Meeting Recap 1/21/23

There was a very good turnout for the January 3rd Saturday Game Day:

Splendor: Megan Sell, Brandon Sell, James Halloran (Winner), Mathew Skelton

Between Two Castles (Practice Game, No Winner): Michael Eisenberg, Stuart Morse, Robb Blazey, Chris Gronau, Richard Bliss

Power Grid: Dan Carey, Robb Blazey, Stuart More, Richard Bliss (Winner, powered 17 cities)

Terraforming Mars: Megan Sell (53), Chris Gronau (62), Michael Feinberg (73, Winner)

Ark Nova: Richard Bliss, Michael Feinberg (Winner), Chris Gronau, Mathew Skelton

WarParty: Michael Eisenberg/Jim Halloran vs Alex Jordan/Dave Olson.  Michael got crushed, Jim/Michael conceded the victory to Alex/Dave

Terraforming Mars – Ares Expedition: Matt Ackerman (Winner), Brandon Sell, Mathew Skelton, Chris Cregan

Splendor: Dan Carey, Richard Bliss, Stuart More (Short game, no winner)

Dinosaur Island: Matt (124), Dan Carey (67), Chris Gronau (131, Winner), Stuart More (126)

Splendor: Michael Eisenberg, Alex Jordan, Jim Halloran, Dave Olson.  Alex won game 1, Michael games 2 & 3.

Meeting Recap 3/18/17

Lords of Waterdeep

Played by Mike, Jim, Alex, Ben, Rob and Matt

Mike won

Blood Rage

Played by Chris, Dave O, Jay and Jeremy

Chris won

Assault of the Giants

Played by Jay, Dave O, Matt and Jim

Jay won

Power Grid

played by Chris, Vince and Alex

Chris won


Played by Ben, Mike and Jeremy

Mike won


Played by Mike, James. Ben, and Jeremy

James won

The day ended with several quick games of Coup and Bang

BEBGC Meeting Recap 07/16/16


Matt Ackerman, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Ryan Kuzn, Ben Samuelson, Jeramee Scherer

Games Played

Jim and Ben started off with Risk: Star Wars Edition where Jim’s imperial fleet was victorious.

Michael taught Jeramee Star Realms and then won a close game.

Michael, Jim, Ben, and Jeramee played Suburbia. Jim’s well placed commercial buildings gave him a commanding income and the victory with 100 population, ahead of Ben and Michael tied with 94.

Chris and Michael split off to play Star Wars: Rebellion with Chris having his revenge as the imperials and quickly rooting out the hidden rebel base.

Matt, Jim, Ben, and Jeramee had a close game of Power Grid which Ben won with 17 cities powered, just ahead of Jim with 16 and Jeramee with 15.

Chris, Michael, Jim, Ryan, and Ben finished up with Lords of Waterdeep and the Scoundrels of Skullport expansion. Michael’s exclusive completion of commerce quests combined with his lord pushed him to a 156 point victory with Chris in second at 131.

BEWC Meeting Recap 6/1/2013

Attendees: Chris Cregan, Michael Kelly, Michael Fineberg, Alex Wright, Brandon James, John Boyle, Bruce Clark, Joe Kauffman, Dave Landon

1) Chris, Michael F, Alex, Brandon, Dave and Bruce played a “short” game of Twilight Imperium.  It was most everyone’s first or second game, and turned into a big learning experience for all.  In the end it was a close race, with most everyone competing for the win the final turn mostly due to a stronger presence on Mecatol Rex for the majority of the game.  The 2nd to last turn Chris took the center planet using an army built up over the entire game.  Even then it took Dave invading Michael’s territory, taking his capitol planet to prevent a potential counterattack.  The next turn though saw Dave move in on Chris’ territorys in a bid to take two enemies home systems, which was an outright win condition.  Unfortunatly he only took half of the home planets, which was not enough for Dave.  It was enough to prevent Chris from achieving points from his Mecatol conquest.  Brandon, having played the entire game at peace with his neighbor Michael finally declared war attempting to get his secret objective complete.  Unfortunatly, a nebulus blocked his army from invading too far in and Michael was able to win with 9 VP.

2) In non-twilight related news: some people lost game, others won, maybe some ties…  I think a game of Power Grid happened.

BEWC Meeting Recap 3/2/13

Attendees: Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Chris Cregan, Dave Olsen, John Alaimo, Dave Slaby, Ryan Frans, Dan Carey, Joe Kauffman

Games Played:

1) The day started off with the classic game, Hey! That’s my Fish!.  Dave Olsen out penguined everyone else ending with 28 total fish, Michael ended with 24 fish and Ryan had only 21.  Jim claimed to have caught 105 fish, however 83 of those were too small and had to release them ending with only 22.

2) Michael and Dave Olsen played a quick game of Guildhall while Ryan was helping set up Starcraft.  Michael managed to win by luckily drawing a farmer for his last point, otherwise Dave would have won the following turn.

3) Kings of Air and Steam was next, Dave Olsen learning from his last game won with 174, followed by Michael at 167, Ryan at 166 and Dan with an honorable mention at 4th place.

4) Dave Olsen continued his winning streak in Ticket to Ride, proving that he is an equally good Airship captain, Train Engineer and penguin.  Final scores were Dave 140, Michael with 131 Joe with 116 and Dan with 74.

5) Meanwhile in a galaxy far away a game of Starcraft was wrapping up.  In the hotly contested wishbone system two Protoss clans, a swarm of zerg and a human confederation battled for dominance.  Dave “Slaby” Mengsk, commander of the human dominion, began his campaign off of a nearly isolated planet at the far edge of the system.  For him it was total victory at the end or nothing.  On the other side of the system, the protoss under John Tassadar were looking to expand.  JT knew if he could control more areas then the other races would have to agree that he was a pretty cool guy.  Next door to John a new zerg overmind was waking up, Cerebrate Cregan.  It knew if the zerg built and held atleast three different bases, the system would be overrun by zerg.  Jim Aldarus was afraid of any one of the other factions from gaining too much power and so set himself between the humans and the rest of the planets.  He hoped to play for time, knowing that if nobody else won after an arbitrary amount of time he would win.

At first things were peaceful, the zerg and Tassadar’s protoss both went off to colonize other areas.  Cregan took a planet rich in vespian gas to breed an army of scourges to control the skies while John restarted a space station to build up his space port production.  On the other end of the system a cold war was brewing between the other protoss and the now trapped humans.  A few aborted invasion attempts by both sides allowed an uneasy peace to settle.

This peace did not last, the humans had marshaled up a small airforce to support its ground troops in an assault on the protoss main planet.  The attack soundly gave the terran a foothold on the planet.  Over the next several cycles the zealot force tried to drive the humans back to their home planet but were unsuccessful.  The Terrans though would grow to power and their small airforce quickly grew to take control of the skies, making the zealots nearly useless.

Tassadar’s home system was likewise invaded.  The zerg plotted a sneak attack and a horde of zerglings overwhelmed the single national guard defending a quarter of the planet.  John’s troops quickly responded, using their newly developed technology to create a Carrier, the single most powerful unit in play, as well as suring up their defenses with added ground troops and a reaver.   This seemed to be enough to halt the advance, though elements of the zerg remained on the planet.

This advanced quickly, the terran eventually drove the protoss from their home planet.  The zerg, fearing the growing carrier fleet on its boarder developed multalisks and hydralisks.  Tassadar’s protoss amassed its fleet on their home world, either to drive out the zerg once and for all or launch their own attack.  They weren’t prepared when the zerg changed tactics and attacked their space station.  Several of the newly grown hydralisks invaded the station and slaughter the few stationed guards while the equally new carrier could only watch from outside.  Everyone knew the end was drawing near.

Despite everything that had happened, one planet remained uncolonized, the center of the system which connected everything.  In fact, except for a single scout, no unit had set foot on the planet.  Though in the final turn, both protoss and zerg made plays for this planet.  In then end this planet would determine the fate of the four factions.  The zerg consolidated their forces, bringing as much as possible to their home system.  Sensing weakness, Tassadar sent his forces to retake his space station, and retaking it.  It was at this point things were looking well for John, he but needed to build a base on the center planet to assure largest dominion.  The overmind though did not allow this but bided his time delaying the protoss form building and ensuring there would be no turn after. Finally, the entirety of the zerg rained down on the planet, the solitary scout was lost as a scourge kamikazed into it.  Quickly a hatchery was constructed on the surface.  In the end it turned out Jim’s play for the planet was a ruse.

After the dust settled the Zerg had completed their objective, to have three bases on three different planets however, Jim’s protoss were also in the running, despite being nearly destroyed by Dave Mengsk.  Had it been allowed to play out, enough time had passed such that the game was over thus making Jim the default winner.  However, the special victory conditions took precedence over future events.  All factions were allowed a leadership change before that though, it had little effect in the end.  The zerg lead by chris gained another base on the undefended human home world and won the game.

6) Ryan, Mike Dan and Dave Olsen played a game of Age of Industry. Ryan won with a final total of 36, Mike in 2nd with 30 and Dan just edged out Dave for third, 29 over 28.  This game contained no hybrid scoring.

7)Chris Dave Slaby, John and Jim played a game of Power Grid. Using the Great Britain map.  Since it was most peoples first time though, Ireland was crossed off making it a fairly vanilla game.  Jim won by forcing the game to end just after stage III started up, finishing with only 15 out of his seventeen houses powered.  Chris was second powering all 14 of his houses, John was able to power 12 and Dave 10.

8)Another game of Guildhall was played with Ryan managing beat out both Michael and Dave Olsen.  It was another close game, with Michael a turn away from winning.

BEWC Meeting Recap 10/6/12

Attendees: Monique Ball, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Frank Fulton, Robbie Fulton, Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, Michael Kelly, Chris Leitenberger, Josh Lichti, Luke Miller, Heather Murphy, Dave Olson, Alex Wright, and Elaine Wright

Club Business: None.

Games Played:
1) Chris C, Michael F, Dave, and Alex all got there early to try out the club’s new copy of Mage Knight. Having all at least skimmed the rules we got into the game fairly quickly and had a lot of fun with it. There were still a number of surprises though at the end game scoring and one extra crystal that Chris picked up because he had nothing better to do with a card ended up turning into three extra victory points which gave him the win with 38 points to Michael’s second place 35.

2) Jim, Scott, Chris L, and Michael K played 7 Wonders with the Leaders and Cities expansions. Chris’s blue card strategy just edged out Mike’s science strategy 74 to 73.

3) Scott had to leave, so Josh, briefly back from Japan, stepped in for him and joined Jim, Chris L, and Mike K for a game of Kingsburg with the To Forge A Realm expansion. Josh ran away with the game with 53 point wins, but all the players for some reason felt that it was important that I point out that Mike came in last place, despite getting extra victory points for being the fairy.

4) After finishing Mage Knight, Chris C, Michael F, Dave, and Alex were joined by Frank and Robbie for their own game of 7 Wonders with both expansions. Chris continued his trend of beating Michael by 3 points, winning with 75 points to Michal’s second place 72.

5) Jim, Chris L, Josh and Michael K took over the Mage Knight board, but unfortunately they ran out of time to finish before the rec center closed. They got through one day and one night of the first scenario, and at the end Josh was leading with 26 points with Jim in second with 20.

6) Chris C, Michael F, Luke and Alex moved on to Castles of Burgundy. Through most of the game it looked like Chris was comfortably leading, but at the end when all of the extra points from yellow tiles were tallied up, Michael finally made up for his two losses to Chris earlier in the day by edging him out 225 points to 224.

7) Monique, Frank, Robbie, Heather, and Dave played the Germany map of Power Grid, where Robbie dominated the game.
Monique ball

8,9) With a little time left before the rec center closed, Chris C, Michael F, Luke, Alex and Elaine played two rounds of Tsuro. It came down to the last piece, but Michael just barely edged out Elaine in the first game. In the second, Alex held on the longest, followed by Luke.

10) Monique, Heather, and Dave started a game of Pandemic and were working on their second cure when we had to leave.

BEWC Meeting Recap 6/16/12

Attendees: Dan Carey, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Ryan Frans, Jim Halloran, Michael Kelly, and Chris Leitenberger

Club Business: None.

Games Played:
1) Chris C, Michael F, Ryan, Jim, Michael K, and Chris L spent the morning playing the new Mayfair reprint of 1830: Railways & Robber Barons. It was the first time playing for most of us, but we quickly got into the game and it’s volatile stock market. Ryan proved himself a wily trader, on more than one occasion going in on a deal to float a new railroad and then immediately dumping the stock to set up a different venture. That only got him to second place with $1554 though, leaving him unable to reach Chris C’s $1614 from control of the two most profitable railroads in the game. We did game things a little to force the game to end due to running out of time, so the situation might have changed in the turn or two more that it likely would have run out.

2) Dan, Chris C, Michael F, Jim, Michael K, and Chris L then moved on to Power Grid with the Brazil map and using the New Power Plant Cards expansion deck with all of the promo cards. The shuffle of the power plant deck caused a lot of highly efficient power plants to come out early, which when combined with Brazil’s generous resource restock rate, caused resources to be extremely cheap the entire game. Position became extremely important, with Michael F being able to capitalize on the opening of phase 2 to jump to 9 cities from 4 for only $88, and Mike K also being able to build 5 cities on the final turn, bringing him to 14 (though he could only power 12). Dan however started the game all alone on the NE coast and free access to many cheap connections positioned gave him an advantage no one else could touch leading to him winning with 16 cities (15 powered). The rest of all managed to build and power 13 cities, with Chris C winning the tie-breaker for second place with $25 left over.

BEWC Meeting Recap 4/21/12

Attendees: John Boyle, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Frank Fulton, Robbie Fulton, Lionel Galperin, Jim Halloran, Michael Kelly, Dave Olson, and Jay Olson

Club Business: None.

Games Played:
1) Chris, Michael F, Frank, Robbie, and Jim played Lungarno, which Chris taught to the rest. Both Michael and Jim concentrated on a strategy of Tower Houses and Plazas that gave end game points and which payed off for both of them, with Michael just edging out Jim for the win, 30 to 28.

2) When more people showed up, the proposed game of 7 Wonders was abandoned, and Chris, Michael F, Frank, Robbie, and Jim sat down to A Game of Thrones: The Board Game. Alliances were loose and shifting, with a great deal of squabbling in the north between Robbie’s House Stark and Jim’s House Greyjoy, while Michael’s Baratheon forces expanded in the center of the board. In a 5-player game, House Martell’s territory is neutral and their fortress’s are relatively weakly guarded; giving an advantage to House Baratheon and House Tyrell (Frank) who have easy pickings on their borders. After fortuitous supply and muster Westeros cards, Michael was well positioned to strike out for the Martell fortresses and was poised to win in Round 5, but Frank’s forces in south and Chris’s Lannister forces rushing across the Reach were able to beat him back. With Michael having lost the rich supply of blackwater, another supply Westeros card would have decimated his forces leaving Chris well staged to steal the win, but one did not come up. Careful spending of influence combined with the Baratheon’s control of the Iron Throne’s tie breaking ability allowed Michael to position himself near the top of all of the influence tracks and stage an unbeatable force to seize his seventh (winning) fortress at the beginning of Round 7.

3) John, Lionel, and Michael K broke off to play Innovation, where Michael used the dogma effects of mapmaking and montheism to rack up score and take all but 1 of the early achievements for a quick win.

4,5) Dave and Jay played two rounds of Lost Cities, winning one each.

6) Dave and Jay started a game of Unidentified Walking Objects, but Dave surrendered his poorer position so they could go join another game.

7) Lionel, Michael K, Dave, and Jay played Outpost, where Jay was victorious.

8) Chris, Michael F, Robbie, and Jim finished up with a game of Munchkin. Michael and Chris jumped out ahead when Michael used his Kneepads of Allure to force him to help with a level 12 monster. Once it was cursed up to 17 and then doubled with mate, Chris renegotiated the deal so that he could charm one of the monsters and they both raked in the treasure. Another round brought both of them to level 9, but Chris drew an easy combat on his next turn and no one had any curses left, giving him the win.

9) Michael K, Dave, and Jay ran out of time to finish their game of Power Grid Japan, getting just about to the end with it still being anyone’s game. When they stopped, Dave was able to power the most cities, while Michael had the turn order position to expand the most, but only if he got lucky in the power plant market.

BEWC Meeting Recap 3/3/12

Attendees: Dan Carey, Chris Cregan, Karen Deitrick, KC Deitrick, Tom Dunford Michael Feinberg, Rhonda Frans, Ryan Frans, Linda Galperin, Lionel Galperin, Brandon James, Michael Kelly, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Chris Leitenberger, Ian Rojas, Dave Olson, Alex Wright, and Elaine Wright

Club Business: None.

Games Played:
1) Planned games kept getting shuffled as people trickled in in the morning, but eventually Karen D, KC, Michael F, and Karen L started a game of Amun-Re. KC hoarded his money through much of the New Kingdom, and in the last round engaged in massive pyramid construction, giving him the win with Karen D coming in second.

2) Dan, Chris C, Tom, Brandon, Dave L, and Dave O played Power Grid with the China map, with Brandon winning and Dave L coming in second in a close game.

3) Linda, Lionel, and Ian played Wasabi where Ian won.

4) Chris C, Chris L, Dave O, and Alex faced off against Michael F in scenario 4C of Mansions of Madness, “Classroom Curses.” Things started off poorly for the investigators, which much of the school plunged into darkness and their sanity slowly being chipping away, but they persevered, steadily exploring and working their way through the clues. Ultimately it game down to a slugfest, to see if the players could kill the witch Helena Detaigne, before one of the Mi-go’s killed them. Michael’s luck as keeper had turned and none of the mythos and trauma cards he drew were helping him inflict damage, and so while he got close to killing several of the investigators, he couldn’t quite do it before Helena fell and the investigators were victorious.

5) Karen D, KC, Ian, and Elaine played a learning game of London that Ian won.

6) Dan, Rhonda, Ryan, Brandon, Michael K, and Dave L played Imperial. Michael was the best investor, with Rhonda coming in second.

7) Continuing the Cthulhu theme, Karen D, KC, Karen L, and Elaine played The Stars are Right, which Karen L won.

8,9) Chris C, Michael F, Ryan, Brandon, Michael K, Dave L, Dave O, and Alex played two rounds of The Resistance. In the first round, Michael K and Chris were the spies, the problem was Dave L was also a spy, but didn’t realize it having misread his card. This led to a lot of confusion and an easy resistance win. In the second round, Michael F, Dave L, and Alex all realized they were spies, but some miscommunication and bumbled cards led to an equal degree of confusion. Team after team got voted done under near farcical conditions, until at the last possible chance a resistance team was approved and succeeded for another resistance win.

10) Karen L and Elaine squeezed in a quick game of Bananagrams where Karen came from way behind to win.

11) Chris C, Michael F, and Karen L played Stone Age. Karen was ahead in victory points through most of the game, but Chris skillfully acquired civilization cards that pushed him to a commanding victory in the final accounting.

12) Ryan, Brandon, Mike K and Dave L finished up with a game of Pandemic with the On the Brink expansion. Ryan took the role of bio-terrorist and successfully sabotaged all of the team’s research stations bringing them to a point where they could only survive one more outbreak, leading to a crushing defeat for them on a turn that brought six.

BEWC Meeting Recap 10/15/11

Attendees: John Boyle, Dan Carey, Tom Dunford, Michael Feinberg, Joe Kauffman, Michael Kelly, Paul Unwin, Alex Wright, Elaine Wright

Club Business: None.

Games Played:

1) John, Tom, Michael F, and Joe played a bit of X-Men: Under Siege! despite not having a complete copy of the rules. There were some interesting mechanics, but the characters were rather unbalanced, with the weak characters prone to dying and their players being eliminated from the game. John was running away with the victory points when we called it quits.

2) John, Dan, Tom, Michael F, Joe, and Michael K played the club’s new copy of Power Grid. It was the first time playing for everyone except Michael F, but we quickly got into it. John, Joe, Tom, and Michael K all got to 14 connections on the same turn, but only Joe and Michael could power all 14, and Michael had the tiebreaker of more money remaining.

3) Tom, Michael F, Joe, Michael K, Paul, Alex, and Elaine next played Red Dragon Inn. After some fairly quick early eliminations, the game settled down to slow attrition, with eventually Tom’s Kaylin the Renegade drinking Joe’s Bremaster Phrenk under the table for the win.

4) While the Red Dragon Inn game was going on, Michael F and Paul played a round of Lost Cities, which Michael won.

5) Michael K and Paul played Pandemic with 6 epidemics and still managed to emerge victorious.

6) Tom, Michael F, Alex, and Elaine played Innovation. Michael was the only one with any experience with the game, which gave him a definite advantage to the game’s sometimes unclear strategies, and he also started with Agriculture and its early game point generation engine wasn’t something the other players were prepared to stop, giving him the win.