BEWC Meeting Recap 3/16/2013

Attendees: Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Chris Cregan, Alex Wright and Dave Olson

Games Played:

1) While waiting for others to show up, Michael and Chris taught Jim how to play Dominion using only the Sea Side expansion.  Jim started off slow, making a deck based off pearl divers and outposts.  Michael and Chris focused more on navigators and fishing villages both starting off strong.  Later on Chris diversified his deck which ultimately only lead to diluting his deck thus ending the game with only 25.  Michael stayed consistent throughout and managed to put away 33 points.  Jim turned a corner halfway through, with some incredibly good turns and occasionally double good turns with a well used outpost.  In the end Jim managed to not only catch up to Michael score wise but pass him with a final score of 36.

2) Next up Thurn and Taxis was set up.  Alex dominated that game* with 26 points, followed by Chris with 17, Michael at 16 and Jim with 9.

3)To end the day a game of Middle Earth Quest was started, but was not able to be finished.  Jim the Ranger was blighted by floods at the start of the game, which adled his movement and kept him mostly in the north the entire game, trying to keep Dave, Lord of the Rings, from establishing influence in the shire.  Chris the Dwarf, quickly completed his first quest and then with no rest headed for Moria.  Tired but eager to complete his 2nd quest Chris was disappointed to find a Balrog, and was then promptly eaten.  Michael the horse lord spent his time running around the south dashing several of Dave’s nefarious plots, at one point having to sell his horse to salvage Minas Tirith politically.  In the end, the heroes had beaten back several plots, but were growing incredibly tired.  Dave had made sure that it would be through his counters that the game would be over, it was just a question of weither he could achieve out right victory or if it would all come down to one last fight.

BEWC Meeting Recap 4/7/12

Attendees: Dan Carey, Chris Cregan, Frank Fulton, Roberta Fulton, Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Dave Olson, Alex Wright, Elaine Wright

Club Business: None.

Games Played:
1) Dan, Chris, Scott and Dave L, played Carcassonne: The City, with Dan coming away with the win.

2) Frank, Roberta, Karen and Dave O. played Dominion, Dave won this one.

3) Scott and Dave L. played Conflict of Heroes, with Dave coming out on top.

4) Dan, Chris, Alex and Elaine played Ora et Labora, a close game where Alex edged out the win with 200 points to Chris’ 194.

5) Frank, Roberta, Jim and Dave O. played Andromeda. Dave was the most successful trader.

6) Roberta, Jim and Dave O. played Settlers of Catan with the Cities and Knights expansion. Roberta was looking strong throughout, but Dave O. managed to edge out the win.

7) Frank, Dave L. and Karen played Medici, with Dave coming out the victor.

8) Frank (Mr. Jack) and Dave L. (The Investigators) played Mr. Jack, which saw Dave’s investigators nabbing Mr. Jack as he attempted to escape.

9) Dan, Chris, Frank, Karen, Dave L., Alex and Elaine played 7 Wonders, with Alex taking the win.

10) Chris, Dave L., Karen, Dave O. and Alex played Medici, with Chris coming out the winner.

BEWC Meeting Recap 11/5/11

Attendees: Dan Carey, Tom Dunford, Michael Feinberg, Ryan Frans, Joe Kauffman, Michael Kelly, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Jesse Lute, Jason Molstad, Lane Taylor, Alex Wright, Elaine Wright

Club Business: None

Games Played:

1) Dan, Michael, Dave, and Jason started off with a game of Pandemic, but were fairly quickly overtaken by outbreaks and lost when we ran out of black disease cubes

2) Tom, Dave, and Ryan then spent most of the rest of the day playing Space Empires 4X. Ryan spent his efforts beating Tom back most of the way to oblivion, allowing Dave to sweep in for the victory.

3) Dan, Michael F, Jason, and Lane played Merchants & Marauders. It was the first time playing for everyone, but Michael had gone through the rules and we picked it up pretty quickly. Dan got off to an early lead striking it rich as a merchant, while Michael has some early success as a pirate picking off NPC merchant ships. Michael thought he had achieved victory when in two turns he picked up 4 (of the 10 necessary) glory points through completing a mission, selling 3 good in demand, proving a rumor true, and sinking a French naval frigate, and he needed only to get back to his home port and stash his gold to win. Just after he made it to port, but before his next turn when he could stash his booty, Dan cashed in his own earnings and won the game.

4,5) Joe and Michael K teemed up to play Attika, which Joe won, then played Axis & Allies: D-Day, where Joe upturned history, successfully defending as the Germans.

6,7) Karen, Alex, and Elaine played a round of 7 Wonders and then were joined by Jesse for a second round with the leaders expansion. Alex won both games, with impressive scores of 67 and 72.

8) Michael F, Karen, Jesse, and Alex played Ra, where Alex just edged out Karen, 47 to 46.

9) Michael F, Joe, Jason, and Alex Galaxy Trucker. Joe always seemed to take the longest to assemble his ships, which is usually a significant handicap, but this time perfection paid off and let him haul home big cargo loads in the second and third rounds and win the game.

10, 11) Michael K, Jesse, and Elaine played two games of Dominion Seaside with Elaine winning both.

12) Joe, Karen, and Jason played Metro with Karen wining.

13) Dave, Karen, and Elaine played Guillotine, where Dave was victorious.

14, 15) Joe, Michael K, Jesse, and Jason played two games of Ca$h ‘n Gun$ (the second with the advanced rules) where Jason won the first and Joe the second.

16) Michael F and Alex finished up with a game of Twilight Struggle. It was Michael’s first game and he was completely unable to overcome the experience disadvantage, with Alex’s US achieving complete domination over the Soviets by the 5th turn.

BEWC Meeting Recap 6/19/11

Attendees: Jason Bowen, Jeff Bowen, John Boyle, Michael Feinberg, David Olson, Jay Olson, Chad Willard

Club Business:

We voted to purchase Innovation and Ticket To Ride: Europe

Games Played:

1) John and Michael played two rounds of Lost Cities, with John winning 32 to 23.

2) John, Jay, Jason, Dave, and Michael played 7 Wonders where Dave edged out John for the win with 58 victory points.

3) John, Jason, and Michael played Mansions of Madness scenario 1B “The Fall of the House of Lynch” with John as the keeper and Jason and Michael each controlling two investigators. It’s a fairly complex game and I was worried about the puzzles being distracting, but we made short work of those (to the keeper’s frustration). The investigator’s early success in the search for clues turned into a long weaponless slog through the mansion harried by a maniac and with Ashcan Pete always on the verge of insanity. After the diabolical plot was revealed, we thought we had no chance to stop it, but a well timed reveal of the final clue stunned the Shoggoth and it was trapped in the collapsing mansion giving the investigators a somewhat pyrrhic victory (they too were trapped in the mansion, but surviving apparently wasn’t part of the victory condition). Mansions played much faster than Arkham Horror or Descent (which it shares many elements with, along with Betrayal at House on the Hill) allowing us to finish just as John needed to leave, but we benefited from John having done a lot of the scenario deck building ahead of time, otherwise setup looks very time consuming.

4) Dave, Jay, and Chad played Middle Earth Quest where Dave was victorious as Sauron.

5) Jason and Michael played three rounds of Lost Cities. It was Jason’s first time playing and in the third round he’d picked up the game enough to double Michael’s score for that round, but Michael had the overall victory.

6) Jason and Michael played Dominion: Intrigue where Jason’s deck got bogged down with too many action cards and not enough money, allowing Michael to overtake his early lead for the win.

7) Chad, Jay, Jason, Dave, and Michael played Bang! with the new Wild West Show Expansion. Jason and Michael managed an outlaw victory, despite being the first two players eliminated. Teren Hill’s (Dave) special ability kept the Renegade barely alive an extra half dozen or so turns with the Deputy (Chad) and the Sheriff (Jay) ganging up on him and it looked like a sure law win until the dynamite went off.

BEWC Meeting Recap 4/2/11

Attendees: Josh Batolein, Serai Batolein, Jeff Bowen and family, John Boyle, Michael Feinberg, Ryan Frans, Lionel Galperin, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Dave Olson, Jay Olson

Club Business: None

Games Played:

1) John, Lionel, Michael, Dave L, and Karen played Ra. Lionel and Michael tied for victory points, but Michael had the tie-breaking highest value sun tiles.

2) Dave O and Jay played Carcassone: The Castle, where Dave crushed Jay, but apparently some creative application of the rules was involved.

3) Ryan, John, Jay, and Michael played High Frontiers. The game wasn’t finished due to time, but at the end Ryan was ahead on victory points and John was decently positioned to have a chance of overtaking him. Michael was way behind due to a number of catastrophic encounters with the radiation belts, which destroyed his entire rocket and crew on their way back from Deimos and crippled several attempts to get back there.

4) Dave L and Dave O played an epic game of Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage, with Dave L’s Carthaginians victorious.

5) Karen and Lionel played Blokus.

6, 7) Jeff and family played Fortress America and Pandemic: On the Brink

8, 9) Jay, Josh B, and Michael played two rounds of Thurn and Taxis, where Michael won both games while Jay instead focused on creating the longest possible route, achieving 18 carriages [there are only 22 spaces on the board].

10) Jay, Josh B, and Michael played Citadels which Michael won.

11, 12) Dave O, Jay, Karen, and Serai played two round of Dominion, first Alchemy and then Seaside, with Dave winning both.

13) Dave L, Josh B, and Michael played a close game of Rheinländer that Dave won.

14) Dave L, Josh B, and Michael played Kingdoms, where it looked like Josh was winning, but a brutal third epoch knocked him back to third and Dave took the lead.

BEWC Meeting Recap 2/19/11

Attendees: Dave Olson, Jay Olson, John Boyle, Ryan Frans, Kelly Burnaby, Zachary Burnaby, Scott Harris, Michael Feinberg

Club Business: None

Games Played:

1) Dave, Jay, Ryan, John, and Michael played Space Hulk: Death Angel. It was close, but with only two of their 12 marines left and facing total annihilation the next turn, they managed to complete the mission.

2) They then played an experimental game of High Frontier, though they did not finish it due to time constraints. While initially quite complicated, they all enjoyed it and look forward to playing a full game now that they have the game mechanics down.

3) Kelly and Zachary played Lego Minotaur, which Kelly barely won.

4) Kelly, Zachary, and Scott played Dominion Intrigue, with Scott winning.

5,6) Kelly and Zachary played Zombie Dice to an inconclusive result and then Robo Rally to a victory for Kelly.

7) Dave, Jay, Ryan, Kelly, Zachary, and Michael played Citadels, where Michael just edged out Ryan for the win.

8,9,10) Dave, Jay, Ryan, Kelly, Zachary, and Michael played three games of Incan Gold, though Dave and Jay sat out the last to start cleaning up. Zachary won all three games.

In after-hours play at Scott’s house, Scott, Michael, Josh Lichti, and Chris Gronau played a sprawling game of Rune Wars which Josh suddenly won by capturing one of Chris’s cities, capturing his fifth dragon rune and simultaneously fulfilling his objective to receive his sixth and final rune. They followed up with a tumultuous game of Munchkin, which Scott finally won when no one had anything left to knock the other players down with.

BEWC Meeting Recap 1/15/11

Attendees: Chad Willard, Dave Olson, Jay Olson, Scott Harris, Ryan Frans, Josh Lichti, John Boyle, Jack McNaughton, Michael Feinberg, Dave Landon, Scott Makowksy, Jeff Bowen, Josh Bowen, Jason Bowen

Club Business:

New officers elected:

President: Dave Landon

Vice President: John Boyle

Treasurer: Dave Olson

Secretary: Michael Feinberg

2011 dues should be paid to Dave Olson – $10/member + $5/family member up to a max of $20

The club accepted copies of Axis & Allies Europe 1940 and Axis & Allies Pacific 1940 from Jack McNaughton in trade for 5 years of dues

Games Played:

1) Chad, Scott H, Ryan, and Josh L played a curse heavy game of Dominion, which Josh won with Chad and Scott having negative scores.

2,3) Dave O and Jay joined them for a game each of Zombie Dice and Cthulu Dice, with Dave winning Zombies, and Jay winning Cthulu.

4) Michael, John, and Jack played Citadels, with Michael winning.

5) Scott H, John, Jack, Chad, and Michael played Descent. Scott had an overlord win with the party only about halfway through the dungeon.

6) Dave O, Jay, and Ryan played War of the Rings with Ryan leading the Free People to a victory

7) Dave L and Scott M played Twilight Struggle, with Dave having a win for the communists

8,9) Jeff, Josh B, Jason, Ryan, Dave O, and Jay played two games of Ca$h ‘n Gun$ with Jeff and Jason winning one each

10) Jeff, Josh B, Jason, Dave O, and Jay played Betrayal at House on the Hill, with the party just barely defeating Josh’s Zombie Lord.

11) Dave L and Scott M played Dominion with Dave winning

12) John, Dave L, Scott M played a high scoring game of Dominion Prosperity with John winning

13) Michael, Chad, and Scott H played Dominion Intrigue with Chad winning