BEWC Meeting Recap 2/7/15


Chris Cregan, Anthony Eaton, Michael Feinberg, Frank and Robbie Fulton, Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, Brandan James, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Dave Olson, Jeramee Scherer, Alex Wright

Games Played

Love Letter played by Dave O, Dave L, Jim, Karen with Jim emerging the victor.

Castles of Mad King Ludwig, Alex 105, Dave L 125, Scott 104, Mike 129

King of New York played by Jerame, Chris, Jim, Dave O. Jim won

Twilight Struggle Roberta & Frank America saved to world from communism

XCOM: The Board Game, Brandan, Jereme, Chris, Dave O and the human team beat the aliens.

Smash up, Anthony, Karen and Jim played, Karen won.

Lords of Waterdeep. Micheal 124, Jeramee 111, Anthony 107, Jim 104

Smash up, Micheal , Jim, Anthony, Jeramee. Anthony won

Game of Thrones with Feast of Crows expansion. Scotts Baratheons won against Brandan, Chris and David L.

Five Tribes Micheal 166, Jim 179, Anthony 161

A 7 player game of 7 Wonders with the new expansion and David L won with 57 points

BEWC Meeting Recap 2/15/14

Attendees: Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Victor Liu,Scott Harris, Alex Jordan, Chris Cregan, Maria and Matt Willey

1) The Game of Thrones was the first game opened.  Jim took control of the Starks in the north, Michael as the Greyjoys in the west with Alex immediately below him as the Lannisters, Chris controlled the Baratheons in the east, Victor had the Tyrells in the south west, and Scott had the Martels in the south east.  At the start the Greyjoys made pacts with both neighbors as did the Martels and Baratheons. The Tyrells expanded quick but were unable to draw in reinforcements and was beaten back forced back to The Reach. The event deck had a profusion of Supply cards but no Musters or movement on the influence tracks had everyone off to a slow start, especially the Tyrells and Grayjoys.  Influence was plentiful though and by the halfway point the supply was almost exhausted for some.  The Starks had marched south progressively and a four way stand off was set up around the neck.  Southward the Martels slowly took territories uncontested by any other house.  Finally, both muster and bid cards were drawn and the stalemate ended.  The Greyjoys had saved the most and bid cunningly to be top or near top of all the tracks with the Baratheons close behind.  Using the new troops and power they struck at Winterfell and soundly defeated the few Stark troops still in the north.  At the same time the Baratheons struck at the Starks fleet, effectively cutting off their army to the south from reinforcing.  The Martels built and consolidated a large host to strike at the Tyrells but held back till victory was assured.  The Starks threw their effort into retaking Winterfell abandoning the fortresses they had taken on their journey south.  Finally, the Baratheons took two of these undefended keeps and the undefended Stormsend from the Martels for a victory in turn 8. Michael had the 2nd most keeps follwed by Alex and Victor who were tied.

2) Next up was Catan with the Cities and Knights expansion and the six player expansion.  Michael won with a heavy commodity driven economy.  Chris was second in the end with 10 points entirely from settlements and cities.  Alex had 9 with a balanced strategy (with one road shy of having longest road).  Matt ended with six after finding himself cut off early game but managing to build an extensive network or roads to compensate.  Jim and Maria both ended with five.


Club Business: The club voted to buy Exodus with the early year dues.

BEWC Meeting Recap 5/19/12

Attendees: Greg Chandra, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Frank Fulton, Robbie Fulton, Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, Michael Kelly, Alex Wright, and Elaine Wright

Club Business: We voted to purchase Eminent Domain.

Games Played:
1) Michael F, Jim, and Scott started off with Carcassonne with the Princess and the Dragon expansion. Scott and Michael dueled over a giant field covering most of the board, at one point with them both having three farmers in it (before the dragon started eating them) and both having cities that couldn’t be closed tying up their followers. The luck of tile draw (and dragon eating) went to Michael, and he got the field, catapulting him to a 120 point win, with Jim in a comfortable second place with 95. The expansion added some interesting options for strategy, but also added a lot more play time than expected.

2) While they were waiting for Carcassonne to finish up, Chris and Michael K played two rounds of Lost Cities, winning one each.

3) Greg, Chris, Michael F, Jim, Scott, and Michael K played A Game of Thrones: The Board Game. Michael F’s House Lannister got off to a strong start seizing and reinforcing several new strongholds, but then he fell to the bottom of the King’s Court track and was not able to muster any new troops, leaving Lannisport undefended against a surprise naval invation from Michael K’s Greyjoys. Meanwhile Chris’s House Stark was consolidating power over the entire north and Greg’s House Martell was taking advantage of a strong alliance with Jim’s House Tyrell to turn north into Scott’s Baratheon territory. The back and forth conflict over the rich territories of the reach captured everyone’s attention and the Stark’s were able to explode south on turn 7, just failing to capture the 7th fortress they needed for victory. Even with all of the other players uniting in support on the next turn, they were unable to stop the Stark’s from taking another fortress before they counterattacked, giving Chris the win. Greg was in second place, maintaining control over four fortresses.

4) Frank and Robbie played the Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of Ashardalon board game, winning their first adventure and getting half way through their second before the rec center closed.

5) Alex and Elaine played Innovation, where Alex felt bad about his win from a chain of Computers to Software to Globalization which gave an instant victory.

6) Alex and Elaine followed up with Galaxy Trucker, which Elaine came back to dominate, earning more than 50 points just from cargo in the third round for a 126 to 101 win.

7) Greg, Chris, Michael F, and Michael K finished up with a game of Pandemic. The rec center closed before they finished, but it seemed highly unlikely they could have won. Four of the five epidemics had come up, they were one away from the outbreak limit, and only black had been cured (but not sunset).

BEWC Meeting Recap 4/21/12

Attendees: John Boyle, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Frank Fulton, Robbie Fulton, Lionel Galperin, Jim Halloran, Michael Kelly, Dave Olson, and Jay Olson

Club Business: None.

Games Played:
1) Chris, Michael F, Frank, Robbie, and Jim played Lungarno, which Chris taught to the rest. Both Michael and Jim concentrated on a strategy of Tower Houses and Plazas that gave end game points and which payed off for both of them, with Michael just edging out Jim for the win, 30 to 28.

2) When more people showed up, the proposed game of 7 Wonders was abandoned, and Chris, Michael F, Frank, Robbie, and Jim sat down to A Game of Thrones: The Board Game. Alliances were loose and shifting, with a great deal of squabbling in the north between Robbie’s House Stark and Jim’s House Greyjoy, while Michael’s Baratheon forces expanded in the center of the board. In a 5-player game, House Martell’s territory is neutral and their fortress’s are relatively weakly guarded; giving an advantage to House Baratheon and House Tyrell (Frank) who have easy pickings on their borders. After fortuitous supply and muster Westeros cards, Michael was well positioned to strike out for the Martell fortresses and was poised to win in Round 5, but Frank’s forces in south and Chris’s Lannister forces rushing across the Reach were able to beat him back. With Michael having lost the rich supply of blackwater, another supply Westeros card would have decimated his forces leaving Chris well staged to steal the win, but one did not come up. Careful spending of influence combined with the Baratheon’s control of the Iron Throne’s tie breaking ability allowed Michael to position himself near the top of all of the influence tracks and stage an unbeatable force to seize his seventh (winning) fortress at the beginning of Round 7.

3) John, Lionel, and Michael K broke off to play Innovation, where Michael used the dogma effects of mapmaking and montheism to rack up score and take all but 1 of the early achievements for a quick win.

4,5) Dave and Jay played two rounds of Lost Cities, winning one each.

6) Dave and Jay started a game of Unidentified Walking Objects, but Dave surrendered his poorer position so they could go join another game.

7) Lionel, Michael K, Dave, and Jay played Outpost, where Jay was victorious.

8) Chris, Michael F, Robbie, and Jim finished up with a game of Munchkin. Michael and Chris jumped out ahead when Michael used his Kneepads of Allure to force him to help with a level 12 monster. Once it was cursed up to 17 and then doubled with mate, Chris renegotiated the deal so that he could charm one of the monsters and they both raked in the treasure. Another round brought both of them to level 9, but Chris drew an easy combat on his next turn and no one had any curses left, giving him the win.

9) Michael K, Dave, and Jay ran out of time to finish their game of Power Grid Japan, getting just about to the end with it still being anyone’s game. When they stopped, Dave was able to power the most cities, while Michael had the turn order position to expand the most, but only if he got lucky in the power plant market.

BEWC Meeting Recap 2/18/12

Attendees: John Boyle, Dan Carey, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Richard Heller, Joe Kauffman, Michael Kelly, Melissa Laface, Ian Rojas, Lane Taylor, and Alex Wright,

Club Business: None.

Games Played:
1) While waiting for morning stragglers, Michael F and Lane started with a quick game of Battle Line. Michael came to the edge of victory, having the card in his hand that would prove lane couldn’t beat a meld that would have given him his third adjacent flag for a breakthrough, but he didn’t have any remaining flags to play it on, and even if he could, Lane completed a meld on the next turn to give him five flags for an envelopment and the win.

2) John, Chris, Michael F, Joe, Ian, and Lane played A Game of Thrones: The Board Game. The game started with Michael’s House Stark and John’s House Greyjoy allying themselves in the north and a much looser alliance of Chris’s House Martell, Ian’s House Tyrell, Joe’s House Lannister, and Lane’s House Baratheon against them. The southern alliance got off to a shaky start when Martel took one of Baratheon’s strongholds (supposedly so Chris could show the rest of us who hadn’t played before how combat worked) but most of the conflict was between Greyjoy and Lannister as fleets battled for the west coast of Westeros. By mid game most players had acquired three of the seven necessary fortresses with Michael and Chris each having four and being well placed to expand, when Chris suddenly exploded into Ian’s territory taking all three remaining Tyrell fortresses in one turn and winning the game.

3) Dan and Michael K played the club’s new copy of Outpost. It was a learning game for both as they had never played it before. In the first era the game was fairly close as both players had the same number of victory points. Both built more water and ore factories, though Michael bought during the auction key items of technology that would help him down the road. In the second era Michael began to pull away, with his titanium factories and larger hand size. Dan was later able to buy robots, a laboratory and a new chemical factory to stay in the game, but could not close the gap. In the third era Michael’s resource advantages were simply too much for Dan to overcome. Michael was able to buy the very expensive moonbase which enabled him to reach 75 points to end the game. He won the game with the most points. Overall it was a fun game despite a few bumps along the way as both players learned the rules and how to apply them.

4) Chris, Michael F, Ian, Lane, and Alex played a half game of Shogun, deciding to stop after the first scoring round and not continue on to the second year as we wouldn’t have had enough time to finish it. Winter was a brutal -7 food, causing everyone to suffer varying degrees of shortages and revolts. Alex lost one province to revolt, but Michael was extremely unlucky, not only losing both of his revolting provinces (by the barest possible of margins) but also having them be strategically critical ones whose loss cost him 9 points that would have given him a comfortable victory. In the end, Chris was victorious with 22 points, followed by Ian and Lane, and then Michael and Alex beat back to 17.

5) Richard and Melissa’s timing was off from everyone else’s games, so played a two player game of Uwe Rosenberg’s new game Ora et Labora, unfortunately running out of time to finish it before the rec center closed.

6) Chris, Michael F, Ian, and Lane finished up with a game of Bohnanza, given the luck of the cards, Michael ended up concentrating on planting numerous low value beans, which in turn led to receive lots of free cards as the other players tried to get them out of their hands, and a comfortable victory with 29 points.