Meeting Recap 1/21/17


Jim Halloran, Michael Feinberg, Dave Olsen, Robert Gohl, Alex Jordon, Chad Willard, Haley Willad, Drake Willard, Chis Cregan, Matt Ackerman

Club Business

Elections results for 2017 Officers

President                              Michael Feinberg

Vice President                     Jeremy Scherer

Treasurer                              Dave Olsen

Secretary                               Jim Halloran

Club plans to hold an additional meeting on the 5th Saturday for those months with 5 Saturdays.  Matt has volunteered to host the 5th Sat meetings.

Board Games to be purchased:

Caste Panic: Wizard Tower

Star Trek Ascendecy

Games Played

Five Tribes: Played by Jim, Rob, Michael and Dave.  Michael won

Monsters Menace America: Played by Jim, Dave, Rob and Drake.  Jim won

Firefly: Played by Alex, Matt and Michael.  Matt won

Star Wars Rebellion-Played by Chad and Haley.  Unknown victor, game still in progress

Spectre Ops: Played by Drake, Rob, Chris, Dave and Jim.  Cooperative Victory for Dave, Chris and Jim

7 Wonders Duel: Played by Alex and Michael     One victory each.

Quarriors: Played by Chris, Drake and Michael.  Michael won

Defenders of the Realm: Played by Jim, Dave and Drake, and Jim and Dave.  2 Cooperative losses.

BEWC Meeting Recap 3/15/14

Attendees: David Olson, Jim Halloran, Victor Liu, Chad Willard, and Chris Cregan

1) Dave and Victor started off with a quick game of Pandemic.  Despite a last minute surge in outbreaks they managed to find a cure for all disease and won the game.

2) Next up Chris Dave Victor and Jim played a game of Exodus.Victor and Jim shared the north but after a couple of risky early game gambles against the centuri Victor’s  fleet was gone and Jim ruled unopposed.  Dave and Chris took a more cautious approach.  Both managed to take out the majority of the centuri in both the south and eventually the center, while carefully avoiding each other.  Jim put his early game advantage into tech, both political and military.  Instead of Ship upgrades, however, he quickly got the planet buster misses and turned his home planet into a massive missile silo.  He only missed the first turn with but a single missile, after that, either a portion of Chris or Dave’s fleet would cease to be.  The end game saw the remnants of Dave’s fleet (the majority of it having just been atomized) Victor’s new though well equipped fleet and Jim’s armada meet in the center, while Chris spread his fleet over the galaxy unopposed, taking several planets from Jim.  The fight was brutal, Dave’s fleet while numerous was poorly shielded and was nearly destroyed in the opening rounds.  However, Victors poor luck followed with him into this battle too and in the end Dave won the center.   Chris got first place with 60 due to combination of Centuri and galaxy control.  Dave ended with 45 with a massive amount of battle points from both NPC and the last round dog pile.  Victor ended with 11 just edging out Jim at 9, mostly due to a couple last minute planet captures.

3) A five player game of Pandemic was set up next.  Throughout the game they beat back all diseases and steadily got cures until the last one.  Unable to get one person enough cards the deck ran out and the players lost.

4) Chad brought out Quarriors which Chris Dave and Jim joined in on.   Chad handily showed everyone the proper way to play the game and wound with 16 points.  Dave quickly picked it up though and managed to turn around 7 points fairly early.  Jim played an aggressive strategy that over the course of the game got him 5 points.  And Chris was happy enough to end with a positive 1 point.