Meeting Recap 12/3/22


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Amanda James, Brandan James, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, and Zoe Landon

Games Played:

Brandan, Michael, Dave, and Karen started with Thurn and Taxis where Dave just inched out Karen for the win 26 to 24.

Chris, Brandan, Michael, and Dave played the Gates of Silverwood manor scenario of Mansions of Madness, 2nd edition. They were quite close to winning the scenario, but at the end with all four investigators both insane and wounded, Chris sacrificed Dave with a spell for an individual victory.

Chris, Michael, Amanda, Brandan, Dave, Karen, and Zoe finished up with a game of Mysterium with Dave as the ghost. Unfortunately they weren’t able to guess the final mystery.

Meeting Recap 6/26/21

Chris Cregan, Dave Landon, Zoe Landon, Dave Olson, Gerald Power, and Alex Wright

Games played in our first post-pandemic game day
Chris, Dave L., Zoe, Dave O., and Alex played Citadels. Chris and Alex ended the game in a tie, but Chris won on the tie-breaker.

Chris, Dave L., Zoe, Dave O., and Alex played The Resistance: Avalon. Chris and Zoe were the agents of Mordred and put up a good fight, but the forces of good won the day, thanks in part to the subtle leadership of Merlin (Dave L.).

Chris, Dave L., Zoe, Dave O., Gerald, and Alex played The Resistance: Avalon. Dave and Dave were the agents of Murdered and were successful in sowing chaos in the realm, despite the best efforts of Merlin (Alex).

Chris, Dave L., Zoe, Dave O., Gerald, and Alex played Mysterium. Chris was the ghost and was successful in providing the mediums with significant visions that could unveil his murderer.

Chris, Dave L., Zoe, Dave O., and Gerald played Mansions of Madness (the Dark Reflections scenario). Although 2 of the 5 investigators went insane, and one other investigator was on the brink of insanity for most of the game, the investigators successfully completed their mission.

Meeting Recap 9/2/17

Games played

Lost Cities

Played by Dave l and Sel.  Dave won.


Played by Dave L, Sel, Jim, Scott and Alex W

Alex won


Played by Alex W, Elaine, Scott and Chris

Coop Victory

Robo Rally

Played by Jim, Sel, Dove O, Jay and Dan

Jim won

Mare Nostrum: Empires

Played by Jim, Sel, Dove O, Jay and Dan

Jay won


Played by Alex W, Elaine, and Chris

Mansions of Madness Second Edition

Played by Dave L, Arie, Alex W, Scott, Brandon and Chris

Coop Loss

Cosmic Encounter

Played by Jim, Sel, Dove O, Jay and Dan

Jim and Sel each won one game


Played by Jim, Sel, Dove O and Jay

Jim won


Played by Jim, Sel, Dove O and Jay


Played by Jim, Sel, Dove O and Jay

Coop Victory

BEWC Meeting Recap 11/1/14

Attendees: Jim Halloran, Brandon James,Alex Wright, Dave Landon, Chris Cregan, Dave and Jay Olson, Ken McCarther and Micheal Feinberg.

1) The first game of the day was Mr. Jack. Jim ended up evading the authorities (Dave L and Scott) but was tracked the entire time by Alex the worlds only unemployed detective.

2) Meanwhile Chris played against Brandon in Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation.  Both won once as the forces of Sauron.

3) Alex, Dave L, Jim and Scott played Caylus.  Alex won.

4) Two games of Mansion of Madness  was played by Chris, Brandon, Dave O, Jay and Ken.  Chris was keeper the first game titled “Green Eyed Boy”, the party entered the mansion which was mostly empty.  They moved through the room getting the first few clues with ease.  Jay was the holder of the key items and was given a secret card by the keeper.  The party was wondering if maybe he was turned into a traitor but continued to trust him.  Dave was left behind after being attacked by a flock of witches and getting a broken leg.  Another card given to Dave which made him hesitant for his character to take his life.  Ken ran off ahead but after entering a darkened room constantly under attack by Witches.  Jay managed to catch up and continue finding clues while Brandon getting a secret card of his own moved into random rooms.  Dave managed to hobble to the starting room and the party converged to heal him up but found they lost control of their actions.  The turn ended up with Dave dead after Ken was forced to throw his lantern at him.   This was the victory condition for the keeper, Brandon’s secret card made him the traitor, thus Chris and Brandon won.

The 2nd game Brandon was keeper as he had played through the scenario before in “Blood Ties”.  The investigators managed to gather all the clues but the final puzzle piece was in a pit filled with zombies.  The party ventured in but was defeated, having been vastly weakened by very aggressive Keeper throughout the game.

5) Dave L Alex and Jim played a game of Ra.  Dave managed to win by like a lot.


BEWC Meeting Recap 4/5/14

Attendees: Ryan Frans, Dan Carey, Alex Jordan Michael Feinberg,Chris Cregan, Brandan James, Dave Olson Scott Harris, Elaine Wright, Alex Wright, Dave Landon, and Karen Landon.

Club Business: None.

1) Dan, Dave L Scott, and Brandan began with a light game of Kingdoms.  Dave won with a resounding 195 followed by Scott at 152, Dan at 125 and Brandan at 103managed to get off to a solid lead after the first turn.  Despite narrowing that gap every turn, Dave still managed to cling to 1st place by two points.  Final Scores: Dave 198, Chris 196, Dan 132 and Kevin 118.

2) Michael, Alex W and Karen played a quick game of Haggis.  Alex won with 85, Michael had 42.5 (+/- .5)  and Karen had 24.

3) Brandan then took on the role of games master in Mansions of Madness.  Dan, Scott, Karen and Dave L all investigated the house of Lynch and despite a few members going insane, managed to solve the mystery and prevent evil from victory.

4) In Rhinlander Dave L was about to complete his hat trick but was Duke blocked in the end and fell one short.  Brandan and Karen tied with 34, Dave with 33, Elaine with 22 and Dan with 16.

5) Ra allowed Dave L to get his third victory.  Final Scores were Dave 42, Brandan 38, Karen 37, Ryan 30 and Elaine at 25.

6)Metro.  Dave L and Karen tied with 49, Ryan had 39 Brandan at 34 and Elaine at 30.

7) While, the rest of the members ruled ancient Egypt, conquered the Rhineland, saved the world from Cthulianic evils and even built up modern days system of rail lines, Chris, Alex J, Alex W, Michael and Dave O, from rise to fall, ruled their Civilizations (with Fame and fortune expansion).  It was an incredibly close game in the end.  Michael had devoted himself into a culture creating machine, Alex W used the Greeks free tech ability to great effect and outshone most of the world with his scientific prowess, Dave O had built the grandest city of them all, three harbor, along with mines, and markets and rotating wonders, Chris had built a military juggernaut, with barracks in several cities and a large hand of unit cards, Alex W played it quiet sitting alone on an island.  Chris made the first grasp for victory, using steam power and a large amount of resources he teleported his 5/6 of his army to the gates of Dave’s city.  In response, Dave carpet bombed all of Chris’ Barracks and built up his own.  Dave defended as best he could, and held off three attacks but was getting weaker.  Alex W saved him with a well placed spy, locking Chris’ final armies in place.  The start of the next turn almost saw Alex J sneak in with the victory.  He had spent his entire game gathering coins, forsaking culture, tech and military.  He was a few coins shy however.  Dave offered him a tech sharing which would have brought him closer, potentially to victory, but Alex came in again to stop the trade.  Michael managed to be one space away from a cultural victory on his turn, and cursed a previous turns error which denied him that last space.  Alex himself was one tech shy of victory, with enough money to buy it in the end.  However, Chris managed to exhaust Dave’s military on his turn and took his capitol.

8) The night concluded with Bang.  Chris, Michael and Brandan were quickly defeated as the outlaws only managing to take Dave L the Deputy with them. Dave O was a well defended sheriff and watched as the obviously deputy Ryan fought it out with Karen the obvious Renegade.  In the end Karen defeated Ryan in a drawn out struggle, only to reveal that Ryan was the renegade all the time.  We fought the Law and the Law won.

BEWC Meeting Recap 3/3/12

Attendees: Dan Carey, Chris Cregan, Karen Deitrick, KC Deitrick, Tom Dunford Michael Feinberg, Rhonda Frans, Ryan Frans, Linda Galperin, Lionel Galperin, Brandon James, Michael Kelly, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Chris Leitenberger, Ian Rojas, Dave Olson, Alex Wright, and Elaine Wright

Club Business: None.

Games Played:
1) Planned games kept getting shuffled as people trickled in in the morning, but eventually Karen D, KC, Michael F, and Karen L started a game of Amun-Re. KC hoarded his money through much of the New Kingdom, and in the last round engaged in massive pyramid construction, giving him the win with Karen D coming in second.

2) Dan, Chris C, Tom, Brandon, Dave L, and Dave O played Power Grid with the China map, with Brandon winning and Dave L coming in second in a close game.

3) Linda, Lionel, and Ian played Wasabi where Ian won.

4) Chris C, Chris L, Dave O, and Alex faced off against Michael F in scenario 4C of Mansions of Madness, “Classroom Curses.” Things started off poorly for the investigators, which much of the school plunged into darkness and their sanity slowly being chipping away, but they persevered, steadily exploring and working their way through the clues. Ultimately it game down to a slugfest, to see if the players could kill the witch Helena Detaigne, before one of the Mi-go’s killed them. Michael’s luck as keeper had turned and none of the mythos and trauma cards he drew were helping him inflict damage, and so while he got close to killing several of the investigators, he couldn’t quite do it before Helena fell and the investigators were victorious.

5) Karen D, KC, Ian, and Elaine played a learning game of London that Ian won.

6) Dan, Rhonda, Ryan, Brandon, Michael K, and Dave L played Imperial. Michael was the best investor, with Rhonda coming in second.

7) Continuing the Cthulhu theme, Karen D, KC, Karen L, and Elaine played The Stars are Right, which Karen L won.

8,9) Chris C, Michael F, Ryan, Brandon, Michael K, Dave L, Dave O, and Alex played two rounds of The Resistance. In the first round, Michael K and Chris were the spies, the problem was Dave L was also a spy, but didn’t realize it having misread his card. This led to a lot of confusion and an easy resistance win. In the second round, Michael F, Dave L, and Alex all realized they were spies, but some miscommunication and bumbled cards led to an equal degree of confusion. Team after team got voted done under near farcical conditions, until at the last possible chance a resistance team was approved and succeeded for another resistance win.

10) Karen L and Elaine squeezed in a quick game of Bananagrams where Karen came from way behind to win.

11) Chris C, Michael F, and Karen L played Stone Age. Karen was ahead in victory points through most of the game, but Chris skillfully acquired civilization cards that pushed him to a commanding victory in the final accounting.

12) Ryan, Brandon, Mike K and Dave L finished up with a game of Pandemic with the On the Brink expansion. Ryan took the role of bio-terrorist and successfully sabotaged all of the team’s research stations bringing them to a point where they could only survive one more outbreak, leading to a crushing defeat for them on a turn that brought six.

BEWC Meeting Recap 6/19/11

Attendees: Jason Bowen, Jeff Bowen, John Boyle, Michael Feinberg, David Olson, Jay Olson, Chad Willard

Club Business:

We voted to purchase Innovation and Ticket To Ride: Europe

Games Played:

1) John and Michael played two rounds of Lost Cities, with John winning 32 to 23.

2) John, Jay, Jason, Dave, and Michael played 7 Wonders where Dave edged out John for the win with 58 victory points.

3) John, Jason, and Michael played Mansions of Madness scenario 1B “The Fall of the House of Lynch” with John as the keeper and Jason and Michael each controlling two investigators. It’s a fairly complex game and I was worried about the puzzles being distracting, but we made short work of those (to the keeper’s frustration). The investigator’s early success in the search for clues turned into a long weaponless slog through the mansion harried by a maniac and with Ashcan Pete always on the verge of insanity. After the diabolical plot was revealed, we thought we had no chance to stop it, but a well timed reveal of the final clue stunned the Shoggoth and it was trapped in the collapsing mansion giving the investigators a somewhat pyrrhic victory (they too were trapped in the mansion, but surviving apparently wasn’t part of the victory condition). Mansions played much faster than Arkham Horror or Descent (which it shares many elements with, along with Betrayal at House on the Hill) allowing us to finish just as John needed to leave, but we benefited from John having done a lot of the scenario deck building ahead of time, otherwise setup looks very time consuming.

4) Dave, Jay, and Chad played Middle Earth Quest where Dave was victorious as Sauron.

5) Jason and Michael played three rounds of Lost Cities. It was Jason’s first time playing and in the third round he’d picked up the game enough to double Michael’s score for that round, but Michael had the overall victory.

6) Jason and Michael played Dominion: Intrigue where Jason’s deck got bogged down with too many action cards and not enough money, allowing Michael to overtake his early lead for the win.

7) Chad, Jay, Jason, Dave, and Michael played Bang! with the new Wild West Show Expansion. Jason and Michael managed an outlaw victory, despite being the first two players eliminated. Teren Hill’s (Dave) special ability kept the Renegade barely alive an extra half dozen or so turns with the Deputy (Chad) and the Sheriff (Jay) ganging up on him and it looked like a sure law win until the dynamite went off.