BEBGC Meeting Recap 07/02/16


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Brandan James, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Dave Olson, Kerri Olson, Ben Samuelson, Alex Wright

Games Played

Ben, Karen, Jim and Michael played Primordial Soup. Ben won with 47 points, followed by Karen with 41, Jim with 31 and Michael with 29.

Dave o. and Chris played Jarl: The Vikings Tile-Laying Game. It was a hard fought match, but Dave pulled off the win capturing Chris’ Jarl.

Dave L. (USSR) and Alex (USA) played Twilight Struggle. USSR went out to an early lead, but USA was able to bounce back and win the cold war.

Michael, Ben and Karen played Five Tribes. Michael won with 186 points, followed by Ben with 165 and Karen with 153.

Chris (Agent) went up against Jim, Kerri and Dave O. in Specter Ops. Chris was spotted several times sneaking around, and the hunters had him down to one HP, but Kerri was unveiled as a traitor in cahoots with the agent, and was able to distract the hunters and aid the agent back to safety for the win.

Jim, Brandan, Dave O., Kerri, Dave L., Chris, Michael and Ben played The Resistance: Avalon. Jim, Brandan and Dave O. were successful as the agents of evil and were able to sabotage three missions.

Jim, Brandan, Dave O., Kerri, Dave L., Chris, Michael and Ben played The Resistance: Avalon. This time the knights were successful in completing three of their missions, but Chris, Brandan and Dave O. were able to steal the win as the agents of evil when assassin Dave O. was able to assassinate Merlin (Michael).

Chris, Michael, Jim, Brandon, Dave L., and Kerri played a round of Coup where Chris was the best liar. Karen took over for Dave L. for the second round and won. Dave L. swapped back in and Jim left for the final round where Kerri was victorious.

Chris, Michael, Brandon, and Kerri finished off with a hand of Exploding Kittens with Brandon being the last person unexploded.

Club Business
