Meeting Recap 02/15/25

Attendees: Matt Ackerman, Michael Eisenberg, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Sydnee Johnson, Dave Olson, Chad Willard

Games Played

Michael E, Michael F, Jim and Dave played Tsuro. Michael F and Dave tied.

Michael E, Michael F, Jim, Sydnee and Dave played Coup. Dave won.

Matt, Michael F, and Jim played Starship Captains. Michael won.

Matt, Michael F, and Jim played Expeditions. Michael won.

Michael E, Sydnee, Dave and Chad played The Witcher: Old World. Ran out of time to complete the game.

Michael E, Sydnee and Chad played Splendor.

Meeting Recap 10/18/24

Attendees: Chris Cregan, Michael Eisenberg, Michael Feinberg, Chris Gronau, Jim Halloran, Sydnee Johnson, Dave Olson, Bruce Clark

Games Played:

Chris C, Jim, Sydnee and Dave played Coup. Chris won.

Michael E, Jim, Sydnee and Dave played Coup. Dave won.

Michael E, Jim, Sydnee and Dave played Coup. Sydnee won.

Michael E, Jim, Sydnee and Dave played Space Base. Jim won.

Chris C, Michael F, Chris G and Bruce played Star Wars: Outer Rim. Chris won.

Michael E, Jim, Sydnee and Dave played Potion Explosion. Michael won.

Michael E, Jim, Sydnee and Dave played Potion Explosion. Sydnee won.

Chris C, Michael F and Chris G played 2 games of Tiny Towns. Chris G won both.

Michael E, Sydnee and Dave played Valeria: Card Kingdom. Sydnee won.

Michael E, Sydnee and Dave played Valeria: Card Kingdom. Dave won.

Meeting Recap 09/21/24

Attendees: Michael Eisenberg, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Sydnee Johnson, Alex Jordan, Luciano Maffei, Dave Olson, Ben Steinwurtzel

Games Played:

Michael E, Michael F, Jim, Sydnee, Alex and Dave played Coup. Sydnee won.

Michael F, Alex, Luciano and Ben played Terraforming Mars. Michael won.

Michael E, Jim, Sydnee and Dave played Defenders of the Realm. It was a close game, the heroes were set to take on the dragon leader in the next round, but the lad was too tainted to be redeemed.

Michael F, Sydnee, Alex and Dave played a couple of games of Space Base. Michael won both.

Michael E, Jim, Ben and Luciano played a couple of games of Splendor. Luciano won the first and Ben won the second.

Michael E, Jim and Luciano played Tsuro.

Michael F, Sydnee and Dave played Zombie Dice. Dave won.

Michael E, Michael F, Jim, Sydnee and Luciano played Tsuro. Jim and Sydnee shared in the victory.

Michael E, Michael F, Jim, Sydnee, Dave and Luciano played Tsuro. Dave won.

Meeting Recap 12/15/18


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Alex Jordan, and Ben Samuelson

Games Played

Chris, Michael, Jim, Alex, and Ben started with four hands of Coup, with Chris, Michael, Alex, and Ben winning one each.

Chris, Michael, Jim, Alex, and Ben played Isle of Skye, with Jim winning at 72 points.

Chris, Michael, Jim, and Alex played Dinosaur Island where Chris won.

Chris, Michael, and Alex finished up with another game of Isle of Skye, this time with Michael winning with 70 points just ahead of Chris at 66.

Meeting Recap 10/21/17

Games played

Star Realms: Colony Wars

Played by:

Mark and Dave with Mark winning

Mike and Dan K with Mike winning

Josh and Abbie with Abbie winning

Betrayal at House on the Hill

Played by Jim, Dave, Sel, Mark and Matt

Coop victory against Sel

Eminent Domain

Played by Mike, Ben, Chris and Dan K

Mike won

Great Western Trail

Played by Mike, Ben, Chris and Dan K

Mike won

Shadow Hunters

Played by Jim, Sel, Josh, Abbie, Mark and Dave

Jim, Josh and Mark won the 1st game

Dave won the 2nd game

Sel, Dave and Abbie won the 3rd

Jim and Sel won the 4th game

Mark won the

Ghost Stories

Played by Dave, Mike, Sel and Mark

Coop Victory


Played by Jim, Josh, Abbie, Ben and Chris

Meeting Recap 9/2/17

Games played

Lost Cities

Played by Dave l and Sel.  Dave won.


Played by Dave L, Sel, Jim, Scott and Alex W

Alex won


Played by Alex W, Elaine, Scott and Chris

Coop Victory

Robo Rally

Played by Jim, Sel, Dove O, Jay and Dan

Jim won

Mare Nostrum: Empires

Played by Jim, Sel, Dove O, Jay and Dan

Jay won


Played by Alex W, Elaine, and Chris

Mansions of Madness Second Edition

Played by Dave L, Arie, Alex W, Scott, Brandon and Chris

Coop Loss

Cosmic Encounter

Played by Jim, Sel, Dove O, Jay and Dan

Jim and Sel each won one game


Played by Jim, Sel, Dove O and Jay

Jim won


Played by Jim, Sel, Dove O and Jay


Played by Jim, Sel, Dove O and Jay

Coop Victory

Meeting Recap 7/1/17

Coup was played by Jim, Mark, Selwyn and Chis

Ethnos was played by Matt, Jim, Chris, Selwyn and Mark

Eminent Domain played by Chris C, Dave and Jay

Caste Panic by Jim, Mark, Selwyn and Chris

Caste Panic with Wizards Tower by Jim, Mark, Selwyn, Chris, Dave and Jay

Cosmic Encounters, 3 games played by Jim, Mark, Selwyn, Chris, Dave, Jay and Chris C

Meeting Recap 6/17/17

Games Played

Castle Panic with the Wizards Tower expansion

Played by Jim, Alex, Mike, Chris and Mark

Cooperative Victory

Star Trek Ascendancy

Played by Matt, Mike, and Mark

Mike won

BANG! The Dice Game

Played by Jim, Selwyn, Jay, Chis, Alex, Dave and Marni

Shadow Hunters

Played by Jim, Selwyn, Jay, Chis, Alex, Dave and Marni

Chis won the 1st game, Dave won the 2nd


Played by Jim, Mark, Dave, Jay, Chris and Selwyn

Stone Age

Played by Alex, Mike and Chris

Alex won.

Legends of Andor

Played by Selwyn, Dave and Jay

New Purchases

Club voted to purchase Shadow Hunters and the Old Saloon expansion for BANG! The Dice Game.

Meeting Recap 4/1/17


Eray Askit, Dan Carey, Chris Cregan, Tyler Eller, Michael Feinberg, Scott Harris, Brandan James, Dave Landon, Dave Olson, Kerri Olson, Ben Samuelson, Alex Wright

Games Played

After an abandoned teaching game, Dan, Chris, Michael, Ben, and Alex played Food Chain Magnate. Alex won commandingly with 550 points, filled by Dan with 295.

Eray, Scott, Brandan, and Dave L played Castles of Mad King Ludwig where Brandan one with 98 points.

Eray, Scott, Brandan, and Dave L then moved onto XCOM: The Board Game with the Evolution expansion but were unable to save the world from alien invasion.

Tyler, Dave O, and Kerri played two hands of Love Letter with Dave winning both.

They then played two hands of Coup with Tyler winning one and Dave the other.

Eray, Scott, Brandan, Dave L, Dave O, and Kerri finished with Avalon. Dave L and Eray’s forces of evil dominated, winning on the third mission.

Meeting Recap 3/18/17

Lords of Waterdeep

Played by Mike, Jim, Alex, Ben, Rob and Matt

Mike won

Blood Rage

Played by Chris, Dave O, Jay and Jeremy

Chris won

Assault of the Giants

Played by Jay, Dave O, Matt and Jim

Jay won

Power Grid

played by Chris, Vince and Alex

Chris won


Played by Ben, Mike and Jeremy

Mike won


Played by Mike, James. Ben, and Jeremy

James won

The day ended with several quick games of Coup and Bang