy, locking Chris’ final armies in place.  The start of the next turn almost saw Alex J sneak in with the victory.  He had spent his entire game gathering coins, forsaking culture, tech and military.  He was a few coins shy however.  Dave offered him a tech sharing which would have brought him closer, potentially to victory, but Alex came in again to stop the trade.  Michael managed to be one space away from a cultural victory on his turn, and cursed a previous turns error which denied him that last space.  Alex himself was one tech shy of victory, with enough money to buy it in the end.  However, Chris managed to exhaust Dave’s military on his turn and took his capitol.

8) The night concluded with Bang.  Chris, Michael and Brandan were quickly defeated as the outlaws only managing to take Dave L the Deputy with them. Dave O was a well defended sheriff and watched as the obviously deputy Ryan fought it out with Karen the obvious Renegade.  In the end Karen defeated Ryan in a drawn out struggle, only to reveal that Ryan was the renegade all the time.  We fought the Law and the Law won.

BEWC Meeting Recap 12/21/13

Attendees: Dan Carey, Michael Feinberg, Rhonda Frans, Ryan Frans, Jim Halloran, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Victor Liu, Dave Olson, Beth Voss, Eric, and Alex Wright

Club Business: Dave Olson, Dan Carey, and Jim Halloran were appointed to the nominating committee for 2014 officers.

Games Played:
1) Dan, Michael, Karen, Dave L, Victor and Alex played Lords of Waterdeep with the Scoundrels of Skullport expansion. At the end of the game, Michael was slightly ahead in points, but Alex’s lord gave him 5 additional points for every 10 point quest he had completed, putting him over the top of Michael 120 points to 114.

2) Jim and Dave O settled down to Twilight Struggle where Jim’s USSR was forced to launch his nukes first, making Dave’s Americans the “winner” of the global thermonuclear war.

3) Jim, Dave O, Beth, and Eric moved on to City of Remnants with Eric just beating Beth by two points.

4) Dan, Michael, Dave L, Victor and Alex filled a couple of minutes with Trans Europa which Victor managed to end victoriously in the first round.

5) Dan, Michael, Rhonda, Ryan, Karen, Dave L, Victor and Alex played Robo Rally. Dave ran away with the game, getting to the 3rd glad while only Michael and Ryan had managed to reach even the first flag.

6) Dan, Michael, Rhonda, and Karen moved on to Puerto Rico, which Michael one, with Karen edging out Rhonda for second place by the tie breaker of having more money remaining.

7) Ryan, Dave L, Victor, and Alex played EVE: Conquests, where after a few too many mistakes and too much time, they decided to call and learning game and write off as a draw.

8,9) Dave O, Beth, and Eric played two rounds of Escape: The Curse of the Temple. From what we could hear over the soundtrack, they won one and lost one.

10) Michael, Rhonda, Karen, Dave O, and Beth played Ra, with Michael winning with 48 points and Dave in second with 36.

11) Michael, Karen, Dave L, and Alex finished up with Guild Hall. It was a close game that Dave might have one if Alex hadn’t stolen the cards he needed, and then Alex one on the next turn, just before Michael would have if the turn order had reached him.

BEWC Meeting Recap 4/28/12

Attendees: Dan Carey, Greg Chandra, Chris Cregan, Linda Galperin, Lionel Galperin, Jim Halloran, Michael Kelly, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, and Alex Wright

Club Business: None.

Games Played:
1) Dan and Dave played Conflict of Heroes: Storms of Steel! Kursk 1943, the “Get the Satchel” scenario. Dave won when his panzer grenadiers overpowered Dan’s Soviet infantry, got the satchel with the battle plans and took them off the map.

2) Dan, Dave, Lionel, Linda, and Karen played Vegas Showdown. Linda built the best Vegas hotel and won.

3) Michael, Greg, Jim, and Chris played Power Grid: Factory Manager, a new game of Michael’s by the makers of Power Grid. Chris won.

4) Dan and Dave played another Conflict of Heroes Kursk scenario, “Wounded Tiger.” Dan’s Soviet T-34’s charged Dave’s immobilized Tiger and knocked it out then proceeded to destroy the rest of Dave’s tanks.

5) Jim, Chris, Karen, Greg, Michael, and Alex played Bohnanza where Greg won.

6) Karen, Michael, Greg, Chris and Alex finished up a game of Ra, with Chris just edging out Alex for the victory.

BEWC Meeting Recap 2/4/12

Attendees: John Boyle, Dan Carey, Michael Feinberg, Ryan Frans, Brandon James, Joe Kauffman, Michael Kelly, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Dave Olson, Jay Olson, Alex Wright, and Elaine Wright

Club Business: None.

Games Played
1) John, Dan, Michael F, Joe, Michael K, and Dave L played Battlestar Galactica with the Exodus expansion – using the new characters and cards, the cylon fleet board, and the final five loyalty cards. Even though it turned out there was no cylon in play at the beginning of the game, the system really beat up on the humans, but spread the damage out so that none of the dials were in the red at the halfway point, causing Michael K’s Boomer’s to side with the cylons when he received the sympathizer card. After the cylon fleet wreaked havoc on the civilian fleet and Dave’s Baltar revealed himself as a cylon things were looking quite grim for the humans. Suspicions were also also high, as there should have been one more cylon player, but almost miraculously the humans were able to hold on for the final jump to Kobol. The human victory was dependent on a really luck break though – with the exodus expansion the loyalty deck includes one extra card to account for possible executions and against the odds, it was the last cylon card that was not dealt out.

2) Brandon and Karen played three rounds of Wings of War: Dawn of War, with Brandon winning two and Karen one.

3) Dave O, Joe, Alex, and Elaine played Small World where Alex won with a commanding 107 points due to his pillaging gypsies.

4) Michael F, Michael K, and Elaine played Agricola, allowing Elaine to break her Agricola loosing streak when she beat Michael F by 1 point.

5) Joe, Dave L, Karen, and Alex played Ra with Dave winning.

6) Dan, Brandon, Dave O, and Jay broke in the club’s new copy of Ascending Empires, with Dan being the inaugural victor.

7) Lack of table space exiled Dave O and Alex to the kitchen for a head-to-head match up in Hannibal, where reportedly Dave’s Carthaginians marched all over Alex’s Romans.

8) Michael F, Ryan, Brandon, Joe, Michael K played a second round of Battlestar Galactica with the Exodus expansion, this time also adding in the personal goal loyalty cards. This games started almost the exact opposite from the first, with the humans having the easiest time any of us had seen, with resource dials actually going up instead of down. Things started to change after Ryan fulfilled his personal goal and had to draw a new loyalty card, which was a cylon. After some subtle working against the humans, he revealed himself, sending Michael F’s Starbuck to the brig, where he ended up stuck for the rest of the game. While it was unlikely any of the resource dials were going to be depleted, Galactica was accumulating damage and things were looking unexpectedly tight for the humans. Mike K then unexpectedly used Helo’s moral compass ability to force a bad choice on a crisis card, making it clear he was a cylon just before he revealed himself. With two cylons each using the basestar bridge to do two points of damage to galactica, plus potentially moving the jump track back, it didn’t seem like there was much change left for the humans who only had two players not in the brig. Some lucky rolls however allowed Brandon’s Adama to nuke most of the cylon fleet into oblivion and a well timed draw of a repair card allowed FTL control to be repaired, letting Joe’s boomer jump the fleet to Kobol just before the next cylon turn which would have destroyed Galactica.

9) Karen and Dave finished the day off with a game of Metro.

BEWC Meeting Recap 11/5/11

Attendees: Dan Carey, Tom Dunford, Michael Feinberg, Ryan Frans, Joe Kauffman, Michael Kelly, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Jesse Lute, Jason Molstad, Lane Taylor, Alex Wright, Elaine Wright

Club Business: None

Games Played:

1) Dan, Michael, Dave, and Jason started off with a game of Pandemic, but were fairly quickly overtaken by outbreaks and lost when we ran out of black disease cubes

2) Tom, Dave, and Ryan then spent most of the rest of the day playing Space Empires 4X. Ryan spent his efforts beating Tom back most of the way to oblivion, allowing Dave to sweep in for the victory.

3) Dan, Michael F, Jason, and Lane played Merchants & Marauders. It was the first time playing for everyone, but Michael had gone through the rules and we picked it up pretty quickly. Dan got off to an early lead striking it rich as a merchant, while Michael has some early success as a pirate picking off NPC merchant ships. Michael thought he had achieved victory when in two turns he picked up 4 (of the 10 necessary) glory points through completing a mission, selling 3 good in demand, proving a rumor true, and sinking a French naval frigate, and he needed only to get back to his home port and stash his gold to win. Just after he made it to port, but before his next turn when he could stash his booty, Dan cashed in his own earnings and won the game.

4,5) Joe and Michael K teemed up to play Attika, which Joe won, then played Axis & Allies: D-Day, where Joe upturned history, successfully defending as the Germans.

6,7) Karen, Alex, and Elaine played a round of 7 Wonders and then were joined by Jesse for a second round with the leaders expansion. Alex won both games, with impressive scores of 67 and 72.

8) Michael F, Karen, Jesse, and Alex played Ra, where Alex just edged out Karen, 47 to 46.

9) Michael F, Joe, Jason, and Alex Galaxy Trucker. Joe always seemed to take the longest to assemble his ships, which is usually a significant handicap, but this time perfection paid off and let him haul home big cargo loads in the second and third rounds and win the game.

10, 11) Michael K, Jesse, and Elaine played two games of Dominion Seaside with Elaine winning both.

12) Joe, Karen, and Jason played Metro with Karen wining.

13) Dave, Karen, and Elaine played Guillotine, where Dave was victorious.

14, 15) Joe, Michael K, Jesse, and Jason played two games of Ca$h ‘n Gun$ (the second with the advanced rules) where Jason won the first and Joe the second.

16) Michael F and Alex finished up with a game of Twilight Struggle. It was Michael’s first game and he was completely unable to overcome the experience disadvantage, with Alex’s US achieving complete domination over the Soviets by the 5th turn.

BEWC Meeting Recap 4/2/11

Attendees: Josh Batolein, Serai Batolein, Jeff Bowen and family, John Boyle, Michael Feinberg, Ryan Frans, Lionel Galperin, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Dave Olson, Jay Olson

Club Business: None

Games Played:

1) John, Lionel, Michael, Dave L, and Karen played Ra. Lionel and Michael tied for victory points, but Michael had the tie-breaking highest value sun tiles.

2) Dave O and Jay played Carcassone: The Castle, where Dave crushed Jay, but apparently some creative application of the rules was involved.

3) Ryan, John, Jay, and Michael played High Frontiers. The game wasn’t finished due to time, but at the end Ryan was ahead on victory points and John was decently positioned to have a chance of overtaking him. Michael was way behind due to a number of catastrophic encounters with the radiation belts, which destroyed his entire rocket and crew on their way back from Deimos and crippled several attempts to get back there.

4) Dave L and Dave O played an epic game of Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage, with Dave L’s Carthaginians victorious.

5) Karen and Lionel played Blokus.

6, 7) Jeff and family played Fortress America and Pandemic: On the Brink

8, 9) Jay, Josh B, and Michael played two rounds of Thurn and Taxis, where Michael won both games while Jay instead focused on creating the longest possible route, achieving 18 carriages [there are only 22 spaces on the board].

10) Jay, Josh B, and Michael played Citadels which Michael won.

11, 12) Dave O, Jay, Karen, and Serai played two round of Dominion, first Alchemy and then Seaside, with Dave winning both.

13) Dave L, Josh B, and Michael played a close game of Rheinländer that Dave won.

14) Dave L, Josh B, and Michael played Kingdoms, where it looked like Josh was winning, but a brutal third epoch knocked him back to third and Dave took the lead.