BEWC Meeting Recap 11/15/14

Attendees: Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Chris Cregan, Dave Olson, Alex Jordan, Jay Olson, Ken MacArthur, Jeremee Schrear, Ed Magran, Ryan Frans, Anthony Eaton, Maria and Matt Willey

1) The meeting started with a game of Seven Wonders with Alex managing to just squeak out a victory as Alexandria with 59 points.  Jay was next at 56 with Giza, Micheal got 47 with Babylon even with missing a couple science buildings, for his first game Ken got 44 as Halikanarsis, Jim was just behind him with 43 as olympia, Dave got 37 as Rhodes and Jeremee got 32 as Ephesos.

2) While that was finishing up Ed set up Fire on the Lake.  Matt and Maria started off as the Veit Con but were later relieved by Ryan when they left.  Ed played as the Americans and Jim played as the US allied Vietnamese.  Things started off well for the Americans as they demolished the NBA but near the end the were getting surrounded by new forces and were trying to pull back from the War before they started racking up casualties.  Unfortunately the game did not end up getting finished.

3) Another long game was going on at a different table.  Ken, Jeremee and Jay all delved into a dungeon in Descent.  Despite Dave, an experienced and cruel Dungeon Master, the party managed to survive long enough against Giants and other monsters to win out in the end.

4)The third and final long game was Firefly.  The captains were tasked with a series of highly deadly jobs, each one likely to kill one or more of their crew.  It was a game of riches, as good characters and ship upgrades were easily drawn at the start of the game.  Anthony got off to a very quick start, a crew of hill folk and Jane as well as an assortment of firepower.  He was the first to grab up the first Goal token but was harassed by a Reaver on the way to the 2nd.  He lost several crew and more importantly turns allowing Micheal to pass him, grabbing the 2nd token and making his way to the final objective overcoming some Reaver road blocks.  Alex had a good game but got poor luck on the objective cards and ended up being a few turns behind Micheal.  Chris was probably playing a different game.  He spent the game in the slow freighter ship collecting cargo and finishing log haul trucking missions.  He ended up being incredibly wealthy and in dead last.  Micheal won the game with both Anthony and Alex close behind.

5) To end the day off three games of Bang the Dice Game were played by Chris Jeremee, Mike Jay Alex and Anthony.  It was a bad day for the law as the outlaws proceeded to get a hat trick.  Chris Dave and Jeremee won  the first game, Micheal Anthony and Jay the 2nd, and finally Dave Chris and Jeremee won the final.

BEWC Meeting Recap 1/15/11

Attendees: Chad Willard, Dave Olson, Jay Olson, Scott Harris, Ryan Frans, Josh Lichti, John Boyle, Jack McNaughton, Michael Feinberg, Dave Landon, Scott Makowksy, Jeff Bowen, Josh Bowen, Jason Bowen

Club Business:

New officers elected:

President: Dave Landon

Vice President: John Boyle

Treasurer: Dave Olson

Secretary: Michael Feinberg

2011 dues should be paid to Dave Olson – $10/member + $5/family member up to a max of $20

The club accepted copies of Axis & Allies Europe 1940 and Axis & Allies Pacific 1940 from Jack McNaughton in trade for 5 years of dues

Games Played:

1) Chad, Scott H, Ryan, and Josh L played a curse heavy game of Dominion, which Josh won with Chad and Scott having negative scores.

2,3) Dave O and Jay joined them for a game each of Zombie Dice and Cthulu Dice, with Dave winning Zombies, and Jay winning Cthulu.

4) Michael, John, and Jack played Citadels, with Michael winning.

5) Scott H, John, Jack, Chad, and Michael played Descent. Scott had an overlord win with the party only about halfway through the dungeon.

6) Dave O, Jay, and Ryan played War of the Rings with Ryan leading the Free People to a victory

7) Dave L and Scott M played Twilight Struggle, with Dave having a win for the communists

8,9) Jeff, Josh B, Jason, Ryan, Dave O, and Jay played two games of Ca$h ‘n Gun$ with Jeff and Jason winning one each

10) Jeff, Josh B, Jason, Dave O, and Jay played Betrayal at House on the Hill, with the party just barely defeating Josh’s Zombie Lord.

11) Dave L and Scott M played Dominion with Dave winning

12) John, Dave L, Scott M played a high scoring game of Dominion Prosperity with John winning

13) Michael, Chad, and Scott H played Dominion Intrigue with Chad winning