Matt Ackerman, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Dave Olson, Ben Samuelson
Games Played
Matt (Medic), Michael (Generalist), Jim (Contingency Planner), Dave (Dispatcher) and Ben (Containment Specialist) played Pandemic: The Cure. The team was able to find cures for all four diseases to win the game!
Matt (Saxony Empire), Michael (Crimean Khaneg), Jim (Russviet Union), Dave (Republic of Polania), and Ben (Nordic Kingdoms) played Scythe. Final scores: Michael – 70; Ben – 66; Dave – 55; Jim – 52; Matt – 35.
Matt, Chris, Michael, Jim, Dave, and Ben played Captain Sonar. It was Captain/First Officer Michael, Radio Operator Ben and Engineer Jim up against Captain/First Officer Chris, Radio Operator Matt and Engineer Dave in a tense battle below the waves. In the end Michael, Ben and Jim won a decisive victory.
Chris (Overseers of Kalgon), Michael (Tri-Bot), Jim (Recyclons v40K), Dave (Freep), and Ben (Mhee Yow-Meex) played Mag Blast. It was a prolonged battle that was for some reason referred to multiple times as a Steve Jackson game — even though to set the record straight Steve is completely innocent and had no involvement in the game. In the end, Michael’s Tri Bot fleet was able to pull off the win.
Matt, Chris, Jim, Dave, and Ben played Fearsome Floors. Chris got out to an early start and was able to hang on for the ultimate victory.
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