BEBGC Meeting Recap 11/05/16


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Scott Harris, Brandan James, Alex Jordan, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Alex Wright, and Elaine Wright

Games Played

Michael, Dave, Alex W and Elaine played a close game of A Feast For Odin. Alex came out on top with 98 points, but Elaine was just behind with 95 and then Dave with 93.

Chris, Scott, Alex J, and Karen started off with Castles of Mad King Ludwig, which Karen dominated with 140 points followed by Chris with 126.

Chris, Brandan, Alex J, and Karen were successful in saving Earth in XCOM: The Board Game.

Michael, Dave, Alex W and Elaine played Machi Koro, with Alex winning.

Chris, Michael, Brandan, Dave, Alex W and Elaine played one round of Coup where Brandan took down Elaine to be the last one standing.

Chris, Michael, Brandan, Dave, and Alex W finished up with a game of 7 Wonders with the Leaders expansion that Brandan won with 69 points.