BEBGC Meeting Recap 02/20/16

Attendees: Matt Ackerman, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Ed McGran, Neil Meyer, Dave Olson, Gary Pearson, Ben Samuelson, Kirill Sapunov, Jeramee Scherer, Byron Varin, Theresa Varin, Phillip, Nicholaus

Games Played

Ed (Dracula), Ben (Lord Godalming), Phillip (Dr. John Seward), Jeramee (Van Helsing), and Dave (Mina Harker) played Fury of Dracula. The hunters had Dracula on the run from eastern Europe to Spain and back to eastern Europe. In the end Van Helsing had him cornered and under attack, but he Dracula was able to survive and escape, winning the game!

Kirill, Michael, Chris, Byron, Nicholas and Theresa played King of New York. After a hard fought game, Chris was crowned King!

Matt played Hostage Negotiator, but he was unable to successfully complete the scenario.

Neil, Matt, Theresa and Nicholas played Ascending Empires. Matt won with the largest empire.

Michael, Chris, Byron and Kirill played Kings of Air and Steam. King of Air and Steam Chris won with 146, Michael was just behind at 137, then Kirill at 128 and Byron at 118.

Gary, Kirill, Michael, Chris and Byron played Bohnanza. Chris rounded out his triple crown performance and was crowned king of the bean farmers.

Byron, Gary, Theresa and Nicholas played Ca$h ‘n Guns (second edition). Byron was the winner.

Jeramee, Dave, Phillip and Ed played Defenders of the Realm. The realm was successfully defended!

Michael, Ben, Chris and Kirill played Concordia. Ben handily won with 149, Chris and Michael were tied with 127 and Kirill had 99.

Club Business:

The club voted to purchase Dead of Winter and Xia: Legends of a Drift System, and Ed McGran offered to donate a copy of Forbidden Stars in exchange for 2 years of club dues.

BEWC Meeting Recap 5/04/2013

Attendees: Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Chris Cregan, Michael Kelly, Dan Carey, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Brandan James, Josh Lichti, Alex Wright, Elaine Wright, Ryan Frans, Rhonda Frans and John Boyle

Games Played

1)Ticket To Ride Switzerland.  John won with 111, followed by Michael F at 101 and Brandon with 100.

2)Medici.  Dan 161, Dave 141 and Jim 79.

3)Merchant of Venus.  Brandan 3010, Jim 2240 Chris 1770

4) King of Air and Steam.  Michael K 143, Dave L 135, Josh L 158, Dan C 135, Michael F 150 and John B 145

5) Hansa. Ryan 57 Alex 56

6) Airlines:Europe.  Karen L. 106, Ryan 92, Dave L 76 Michael K 68 Rhonda 58

7) Castles of Burgundy.  Michael F 238, Alex -225, Elaine 199, Dan 183

8) Scotland Yard.  Dave as Mr X was captured by the detectives Ryan, Michael K, Karen, and Alex.

9)Dominion: Seaside.  Jim 30, Chris 28, Michael F 26 and Dan 5 (Dan’s first game of Dominion).

10)Dominion: Hinterlands.  Michael F 38, Chris 26, Jim 19.

11)Wings of War: Dawn of War.  Dave and Michael commanding an axis team (with French support) faced off against Chris, Karen and Brandan as the Allies.  After quickly losing Michael’s plane and one of Dave’s two, Dave was able to take on all three allies plane with his one remain and won.

12)Medici.  Chris 125, Michael F 104, Karen 100, Dave 98, Brandan 94

13)Medici.  Chris 102, Michael F 105, Karen 107, Dave 107, Brandan 81

BEWC Meeting Recap 3/2/13

Attendees: Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Chris Cregan, Dave Olsen, John Alaimo, Dave Slaby, Ryan Frans, Dan Carey, Joe Kauffman

Games Played:

1) The day started off with the classic game, Hey! That’s my Fish!.  Dave Olsen out penguined everyone else ending with 28 total fish, Michael ended with 24 fish and Ryan had only 21.  Jim claimed to have caught 105 fish, however 83 of those were too small and had to release them ending with only 22.

2) Michael and Dave Olsen played a quick game of Guildhall while Ryan was helping set up Starcraft.  Michael managed to win by luckily drawing a farmer for his last point, otherwise Dave would have won the following turn.

3) Kings of Air and Steam was next, Dave Olsen learning from his last game won with 174, followed by Michael at 167, Ryan at 166 and Dan with an honorable mention at 4th place.

4) Dave Olsen continued his winning streak in Ticket to Ride, proving that he is an equally good Airship captain, Train Engineer and penguin.  Final scores were Dave 140, Michael with 131 Joe with 116 and Dan with 74.

5) Meanwhile in a galaxy far away a game of Starcraft was wrapping up.  In the hotly contested wishbone system two Protoss clans, a swarm of zerg and a human confederation battled for dominance.  Dave “Slaby” Mengsk, commander of the human dominion, began his campaign off of a nearly isolated planet at the far edge of the system.  For him it was total victory at the end or nothing.  On the other side of the system, the protoss under John Tassadar were looking to expand.  JT knew if he could control more areas then the other races would have to agree that he was a pretty cool guy.  Next door to John a new zerg overmind was waking up, Cerebrate Cregan.  It knew if the zerg built and held atleast three different bases, the system would be overrun by zerg.  Jim Aldarus was afraid of any one of the other factions from gaining too much power and so set himself between the humans and the rest of the planets.  He hoped to play for time, knowing that if nobody else won after an arbitrary amount of time he would win.

At first things were peaceful, the zerg and Tassadar’s protoss both went off to colonize other areas.  Cregan took a planet rich in vespian gas to breed an army of scourges to control the skies while John restarted a space station to build up his space port production.  On the other end of the system a cold war was brewing between the other protoss and the now trapped humans.  A few aborted invasion attempts by both sides allowed an uneasy peace to settle.

This peace did not last, the humans had marshaled up a small airforce to support its ground troops in an assault on the protoss main planet.  The attack soundly gave the terran a foothold on the planet.  Over the next several cycles the zealot force tried to drive the humans back to their home planet but were unsuccessful.  The Terrans though would grow to power and their small airforce quickly grew to take control of the skies, making the zealots nearly useless.

Tassadar’s home system was likewise invaded.  The zerg plotted a sneak attack and a horde of zerglings overwhelmed the single national guard defending a quarter of the planet.  John’s troops quickly responded, using their newly developed technology to create a Carrier, the single most powerful unit in play, as well as suring up their defenses with added ground troops and a reaver.   This seemed to be enough to halt the advance, though elements of the zerg remained on the planet.

This advanced quickly, the terran eventually drove the protoss from their home planet.  The zerg, fearing the growing carrier fleet on its boarder developed multalisks and hydralisks.  Tassadar’s protoss amassed its fleet on their home world, either to drive out the zerg once and for all or launch their own attack.  They weren’t prepared when the zerg changed tactics and attacked their space station.  Several of the newly grown hydralisks invaded the station and slaughter the few stationed guards while the equally new carrier could only watch from outside.  Everyone knew the end was drawing near.

Despite everything that had happened, one planet remained uncolonized, the center of the system which connected everything.  In fact, except for a single scout, no unit had set foot on the planet.  Though in the final turn, both protoss and zerg made plays for this planet.  In then end this planet would determine the fate of the four factions.  The zerg consolidated their forces, bringing as much as possible to their home system.  Sensing weakness, Tassadar sent his forces to retake his space station, and retaking it.  It was at this point things were looking well for John, he but needed to build a base on the center planet to assure largest dominion.  The overmind though did not allow this but bided his time delaying the protoss form building and ensuring there would be no turn after. Finally, the entirety of the zerg rained down on the planet, the solitary scout was lost as a scourge kamikazed into it.  Quickly a hatchery was constructed on the surface.  In the end it turned out Jim’s play for the planet was a ruse.

After the dust settled the Zerg had completed their objective, to have three bases on three different planets however, Jim’s protoss were also in the running, despite being nearly destroyed by Dave Mengsk.  Had it been allowed to play out, enough time had passed such that the game was over thus making Jim the default winner.  However, the special victory conditions took precedence over future events.  All factions were allowed a leadership change before that though, it had little effect in the end.  The zerg lead by chris gained another base on the undefended human home world and won the game.

6) Ryan, Mike Dan and Dave Olsen played a game of Age of Industry. Ryan won with a final total of 36, Mike in 2nd with 30 and Dan just edged out Dave for third, 29 over 28.  This game contained no hybrid scoring.

7)Chris Dave Slaby, John and Jim played a game of Power Grid. Using the Great Britain map.  Since it was most peoples first time though, Ireland was crossed off making it a fairly vanilla game.  Jim won by forcing the game to end just after stage III started up, finishing with only 15 out of his seventeen houses powered.  Chris was second powering all 14 of his houses, John was able to power 12 and Dave 10.

8)Another game of Guildhall was played with Ryan managing beat out both Michael and Dave Olsen.  It was another close game, with Michael a turn away from winning.

BEWC Meeting Recap 2/16/13

Attendees: Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Chris Cregan, Dave Olsen, Alex Wright, John Alaimo, Dave Slaby, Ryan Frans, Scott Harris

Games Played:

1) The meeting started off with a round of The New Science, the club’s new game.  It started off with Chris and Michael mildly competing in Biology and Mathematics, Chris advancing up Biology mostly while Michael dominated Mathematics with his slide rule.  Scott got off to a slow start, researching and experimenting on several topics but unable to actually publish much.  Alex picked up the strategy quickly and moved steadilly up the tech tree only publishing when it was convenient.  In the end Alex won with 37 points, followed by Chris with 33, Scott with 24 and Michael with 19.

2) Dave Olsen and Jim started up a game of Feudal.  Jim was getting destroyed by Dave but managed to work out a Truce in the end, mostly due to other people showing up.  A cunning strategy that tied him the game.

3) The Daves, Jim and John started up a game of Space Cadet.  There were no survivors.

4) Alex and Scott played a game of BattleLore.  Since neither had played before they went with the first scenario, Alex ending up with four points to Scotts two before they had to leave.

5) Meanwhile, Ryan Jim and John started up a game of Megafauna.  John was the first to die off, followed by Jim.  Ryan had played the game before, but even that couldn’t save him in the end.

6) Also meanwhile, the Daves, Chris and Michael played a game of Kings of Air and Steam.  Chris lead the end game with a total of 187 points mostly from depot builds and some lucky end game supply dumps.  Michael ended up with 150 points from a diverse strategy of upgrades, depots and supply runs.  Dave S. followed closely with 139 with Dave Olsen finishing off at only 121.

7) Jim and Dave Olsen played a game of Twilight Struggle with Jim as the commies winning in the end.

8) Ryan, Michael, Dave S. John and Chris played a learning game of Age of Industry.  The rules were quickly read which lead to some highly questionably possibly even illegal moves on the opening few turns.  Most everyone based their starting operations around Boston except David who began the Philadelphia coal works, the only land based source of coal on the map.  Later in the game it was discovered that a misunderstanding had occurred with how rail lines were to be scored; each line was only worth about 1/5 of what was originally believed.  This lead to two sets of scores one based on the rules and one based on the hybrid understanding (rules/hybrid scores).  Chris won both with 30/69.  Michael was second in the hybrid rules with a very solid train line but relatively poor industry, ending with 20/52.  Dave was the king on industry in the end and was 2nd in the actual scoring with 25/43.  Ryan ended with 21/39 and third in true scoring.  John was last and ended with 12/31.