BEBGC Meeting Recap 02/06/16


Sam Chew, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, David Landon, Karen Landon, Alex Jordan, Ben Samuelson, Jeramee Scherer, Byron Varin, Theresa Varin, Alex Wright, Elaine Wright, Phillip, Nicholaus, and Marney.

Games Played

Jim, Scott, David, Byron and Phillip started with Small World where Jim was victorious.

They then moved on to Bang! where Scott and Phillips shared a law victory.

Michael, Ben, and Alex W taught Alex J Caverna and Alex W finally broke Michael’s winning streak with an animal and ore storage heavy strategy, finishing with a commanding 106 points over Michael’s 89.

Jim, Scott, Phillip, and Marney played four games of Tsuro in various combinations, with Scott winning the first three and Jim coming back to win a final one on challenge against him.

Karen, Theresa, Elaine, and Nicholaus played a close game of Guillotine with Elaine and Theresa tying with 25 points and Karen one behind at 24.

Sam, Jeramee, Theresa, Elaine, and Nicholaus played Puerto Rico which was also extremely close – Jeramee, Elaine, and Theresa all tied with 36 points plus Sam with 35. Jeramee was victorious in the tie breaker of most goods and doubloons.

Jim and Ben faced off in Twilight Struggle, where Ben rewrote history with a Russian cold war victory.

Scott, Jeramee, Theresa, and Phillip played Rampage with yet another close game when Jeramee edged Scott out 51 to 50.

Sam, Michael, Alex J, Karen, and Byron played 7 Wonders with the Leaders expansion. Michael’s heavy investment in science gave him the win with 79 points, with Alex in second with 71.

The group came back together for a round of the Resistance where David, Theresa, and Nick were victorious as the spies over the loyal Michael, Karen, Jeramee, Byron, and Phillip.

Michael, David, Karen, and Jeramee finished up with the Castles of Mad King Ludwig. Michael won with 98 points, with Jeramee in second with 93, while Karen who had been trailing most of the game made an impressive sweep of the end game favors and almost caught up with 91. 

BEWC Meeting Recap 3/7/15


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Ken MacArthur, Dave Olson, Alex Wright

Games Played

Michael, Alex, Karen, Dave O. and Ken played Sherriff of Nottingham.  Final scores: Michael 138, Alex 173, Karen 192 Winner!, Dave O. 92, Ken 173

Dave L, Chris and Jim played Castles of Mad King Ludwig.  Final scores: David 126 Winner, Chris 101, Jim 67

Chris, Dave L. and Jim played Sherriff of Nottingham.  Final scores: Chris 141 Winner, David 139, Jim 135

Chris, Dave L. and Jim played Sherriff of Nottingham.  Final scores: Chris 117 Winner, David 95, Jim 79

Alex and Jim played Twilight Struggle.  Jim won as the Soviets

Alex and Jim played Twilight Struggle.  Alex tricked Jim into blowing up the world for the win

 Ken, Karen, Dave O, Alex and Michael played Puerto Rico.  Final scores: Ken 39 Winner, Karen 31, Dave O. 30, Alex 29, Michael 28

BEWC Meeting Recap 12/21/13

Attendees: Dan Carey, Michael Feinberg, Rhonda Frans, Ryan Frans, Jim Halloran, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Victor Liu, Dave Olson, Beth Voss, Eric, and Alex Wright

Club Business: Dave Olson, Dan Carey, and Jim Halloran were appointed to the nominating committee for 2014 officers.

Games Played:
1) Dan, Michael, Karen, Dave L, Victor and Alex played Lords of Waterdeep with the Scoundrels of Skullport expansion. At the end of the game, Michael was slightly ahead in points, but Alex’s lord gave him 5 additional points for every 10 point quest he had completed, putting him over the top of Michael 120 points to 114.

2) Jim and Dave O settled down to Twilight Struggle where Jim’s USSR was forced to launch his nukes first, making Dave’s Americans the “winner” of the global thermonuclear war.

3) Jim, Dave O, Beth, and Eric moved on to City of Remnants with Eric just beating Beth by two points.

4) Dan, Michael, Dave L, Victor and Alex filled a couple of minutes with Trans Europa which Victor managed to end victoriously in the first round.

5) Dan, Michael, Rhonda, Ryan, Karen, Dave L, Victor and Alex played Robo Rally. Dave ran away with the game, getting to the 3rd glad while only Michael and Ryan had managed to reach even the first flag.

6) Dan, Michael, Rhonda, and Karen moved on to Puerto Rico, which Michael one, with Karen edging out Rhonda for second place by the tie breaker of having more money remaining.

7) Ryan, Dave L, Victor, and Alex played EVE: Conquests, where after a few too many mistakes and too much time, they decided to call and learning game and write off as a draw.

8,9) Dave O, Beth, and Eric played two rounds of Escape: The Curse of the Temple. From what we could hear over the soundtrack, they won one and lost one.

10) Michael, Rhonda, Karen, Dave O, and Beth played Ra, with Michael winning with 48 points and Dave in second with 36.

11) Michael, Karen, Dave L, and Alex finished up with Guild Hall. It was a close game that Dave might have one if Alex hadn’t stolen the cards he needed, and then Alex one on the next turn, just before Michael would have if the turn order had reached him.

BEWC Meeting Recap 1/19/13

Attendees: Shane Andrews, John Boyle, Ben Blankley, Greg Chandra, Michael Feinberg, Ryan Frans, Jim Halloran, Richard Heller, Paul Hsu, Michael Kelly, Melissa Laface, and Lane Taylor

Club Business: 2013 officers were elected and we voted to purchase Lords of Waterdeep and The New Science.

Games Played:
1) Shane, John, Michael F, and Paul started with a game of Puerto Rico. Michael was the only one who had played before, giving him a significant advantage, but everyone else seemed to pick up the mechanics and some strategy fairly quickly. Michael turned an early coffee monopoly combined with both the large and small markets into a money making machine, allowing him to build three of the 4 point large buildings. Michael won with 44 points, largely from buildings, but Shane wasn’t far behind with 38 points from an impressive shipping operation.

2) Jim, Michael K, and Lane considered playing Flat Top, but after being looking at the time commitment and complexity decided to switch to Shogun. They only played one year, which was characterized by the peasants being much stronger than expected and an extremely close result – Michael 22, Lane 21, and Jim 20.

3) Melissa taught Shane and Paul Ora et Labora where she won with a comfortable lead.

4) John, Michael F, Ryan, and Richard played a close fought game of Eclipse. The game had very little early combat, with Richard as the Planta and John as the Descendants of Draco both significantly expanding and leaving Ryan’s Mechanema and particularly Michael’s Hydran Progress mostly isolated. Ryan was able to take over the galactic center and start an arms race with Richard (as well as breaking his treaty with John and conquering one of his systems), but Michael was left to concentrate on technology and hope that point-scoring monoliths would become available. They finally did on the last turn, but Michael built them one action too early, committing all of his production, which had been serving as a check against Ryan’s aggression since it could have rapidly been turned into a fleet of technologically advanced ships. Once that threat was gone, Ryan turned his fleet against Michael instead of Richard and conquered all but one of his systems, knocking Michael down to only 19 points at the end of the game. The game ended with a bang, when Richard sent in a pair of cruisers each armed with 3 plasma missiles against a large fleet of Ryan’s and lucky rolling caused him to hit on 10 of his 12 dice – one more than the nine needed to wipe him out. Unfortunately Richard didn’t have neutron bombs, so couldn’t conquer the system and transfer its points from Ryan to him. That left Ryan winning the game with 42 points to Richard’s 38.

5) Jim and Michael K spent the afternoon with Twilight Struggle, where Michael’s communists prevailed in the 10th round.

6) Ben and Greg taught themselves the Rivals for Catan card game. Once they figured out what they were doing, they enjoyed themselves with Ben winning.

7) Ben, Greg, Michael F, Richard, and Melissa finished up with 7 Wonders with both the Leaders and Cities expansions. Richard amassed an impressive 55 points in science, but his 65 total points weren’t enough to catch up with Melissa, who took good advantage of the expansions to earn 26 points from white and black cards. Combined with a generally diversified strategy otherwise, she net 68 points for the win. Michael edged out Richard for second place, also with 65 points, mostly from guilds and blue cards and with more leftover money for the tiebreaker.

BEWC Meeting Recap 5/5/12

Attendees: Greg Chandra, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, and Michael Kelly

Club Business: None.

Games Played:
1) Michael F, Jim, and Michael K started with 7 Wonders with the Leaders expansion. Michael F’s first leader was Tomyris, which deflects the -1 points from military losses to his opponents, which allowed him to ignore the military and concentrate on science. Combined with a few high value blue cards this led him to a comfortable victory with 66 points.

2) Chris, Michael F, Jim, and Michael K played Jim’s classic copy of Cosmic Encounter. Michael F got out to an early lead in colonies, using his torture ability to broker some good deals, but Chris soon caught up and an allied victory for their fifth colonies gave them a shared victory.

3) Greg, Chris, Michael F, Jim, and Michael K played Puerto Rico. Chris had the most experience with the game and seemed to be leading, but Michael F was racking up a lot of points near the end shipping sugar and corn, while Michael K had both small and large markets so was making great profits at the trading house and plowing them back into guilds. The VP from his buildings allowed Michael K to edge out Michael F, 42 to 40.

4) After lunch, Greg, Chris, Michael F, and Michael K played Innovation. Chris quickly acquired a strong tableau, a special achievement, and a lot of score, but it was his first time playing and a misunderstanding of the rules causes him to miss picking up some regular achievements that were then taken by Michael K and Michael F. This kept Chris from having an early win and settled the game down to a fairly even match. Both Greg and Michael F racked up high scores and looked to be able to snag some of the last achievements, but Michael K dogma’d fission and everyone was nuked back to the stone age with only three cards below age 8 left in the game. Michael F drew and melded the age 1 card ‘Oars’ which gave him a scoring opportunity and when the game ended three rounds later with all of the age 10 cards drawn, the score from oars gave him the victory.

5) Greg, Chris, Michael F, and Michael K finished up with a quick game of Munchkin. Some lucky monster encounters and treasurer draws had Michael F quickly gain levels and while he was beat back down a little, some helpful allies and generosity with the treasurer quickly got him to level nine. To gain the 10th (winning) level in Munchkin, you need to win a combat, with one exception – the divine intervention card causes all clerics to gain a level and that level can be the winning one. Michael was a cleric and on his next turn, kicking down the door revealed the divine intervention card. In addition to winning, the text on the card gave him permission to mock the other players mercilessly.