BEWC Meeting Recap 11/1/14

Attendees: Jim Halloran, Brandon James,Alex Wright, Dave Landon, Chris Cregan, Dave and Jay Olson, Ken McCarther and Micheal Feinberg.

1) The first game of the day was Mr. Jack. Jim ended up evading the authorities (Dave L and Scott) but was tracked the entire time by Alex the worlds only unemployed detective.

2) Meanwhile Chris played against Brandon in Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation.  Both won once as the forces of Sauron.

3) Alex, Dave L, Jim and Scott played Caylus.  Alex won.

4) Two games of Mansion of Madness  was played by Chris, Brandon, Dave O, Jay and Ken.  Chris was keeper the first game titled “Green Eyed Boy”, the party entered the mansion which was mostly empty.  They moved through the room getting the first few clues with ease.  Jay was the holder of the key items and was given a secret card by the keeper.  The party was wondering if maybe he was turned into a traitor but continued to trust him.  Dave was left behind after being attacked by a flock of witches and getting a broken leg.  Another card given to Dave which made him hesitant for his character to take his life.  Ken ran off ahead but after entering a darkened room constantly under attack by Witches.  Jay managed to catch up and continue finding clues while Brandon getting a secret card of his own moved into random rooms.  Dave managed to hobble to the starting room and the party converged to heal him up but found they lost control of their actions.  The turn ended up with Dave dead after Ken was forced to throw his lantern at him.   This was the victory condition for the keeper, Brandon’s secret card made him the traitor, thus Chris and Brandon won.

The 2nd game Brandon was keeper as he had played through the scenario before in “Blood Ties”.  The investigators managed to gather all the clues but the final puzzle piece was in a pit filled with zombies.  The party ventured in but was defeated, having been vastly weakened by very aggressive Keeper throughout the game.

5) Dave L Alex and Jim played a game of Ra.  Dave managed to win by like a lot.


BEWC Meeting Recap 6/2/12

Attendees: Greg Chandra, Jenna, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Frank Fulton, Robbie Fulton, Jim Halloran, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Saeed Sadatian, Dave Olson, Jay Olson, Alex Wright, and Elaine Wright

Club Business: None.

Games Played:
1) Michael, Karen, Frank, and Robbie started by breaking out the club’s new copy of Eminent Domain, with Dave helping with rules explanation. Despite it taking a little while to figure out what was going on, it ended up being a very close game. Frank just edged out the victory with 24 points to Michael’s 23 and Karen’s 22.

2) Jim and Dave L played Twilight Struggle, where Jim’s luck with the dice on the space race helped him to win as the communists.

3) Chris, Michael, Karen, Frank, Robbie, and Saeed played Citadels. Karen was victorious with 32 points, with Michael and Chris just behind tied at 30.

4) Needing another 6 player game, Jim, Dave L, Dave O, Jay, Alex, and Elaine broke out Antike. Alex was the first to get to 7 ancient personages, snatching the victory from Dave L who was just one turn away.

5) Chris, Michael, Frank, and Robbie delved into Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of Ashardalon, but were defeated by the dungeon.

6) Dave L, Karen, Alex, and Elaine played another round of Eminent Domain, which Alex won with 22 points.

7,8) Dave O and Jay played two rounds of Mr. Jack, each getting caught in their turn as Jack.

9) Dave O and Jay followed up with Wings of War: Dawn of War, where Jay had an Allied victory.

10) Greg, Frank, Robbie, Dave L, Dave O, and Jay played Battlestar Galactica with the Exodus expansion. As usual, Dave L was a cylon and he and Greg defeated the humans.

11) Chris, Michael, and Alex played Carcassonne. Michael and Alex dueled for control over a giant field, but Alex successfully snuck in an extra farmer when Michael wasn’t looking, leading to him having a commanding 93 point win.

12) Jenna, Karen, and Elaine played Bananagrams, with Elaine beating Karen to the final peel by seconds.

13) Jenna, Chris, Michael, and Karen played a third round of Eminent Domain, with Karen finally winning, defeating Chris 21 to 20.

14,15,16) Greg, Jenna, Chris, Michael, Dave L, and Karen finished up with three rounds of Ca$h ‘n Gun$. Jenna comfortably won the first round with $90,000 and Greg snuck out victory in the second with $85,000. In the third round, we added in the informer, which caused a great deal of confusion due to the illogical patterns of the police being called. On the final draw, when it looked like the informer had no chance, the police were called and Karen, having been killed in the first two games, won as the informer – she also would have one in a classic game, having amassed an impressive $95,000.


BEWC Meeting Recap 4/7/12

Attendees: Dan Carey, Chris Cregan, Frank Fulton, Roberta Fulton, Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Dave Olson, Alex Wright, Elaine Wright

Club Business: None.

Games Played:
1) Dan, Chris, Scott and Dave L, played Carcassonne: The City, with Dan coming away with the win.

2) Frank, Roberta, Karen and Dave O. played Dominion, Dave won this one.

3) Scott and Dave L. played Conflict of Heroes, with Dave coming out on top.

4) Dan, Chris, Alex and Elaine played Ora et Labora, a close game where Alex edged out the win with 200 points to Chris’ 194.

5) Frank, Roberta, Jim and Dave O. played Andromeda. Dave was the most successful trader.

6) Roberta, Jim and Dave O. played Settlers of Catan with the Cities and Knights expansion. Roberta was looking strong throughout, but Dave O. managed to edge out the win.

7) Frank, Dave L. and Karen played Medici, with Dave coming out the victor.

8) Frank (Mr. Jack) and Dave L. (The Investigators) played Mr. Jack, which saw Dave’s investigators nabbing Mr. Jack as he attempted to escape.

9) Dan, Chris, Frank, Karen, Dave L., Alex and Elaine played 7 Wonders, with Alex taking the win.

10) Chris, Dave L., Karen, Dave O. and Alex played Medici, with Chris coming out the winner.