BEWC Meeting Recap 3/16/2013

Attendees: Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Chris Cregan, Alex Wright and Dave Olson

Games Played:

1) While waiting for others to show up, Michael and Chris taught Jim how to play Dominion using only the Sea Side expansion.  Jim started off slow, making a deck based off pearl divers and outposts.  Michael and Chris focused more on navigators and fishing villages both starting off strong.  Later on Chris diversified his deck which ultimately only lead to diluting his deck thus ending the game with only 25.  Michael stayed consistent throughout and managed to put away 33 points.  Jim turned a corner halfway through, with some incredibly good turns and occasionally double good turns with a well used outpost.  In the end Jim managed to not only catch up to Michael score wise but pass him with a final score of 36.

2) Next up Thurn and Taxis was set up.  Alex dominated that game* with 26 points, followed by Chris with 17, Michael at 16 and Jim with 9.

3)To end the day a game of Middle Earth Quest was started, but was not able to be finished.  Jim the Ranger was blighted by floods at the start of the game, which adled his movement and kept him mostly in the north the entire game, trying to keep Dave, Lord of the Rings, from establishing influence in the shire.  Chris the Dwarf, quickly completed his first quest and then with no rest headed for Moria.  Tired but eager to complete his 2nd quest Chris was disappointed to find a Balrog, and was then promptly eaten.  Michael the horse lord spent his time running around the south dashing several of Dave’s nefarious plots, at one point having to sell his horse to salvage Minas Tirith politically.  In the end, the heroes had beaten back several plots, but were growing incredibly tired.  Dave had made sure that it would be through his counters that the game would be over, it was just a question of weither he could achieve out right victory or if it would all come down to one last fight.

BEWC Meeting Recap 6/19/11

Attendees: Jason Bowen, Jeff Bowen, John Boyle, Michael Feinberg, David Olson, Jay Olson, Chad Willard

Club Business:

We voted to purchase Innovation and Ticket To Ride: Europe

Games Played:

1) John and Michael played two rounds of Lost Cities, with John winning 32 to 23.

2) John, Jay, Jason, Dave, and Michael played 7 Wonders where Dave edged out John for the win with 58 victory points.

3) John, Jason, and Michael played Mansions of Madness scenario 1B “The Fall of the House of Lynch” with John as the keeper and Jason and Michael each controlling two investigators. It’s a fairly complex game and I was worried about the puzzles being distracting, but we made short work of those (to the keeper’s frustration). The investigator’s early success in the search for clues turned into a long weaponless slog through the mansion harried by a maniac and with Ashcan Pete always on the verge of insanity. After the diabolical plot was revealed, we thought we had no chance to stop it, but a well timed reveal of the final clue stunned the Shoggoth and it was trapped in the collapsing mansion giving the investigators a somewhat pyrrhic victory (they too were trapped in the mansion, but surviving apparently wasn’t part of the victory condition). Mansions played much faster than Arkham Horror or Descent (which it shares many elements with, along with Betrayal at House on the Hill) allowing us to finish just as John needed to leave, but we benefited from John having done a lot of the scenario deck building ahead of time, otherwise setup looks very time consuming.

4) Dave, Jay, and Chad played Middle Earth Quest where Dave was victorious as Sauron.

5) Jason and Michael played three rounds of Lost Cities. It was Jason’s first time playing and in the third round he’d picked up the game enough to double Michael’s score for that round, but Michael had the overall victory.

6) Jason and Michael played Dominion: Intrigue where Jason’s deck got bogged down with too many action cards and not enough money, allowing Michael to overtake his early lead for the win.

7) Chad, Jay, Jason, Dave, and Michael played Bang! with the new Wild West Show Expansion. Jason and Michael managed an outlaw victory, despite being the first two players eliminated. Teren Hill’s (Dave) special ability kept the Renegade barely alive an extra half dozen or so turns with the Deputy (Chad) and the Sheriff (Jay) ganging up on him and it looked like a sure law win until the dynamite went off.