Meeting Recap 08/17/24

Attendees: Michael Eisenberg, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson, Christian Otto, Matt Skelton

Games Played:

Michael E (Sheriff), Michael F. (Deputy), Alex (Renegade), Dave (Outlaw) and Matt (Outlaw) played Bang!. The lawmen were victorious.

Michael E, Alex and Matt S played Firefly. Alex won.

Michael F, Jim and Dave played a couple of games of Splendor. Jim won the first game and Michael won the second game.

Michael F, Jim, Dave and Christian played Clank! In! Space!! Michael won.

Michael F, Jim, Dave and Christian played Lords of Waterdeep. Dave won.

Michael E, Alex and Matt S played a couple of games of Splendor.

Meeting Recap 3/16/24

Attendees: Matt Ackerman, Chris Cregan, Michael Eisenberg, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson, Matt Skelton, Chad Willard

Michael E, Michael F, Alex Jordan and Matt S played Firefly. Michael F was victorious.

Matt A, Chris, Jim and Dave played a couple of rounds of Last Bastion. They could not hold off the onslaught in either game.

Matt A, Chris, Jim and Dave played Dinosaur Island: Rawr ‘n Write. Chris was victorious

Chris, Michael F, Jim and Dave played The Quacks of Quedlinburg three times. Michael won the firs round, Jim won the second round, and Chris won the third round.

Michael E, Alex and Chad played Firefly. Alex was victorious.

Meeting Recap 01/20/24

Attendees: Matt Ackerman, Michael Eisenberg, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson, Ben Steinwurtzel

Club Business:

2024 club officers elected:

President: Michael Eisenberg

Vice President: Alex Jordan

Secretary: Dave Olson

Treasurer: Michael Feinberg

Games Played:

Michael, Michael and Alex played Firefly. Alex won.

Matt, Jim, Dave and Ben played Mission Red Planet. Ben won.

Matt, Dave and Ben played Dice Forge. Dave Won.

Michael, Michael, Alex and Dave played Space Base. Dave won by activating the “You Win” card.

Michael, Michael, Alex and Dave played Space Base again. Michael F won.

Meeting Recap 2/18/23

Several games of Space Base was played by Jeramee, Jim, Brandon, and Matt, winners unknown.

A game of Mission Red Planet was played by Jim, Dan, and Matt S. with Jim as the winner.

A game of Starcraft was played by Jeramee, Dave, Brandon, and Megan with Brandon as the winner.

A game of Firefly was played by Joe, Matt A., Alex, Michael, and Gerald with Gerald as the winner.  The amount of times Michael brought the alliance down on himself and Alex at the same time through bad rolling made for amusingly high levels of disbelief!

Meeting Recap 5/19/18

Between Two Cities

Played by Mike, Jim, Matt, Dave, Jeremy, Alex and Chris

Mike won

Roll Player 

Played by Stephanie, Chis and Dave

Dave won

Clank! In! Space!

Played by Mike, Jeremy, Dave and Ben

Jeremy won


Played by Dave, Chris, and Stephanie

Chis won


Played by Jim, Matt and Alex

Matt won

Dice Forge 

Played by Mike, Jeremy and Dave

Dave won

Dice Forge 

Played by Jim, Jeremy and Dave

Jeremy won two

Meeting Recap 7/15/17

Attendees: Jim, Mike, Mark, Alex, Selwyn, Chris, Dennis, and Matt

Games played

Tsuro played by Jim, Alex, Selwyn and Mike.

Mike and Selwyn won

Survive: Escape from Atlantis! played by Jim, Alex, Selwyn, Mike, Dennis and Mark.

Dennis won.

Cosmic Encounters played by Jim, Dennis, Selwyn and Mark

Jim and Dennis won.

Firefly played by Alex, Matt, Mike and Chris

Mike won

Steampunk Rally Played by Jim, Mark and Selwyn

Selwyn won

Splendor played by Jim, Selwyn and Mark

Jim won






Meeting Recap 1/21/17


Jim Halloran, Michael Feinberg, Dave Olsen, Robert Gohl, Alex Jordon, Chad Willard, Haley Willad, Drake Willard, Chis Cregan, Matt Ackerman

Club Business

Elections results for 2017 Officers

President                              Michael Feinberg

Vice President                     Jeremy Scherer

Treasurer                              Dave Olsen

Secretary                               Jim Halloran

Club plans to hold an additional meeting on the 5th Saturday for those months with 5 Saturdays.  Matt has volunteered to host the 5th Sat meetings.

Board Games to be purchased:

Caste Panic: Wizard Tower

Star Trek Ascendecy

Games Played

Five Tribes: Played by Jim, Rob, Michael and Dave.  Michael won

Monsters Menace America: Played by Jim, Dave, Rob and Drake.  Jim won

Firefly: Played by Alex, Matt and Michael.  Matt won

Star Wars Rebellion-Played by Chad and Haley.  Unknown victor, game still in progress

Spectre Ops: Played by Drake, Rob, Chris, Dave and Jim.  Cooperative Victory for Dave, Chris and Jim

7 Wonders Duel: Played by Alex and Michael     One victory each.

Quarriors: Played by Chris, Drake and Michael.  Michael won

Defenders of the Realm: Played by Jim, Dave and Drake, and Jim and Dave.  2 Cooperative losses.

BEBGC Meeting Recap 09/17/16


Matt Ackerman, Matt Bozzonetti, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Alex Jordan, Ben Samuelson

Games Played

Matt, Matt, and Alex played the ‘First Time in the Captain’s Chair’ mission of Firefly with a pile of expansions. Matt Ackerman playing as Jubal in his intercepter was able to cruise to a quick victory.

Chris, Michael and Ben played Kemet. Michael was ahead going into the last few actions when Ben moved against him, taking two points and moving himself to the lead. Michael was able to fight back and reclaim the lead, but Chris had the last action and managed to conquer one of Michael’s temples for a 3 point gain for him and a loss of 2 for Michael, giving Chris the win with 11 and Michael and Ben each with 9.

Matt B, Chris, Michael, Alex, and Ben played a second game of Firefly, this time using the ‘Rims the Thing’ setup and the ‘Any Port in a Storm’ mission. This was quite drawn out when all of a sudden just about everyone was close to completing the goal, but Chris was able to make it back to his haven first with the necessary 12,000 credits.

Club Business

The club voted to purchase Captain Sonar and a set of DnDeeples for Lords of Waterdeep.

BEBGC Meeting Recap 05/21/16


Matt Ackerman, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Robert Gohl, Ed McGran, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson, Jay Olson, Ben Samuelson, Jeramee Scherer

Games Played

Alex (Sheriff), Jeramee (Deputy), Jim (Renegade), Robert (Outlaw), Ben (Outlaw) and Michael (Outlaw) played Bang! The Dice Game. The outlaws won after an Indian attack killed the sheriff.

Michael (Imperials) and Ed (Rebels) played Star Wars: Rebellion, and the empire won.

Jeramee (Imperials) and Ben (Rebels) played Star Wars: Rebellion, and the empire won.

Overlord Jim went up against heroes Alex and Robert in Castle Panic, and the heroes won.

Dave and Jay played Star Realms, and Dave won.

Robert, Ben, Matt and Alex played Firefly: The Game and Matt won.

Jim, Dave, Jay and Jeramee played Samurai Swords and Dave won.

Robert, Michael and Alex played Firefly: The Game and Robert won.

Club Business
