Meeting Recap 7/6/19


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, and David Landon

Games Played

Michael and David started with a game of Burgle Bros. where they fates were against them and they were easily caught after cracking only a single safe.

Chris, Michael, and David played Above and Below, where Michael’s good luck with exploration led to a handy 85 point victory with Chris just edging out David for second place at 48 points.

Chris, Michael, and David moved on to Kingdoms, where Chris won with 255 points and David in second with 236.

They finished up with Dinosaur Island with all of the Chris, Michael, and David expansion modules. Everything came together for Michael who one with 86 points, and David sneaking past Chris for second place this time, 62 to 61.


BEBGC Meeting Recap 11/07/15


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Brandan James, Alex Jordan, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Ben Samuelson, Tim Sanker

Games Played

Some people may have played Kingdoms.

Chris, Brandan,  Dave and Karen played Betrayal at House on the Hill.  Karen turned on the group and managed to kill everyone except Brandan before she was banished.

Chris, Brandan,  Dave and Karen played Castles of Mad King Ludwig.  Dave was the most mad-king-like and won.

Michael, Chris, Brandan and Dave played Terra Mystica and Dave stumbled his way into a solid win.

Ben, Jim, Alex and Michael played Dominion.

Next Brandan, Chris, Tim and Dave played XCOM: The Board Game and soundly trounced the aliens.

Michael, Ben, Chris and Jim played Firefly: The Game – the Harken’s Folly scenario – and Mike won.

BEWC Meeting Recap 9/6/14

Attendees: Jim Halloran, Brandon James, Dan Carey, Alex Wright, Dave Landon, Chris Cregan, Jay Olson, Dave Olson, and Micheal Feinberg.

1)Kingdoms started off the day as Jim Brandon Dan and Alex waited for others to arrive.  Alex just edged out Jim for the victory, 181 to 178.  Brandon ended with 138 and Dan ended with 93.

2) Arkham horror was the main entree, with Brandon, Chris, both Dave’s, Mike trying to fend off Asteroth from consuming the world… atleast for a little while.  The only expansion that was added was The Curse of the Dark Pharaoh.  Good was fortunate at the start and managed to shut down three gates with little going wrong.  Though shortly after this, the few open gates on the board had a series of monster explosions and the heroes were forced to try and quell the numbers before responding to gates.  Some were wounded, more driven insane but they bounced back, and a lucky gate closer removed a nearly invincible beast before it could wreck much havok.  After this it was fairly smooth sailing.  and in the end Good managed to win by closing and sealing enough gates.

3)  Those who did not play in the Arkham horror game decided to play something more realistic, but still with the threat of extinction of all life on earth.  Jim and Dan squared off in Twilight Struggle and in both games Jim managed to out politicize Dan.

4)  Dave, Chris, Micheal, Brandon and Jay all played a game of Dragon Slayer.  Dave managed to win with 47 with a last round gamble that really paid off.  Chris, earlier in the round played it safer with only 45, Micheal, starting the final round had only 30 while Branodn and Jay ended with 24 both getting eaten in the last round.

5)Firefly was played with the expanded map.  The mission had the captains trying to economize their missions, with only three available from each contact and the game ended with three contact piles exhausted.  Chris managed to get off to an early lead, stacking up on engineering and successfully boarding Micheals ship, stealing several of the covetted Jobs.  In the end Chris won at 19700, followed by Brandon at 3600 and Micheal at 2500.

6)Domain was the final game, Chris ended with 40, Dave at 39, Brandoon at 17 and Micheal at 11.

BEWC Meeting Recap 4/5/14

Attendees: Ryan Frans, Dan Carey, Alex Jordan Michael Feinberg,Chris Cregan, Brandan James, Dave Olson Scott Harris, Elaine Wright, Alex Wright, Dave Landon, and Karen Landon.

Club Business: None.

1) Dan, Dave L Scott, and Brandan began with a light game of Kingdoms.  Dave won with a resounding 195 followed by Scott at 152, Dan at 125 and Brandan at 103managed to get off to a solid lead after the first turn.  Despite narrowing that gap every turn, Dave still managed to cling to 1st place by two points.  Final Scores: Dave 198, Chris 196, Dan 132 and Kevin 118.

2) Michael, Alex W and Karen played a quick game of Haggis.  Alex won with 85, Michael had 42.5 (+/- .5)  and Karen had 24.

3) Brandan then took on the role of games master in Mansions of Madness.  Dan, Scott, Karen and Dave L all investigated the house of Lynch and despite a few members going insane, managed to solve the mystery and prevent evil from victory.

4) In Rhinlander Dave L was about to complete his hat trick but was Duke blocked in the end and fell one short.  Brandan and Karen tied with 34, Dave with 33, Elaine with 22 and Dan with 16.

5) Ra allowed Dave L to get his third victory.  Final Scores were Dave 42, Brandan 38, Karen 37, Ryan 30 and Elaine at 25.

6)Metro.  Dave L and Karen tied with 49, Ryan had 39 Brandan at 34 and Elaine at 30.

7) While, the rest of the members ruled ancient Egypt, conquered the Rhineland, saved the world from Cthulianic evils and even built up modern days system of rail lines, Chris, Alex J, Alex W, Michael and Dave O, from rise to fall, ruled their Civilizations (with Fame and fortune expansion).  It was an incredibly close game in the end.  Michael had devoted himself into a culture creating machine, Alex W used the Greeks free tech ability to great effect and outshone most of the world with his scientific prowess, Dave O had built the grandest city of them all, three harbor, along with mines, and markets and rotating wonders, Chris had built a military juggernaut, with barracks in several cities and a large hand of unit cards, Alex W played it quiet sitting alone on an island.  Chris made the first grasp for victory, using steam power and a large amount of resources he teleported his 5/6 of his army to the gates of Dave’s city.  In response, Dave carpet bombed all of Chris’ Barracks and built up his own.  Dave defended as best he could, and held off three attacks but was getting weaker.  Alex W saved him with a well placed spy, locking Chris’ final armies in place.  The start of the next turn almost saw Alex J sneak in with the victory.  He had spent his entire game gathering coins, forsaking culture, tech and military.  He was a few coins shy however.  Dave offered him a tech sharing which would have brought him closer, potentially to victory, but Alex came in again to stop the trade.  Michael managed to be one space away from a cultural victory on his turn, and cursed a previous turns error which denied him that last space.  Alex himself was one tech shy of victory, with enough money to buy it in the end.  However, Chris managed to exhaust Dave’s military on his turn and took his capitol.

8) The night concluded with Bang.  Chris, Michael and Brandan were quickly defeated as the outlaws only managing to take Dave L the Deputy with them. Dave O was a well defended sheriff and watched as the obviously deputy Ryan fought it out with Karen the obvious Renegade.  In the end Karen defeated Ryan in a drawn out struggle, only to reveal that Ryan was the renegade all the time.  We fought the Law and the Law won.

BEWC Meeting Recap 3/1/14

Attendees: Dan Carey, Michael Feinberg,Chris Cregan,Kevin, Brandan James, Jim Halloran, Victor Liu Dave Landon, and Karen Landon.

Club Business: None.

1)  Starting off the day, Michael, Brandon, Karen Victor and Jim played a game of Smash Up.  Realizing she wasn’t going to win, Karen and her Dinosaur-Bear alliance hoisted Michael with his ninja zombies to win, edging out Brandon with his steam-punk mages.  Jim’s killer plant ghosts proved ephemeral and Victors Robot tricksters broke down during the game.

2) Elsewhere, Chris Dan Dave and Kevin were embroiled in a game of Kingdoms.  Dave managed to get off to a solid lead after the first turn.  Dispite narrowing that gap every turn, Dave still managed to cling to 1st place by two points.  Final Scores: Dave 198, Chris 196, Dan 132 and Kevin 118.

3) Next up, the club’s new copy of Exodus was opened up by Chris Victor, Brandan, Jim and Michael.  Victor and Jim decided to start off slow and build up their reserves while Brandan and Michael expanded throughout their quadrant and Chris hunted the passive Centauri.  Later, Brandan in a sneak attack, destroyed all of Jims forces before they could be properly fitted with armaments.  Michael with a sufficiently advanced fleet found even the advanced centauri child’s play while Chris found his starting fleet nearly decimated after several battles.  Victor’s fleet appeared on the board fairly late but with only the most advanced weaponry and defense.  In the final turns, Victor’s fleet ruled the galaxy but was unable to make any decisive victories with everyone else avoiding him.  Jim’s empire had resorted to WMDs to strike back at Brandan for the earlier loss.  Brandon found a few of his planets reduced to point singularities, though it was Michael who ended up losing his fleet.  Chris had recreated his fleet but found it was fairly outdated compared to Victors and Brandon’s forces.  In the end Brandan won with 64 points, followed by Victor with 57, Chris at 46, Michael at 27 and Jim with 4.

4) Meanwhile, David, Karen, Dan and Kevin played a game of Thurn and Taxis.  David ended up winning with 25 points, Karen got 2nd with 15, Kevin ended with 9 and Dan at 8.

5) No game of Galaxy Trucker was played.

BEWC Meeting Recap 6/6/11

Attendees: John Boyle, David Landon, Karen Landon, Dave Olson

Club Business: Mansions of Madness, Lost Cities, and Bang! Wild West Show have arrived and are in the club cabinet.

Games Played:

1) John, Karen Dave L. and Dave O. played Hamburgum. Karen and Dave L were dominating early in the game, but in the end all players were grouped nicely on the score track, with Dave O. edging out the win.

2) Dave L and John took on Karen and Dave O. in a game of Blokus. It was a close game, but John and Dave L. nabbed the win.

3) John, Karen and Dave L. played a game of Kingdoms, with Karen getting the win.

BEWC Meeting Recap 4/2/11

Attendees: Josh Batolein, Serai Batolein, Jeff Bowen and family, John Boyle, Michael Feinberg, Ryan Frans, Lionel Galperin, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Dave Olson, Jay Olson

Club Business: None

Games Played:

1) John, Lionel, Michael, Dave L, and Karen played Ra. Lionel and Michael tied for victory points, but Michael had the tie-breaking highest value sun tiles.

2) Dave O and Jay played Carcassone: The Castle, where Dave crushed Jay, but apparently some creative application of the rules was involved.

3) Ryan, John, Jay, and Michael played High Frontiers. The game wasn’t finished due to time, but at the end Ryan was ahead on victory points and John was decently positioned to have a chance of overtaking him. Michael was way behind due to a number of catastrophic encounters with the radiation belts, which destroyed his entire rocket and crew on their way back from Deimos and crippled several attempts to get back there.

4) Dave L and Dave O played an epic game of Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage, with Dave L’s Carthaginians victorious.

5) Karen and Lionel played Blokus.

6, 7) Jeff and family played Fortress America and Pandemic: On the Brink

8, 9) Jay, Josh B, and Michael played two rounds of Thurn and Taxis, where Michael won both games while Jay instead focused on creating the longest possible route, achieving 18 carriages [there are only 22 spaces on the board].

10) Jay, Josh B, and Michael played Citadels which Michael won.

11, 12) Dave O, Jay, Karen, and Serai played two round of Dominion, first Alchemy and then Seaside, with Dave winning both.

13) Dave L, Josh B, and Michael played a close game of Rheinländer that Dave won.

14) Dave L, Josh B, and Michael played Kingdoms, where it looked like Josh was winning, but a brutal third epoch knocked him back to third and Dave took the lead.