Meeting Recap 4/6/19


Steve Albert, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Scott Harris, David Landon, Karen Landon, Dave Olson, Alex Wright, and Elaine Wright

Games Played

Chris, Michael, Scott, Dave L, Karen, and Alex started with a game of Diamonds that Scott one with 43 points in a tie breaker of Michael.

Dave L, Karen, Dave O, and Alex played Photosynthesis, with Alex wining.

Steve, Chris, Michael, and Scott played Nemesis. Steve died on the ship, but everyone else survived and satisfied their victory condition.

Dave L, Karen, Dave O, Alex, and Elaine tried out the club’s new copy of Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig, where Alex again won.

Chris took on the roll of Mr. X in a game of Scotland Yard against Dave L, Karen and Steve.

Michael, Scott, Mike, and Alex finished up with a very low scoring game of Dominion that Alex won with only 12 points.

Meeting Recap 6/3/17


Eray Askit, Michael Feinberg, Brandan James, James Koch, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Ben Samuelson, Alex Wright, and Elaine Wright

Games Played

Eray, Michael, and Karen played Thurn and Taxis, with Michael winning at 33 points.

Ben, Dave, Alex, and Elaine spent most of the morning playing A Feast for Odin. Dave ran away with the game with 143 points, Alex trailing in second at 121.

Eray, Michael, Brandan, and Karen played Airlines Europe. Brandan one at 69 points, with Eray just behind in his first game at 65.

Eray, Michael, Brandan, and Karen played two rounds of Unspeakable Words. Brandan one the first one by points and then bowed out for the second which Michael won after both Karen and Eray went insane.

Eray, Michael, Brandan, and Karen played a hand of Dominion: Intrigue that Michael one with 40 points.

Eray, Michael, Brandan, James, Dave, Ben, and Alex finished up with Citadels that Alex won in a dark horse victory with 26 points over James and Dave who were tied at 25.

BEBGC Meeting Recap 01/07/17


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Amanda James, Brandan James, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Jeramee Scherer, and Alex Wright

Games Played

Dave, Karen, Jeramee, and Alex started with Ra, where Karen won commandingly and Jeramee came in second.

Chris and Michael played 7 Wonders: Duel with Chris rolling over Michael to a military victory.

Chris, Michael, Dave, Jeramee, and Alex tried to “Escape from Innsmouth” in Mansions of Madness Second Edition. Initially things went well for the group and they found a way out of the town and solved most of the mystery, but the situation soon spiraled out of control. Much back tracking was required to find the final piece of evidence and to then make their escape and meanwhile the horrors of the situation were sinking in. By the end, all of the investigators had gone insane and their disparate goals kept anyone from making it to the boat out in time, causing everyone to lose.

Chris, Michael, Brandan Dave, Jeramee, and Alex played three rounds of One Night Ultimate Werewolf Daybreak. In all three the villagers were able to successfully find one of the wolves and win.

Chris, Michael, Jeramee, and Alex played a close round of Dominion. Chris’s shanty town + smithy combo won him the game with 31 points, but Alex was just behind with 30, then Michael with 29.

Amanda, Brandan, Dave, and Karen played Castles of Mad King Ludwig where Amanda won.

Chris and Jeramee played Blood Rage with Chris being victorious.

BEBGC Meeting Recap 08/06/2016


Phil Davenport, McKenna Davenport, Aaron, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, Brandan James, Alex Jordan, Dave Landon, Ben Samuelson, Alex Wright

Games Played

Alex J, Dave, Ben, and Alex W started off with Sheriff of Nottingham, where Alex W was the best smuggler, amassing 169 points over Dave with 153 and Alex J just behind at 151.

Michael, Jim, and Scott tried Dragonwood. Scott captured the first dragon, but Michael was able to capture the second putting him over the with 24 points to Scott’s 21.

Michael, Jim, and Scott played one hand of Red7 that Michael won.

Brandan, Ben, and Alex W played Caylus, where Ben won with 86 points and Alex in second with 79.

Phil, McKenna, Aaron, and Alex J played the Switzerland map of Ticket to Ride, with McKenna winning.

Michael, Jim, Scott, and Dave tried out Star Trek Panic. With only three missions completed and two thirds of the enterprise destroyed, they admitted defeat.

Dave, Ben, and Alex W played two rounds of Dominion, with Alex dominating the first game and Dave the second.

Brandan taught Michael, Jim, and Alex J XCOM: The Board Game, where they were badly defeated. Dave replaced Brandan as Central Officer for a second round that went much better for the people of earth.

Dave, Ben, and Alex W finished with Caverna.

BEBGC Meeting Recap 11/07/15


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Brandan James, Alex Jordan, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Ben Samuelson, Tim Sanker

Games Played

Some people may have played Kingdoms.

Chris, Brandan,  Dave and Karen played Betrayal at House on the Hill.  Karen turned on the group and managed to kill everyone except Brandan before she was banished.

Chris, Brandan,  Dave and Karen played Castles of Mad King Ludwig.  Dave was the most mad-king-like and won.

Michael, Chris, Brandan and Dave played Terra Mystica and Dave stumbled his way into a solid win.

Ben, Jim, Alex and Michael played Dominion.

Next Brandan, Chris, Tim and Dave played XCOM: The Board Game and soundly trounced the aliens.

Michael, Ben, Chris and Jim played Firefly: The Game – the Harken’s Folly scenario – and Mike won.

BEWC Meeting Recap 12/6/14

Attendees: Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, Dennis Henning, Alex Jordan, Dave Landon, Ed McGran, Dave Olson, Alex Wright

1) All attendees (Except Dave O.) started with a game of 7 Wonders with Alex Wright pulling off an impressive science-heavy 62-ish point win.

2) All attendees played three games of The Resistance.  The first game was won by spies Scott, Dennis and Dave O.  The second game saw a win by the Resistance, with Dennis, Dave L. and Jim failing as the spies.  The final game was another win for the spies, with Alex J., Scott and Dave L. getting the win.

3) Jim (Dwarves), Alex J (Undead), Ed (Goblins) and Dave O (Humans) played a partial game of Warparty.  It was dwarves and humans vs. goblins and undead. The undead were having a fairly easy time of it with the humans, and the dwarves and goblins were at each other’s throats, with possibly a small advantage to the dwarves in the end based on the  heroes’ experience levels.  There was no obvious winner when the game was called off.

4) Dennis, Dave L and Alex W played three games of Dominion, with Alex winning all three.

5) Dennis, Dave L and Alex played Attika, with Dave L emerging victorious.

BEWC Meeting Recap 8/16/14

Attendees: Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Matt Walker

1,2) Michael, Jim, and Matt played two games of Dominion. In both games, particularly the first, everyone spent too long building up their decks before cutting over to collecting victory points. In the first game, Michael won with 21 points from a single colony, single province, and a handful of VP chits from playing monument, while no one else had moved on from their starting estates. In the second, all three players were going for villages, bridges, and peddlers, but it was a little closer, with Michael winning with 19 and Jim just behind at 15.

3) Michael, Jim, and Matt moved on to Kingsburg, where Michael won with 42 points and a miscalculation on the final combat by Jim led to Matt just edging him out for second place, 32 to 30.

BEWC Meeting Recap 7/19/14

Attendees: Bruce Clark, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Victor Liu, Dave Olson, Jay Olson, Matt Walker

1) Bruce, Michael, Victor, and Jim started off with Lords of Waterdeep with the Scoundrels of Skullport expansion. After being behind for most of the beginning, Michael thought he had a chance to win after completing a 25 point quest and then following up with a 40 point quest soon after, but Jim used his plot quests to good effect to clear out all of the corruption he had accumulated and won with a commanding 156 points to Michael’s 130, with Bruce and Victor just behind at 119 and 116.

2,3) Michael, Jim, Victor, and Matt moved on to play two games of Dominion. The first game was the predefined ‘Biggest Money’ set from Prosperity. On the last turn, Michael had a little extra money and an extra buy, so bought an estate in addition to the colony, and that one extra point proved decisive in his 44 to 43 point win over Jim. The second game was with a random set of cards, but Michael was again victorious, this time with 59 points over Jim’s 41 point second place.

4) Michael, Jim, Jay, and Matt sat down to the First Contact mission of Battlestations with Dave serving as the referee. With the alien planet sending out a steady stream of missiles, the team decided the best plan was to run as far away as possible and send a science probe to investigate instead. Jim (the pilot) had to leave early, but not much piloting was needed to keep running away. Jay’s really lucky shooting kept the missiles from hitting the ship while Matt narrowed down the alien’s hidden message and the team was able to send back another probe with a message of peace and warp away before being destroyed by the missiles for an ‘overwhelming success’.

BEWC Meeting Recap 6/21/14

Attendees: Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Dave Olson

1,2) Michael, Jim and Dave started off with two rounds of Dave’s new game Space Maze. In the first, Jim was the first to get one of his explorer’s to the relic and despite Michael and Dave each stealing it once, Jim was able to get it back and make it back to his ship with it. In the second, some good luck with cards and dice let Michael make a quick dash to the relic before anyone was close and make an easy escape back to his ship.

3,4,5) They then moved on to Dominion, using a mix of the base game, Intrigue, Seaside, and,Prosperity. In the first game, Michael managed to rack up 11 VP tokens through the use of the Bishop, but it wasn’t enough for him to catch Dave who won 42 to 38. The second game was also close, with Michael wining with 41 points to Dave’s 35 and Jim’s 32. The third game was a bit odder, with Platinum and Colony’s from Prosperity coming out, but very few cards that gave additional money and nothing giving multiple actions. Early in the game Michael was able to Throne Room Sea Hag several times, clogging up Jim and Dave’s decks with curses, after which the game settled into a long slog. Few provinces or colonies were bought and everyone’s decks had close to 50 cards by the time three of the supply piles were empty. Michael had managed to throne room Monument several times for VP tokens and align his cards to buy two colonies, giving him a 49 point win over Dave’s 28.

6) They finished off with Thurn and Taxis, where Jim just plowed through the carriage cards giving him a quick win with 15 points. Michael had accumulated a large number of bonus tiles, but they only added up to 13 points.

BEWC Meeting Recap 6/7/14

Attendees: Brandon James, Michael Feinberg, Scott Harris, Victor Lui, Alex Wright, Chris Cregan, Karen and Dave Landon

1) Scott, Victor, Alex and Chris all pretended to be giant monsters destroying a city in Rampage.  They began the game by ignoring the buildings, people and objectives and instead focused on knocking each other’s teeth out.  Only after the majority of players had two teeth left (the minimum) did they focus on taking down the buildings.  Until it was discovered that you could steal people from other monsters by attacking them at which point they continued their monster brawl, ignoring the last standing building until it was destroyed by accident.Scott ended with the most people and a score of 33.  Alex ate the most floors and ended with 26.  Chris had the most teeth and ended with 17.  Victor destroyed the most building but only ended with six points.

2) Michael had completed his all-in-one box for his Dominion set.  They, Michael, Victor, Scott and Karen then played a heavily seaside influenced deck with both sea hag and the pirate ship.  It came down to the tie breaker (turn order) with Victor just edging out Scott both at 27.  Michael had 22 and Karen had 11.

3) Alex, Chris, Brandon and Dave all played Coup d’etat.  Alex won with 15300 after a succesful Coup against Dave in the first few turns of his rule.  Brandon was 2nd with 11700 managing to hold his entire reign Coupless.  Dave managed to regain some points due to his lost director ship by couping Chris and got back to 10000 evenly.  Chris ended with 2900.

4) Chris, Karen, Alex, Brandon, Dave and Michael then played 7 Wonders with Leaders.  Dave won at 70, Michael 65, Alex 63, Chris 49 and Brandon and Karen at 44.

5) Chris Karen, Dave, Michael and Brandon played a game of Robo Rally.  Everyone jumped on a giant conveyor belt to carry them to the first goal. As expected everyone was pelted by lasers for several turns as they were all following each other.  Dave managed to get off first successfully at the goal, while only Chris found himself falling into a pit due to getting bumped.  Dave got close to the final goal but found several of his tracks locked and this made progress slow.  Chris managed to not only catch up but pass ahead to victory due in large part to a clean deck and a fairly open board.

6)  Finally Chris, Dave, Michael, Brandon and Karen played Snowdonia.  Michael won with 135 points, followed by Dave at 101, Chris at 99, Karen at 75 and Brandon at 74.