BEBGC Meeting Recap 12/05/15

Attendees: Matt Ackerman, Chris Cregan, Christian Falk, Michael Feinberg, Robbie Fulton, Frank Fulton, Jim Halloran, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Dave Olson, Ben Samuelson, Jeramee Scherer 

Games Played: Sheriff of Nottingham, Shadows Over Camelot, Mission Red Planet, Caverna, Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game, Spyfall, Game of Thrones: Westeros Intrigue, Airlines Europe, Love Letter, Pandemic: The Cure


BEWC Meeting Recap 12/20/14

Attendees: Anthony Eaton, Michael Feinberg, Alex Jordan, Jeramee Scherer

1) Jeramee and Alex started off with Marvel Legendary where Shield sucesfully beat Red Skull, with Jeramee having more points than Alex.

2) Michael, Alex, and Jeramee played Five Tribes, where Alex’s Vizier based strategy edged out Jeramee 144 to 140, but Michael ran away with it with 189 points from tiles and a full set of all 9 merchandise types.

3) Anthony joined Michael, Alex, and Jeramee for Alien Frontiers. Michael was one turn from winning and thought he had the game when Alex was able to sneak in his sixth colony ending the game. In the points upset of Alex’s last payment, he ended up with 9 victory points where everyone else had 5.