Meeting Recap 08/17/24

Attendees: Michael Eisenberg, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson, Christian Otto, Matt Skelton

Games Played:

Michael E (Sheriff), Michael F. (Deputy), Alex (Renegade), Dave (Outlaw) and Matt (Outlaw) played Bang!. The lawmen were victorious.

Michael E, Alex and Matt S played Firefly. Alex won.

Michael F, Jim and Dave played a couple of games of Splendor. Jim won the first game and Michael won the second game.

Michael F, Jim, Dave and Christian played Clank! In! Space!! Michael won.

Michael F, Jim, Dave and Christian played Lords of Waterdeep. Dave won.

Michael E, Alex and Matt S played a couple of games of Splendor.

Meeting Recap 6/4/22


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, David Landon, Zoe Landon, Gerald Power, Alex Wright, and Elaine Wright

Games Played

Chris, Michael, David, and Alex started with Foundations of Rome. A lucky early civic building placement generated lots of points for Michael, giving him the win with 93 points to David’s second place 83.

David, Gerald, and Alex played Clank! In! Space!. David didn’t make it out alive, leaving Alex the winner with 97 points.

Chris, Michael, and Zoe played Dinosaur World where Chris had the most successful park with 68 points over Michael’s 61.

Chris, Michael, David, Zoe, and Gerald finished up with Instabul. Chris was the first to four rubies and David also got there, but Michael edged them out to get the winning fifth ruby first.

Meeting Recap 7/20/19


Mary Bos, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson, Wolfie Tuk, Carlo Torrella, Kasey Webster, and Kate Webster

Games Played

Mary, Alex, Carlo, and Michael started with Carlo teaching Gonuts for Donuts. Carlo finished first with 24 points, followed by Alex at 19.

Chris, Alex, and Carlo teamed up against Mary, Michael, Dave, and Wolfie in two rounds of Captain Sonar. Michael’s team sunk Chris’s in the first game, but they got revenge and won the second.

Mary, Chris, Michael, Alex, Dave, Wolfie, and Carlo then moved on to Between Two Cities. It was a well balanced game with all eight cities ending between 54 and 58 points, but Mary was victorious with her lowest city being 56.

Chris, Dave, Kasey and Kate played Elysium, where Chris won with 65 points followed by Kasey at 61.

Mary, Alex, Wolfie, and Michael played a successful game of Clank! In! Space!, where everyone made it back to the hanger, though Mary was knocked out before reaching an escape pod. Michael raked in the most loot with 125 points, followed by Alex at 102.

Chris, Michael, Alex, Dave, Wolfie, and Kasey then played two rounds of Downforce. Chris easily one the first race with $26 million, while Michael won the second with $25 million, both taking advantage of their first place position to get out ahead.

Chris, Alex, Dave, Wolfie, and Kasey then played two rounds of Bang! The Dice Game. Game 1: Alex (Sheriff) and Chris (Deputy) won against Wolfie (Outlaw), Dave (Outlaw) and Kasey (Renegade).  Game 2: Wolfie (Sheriff) and Chris (Deputy) won against Dave (Outlaw), Kasey (Outlaw) and Alex (Renegade)

Meeting Recap 2/16/19


Matt Ackerman, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson, Ben Samuelson, Emily Snavely, Wolfie Tuk, and Aylin Tumer

Games Played

Matt, Jim, Dave, Ben, and Wolfie started with Space Base, which Jim won.

Chris, Michael, Alex, and Emily played Clank! In! Space! Alex was the first to get a treasurer but was knocked out just before we made it back to the landing bay, soon followed by Chris still in the depths of the ship. Michael and Emily both did make it to the landing bay, but were knocked out in the same turn before escaping the ship. Michael won  on points, 73 to 70, but if one less of Emily’s cubes had been drawn in the last attack, she would have gotten to an escape pod and won handily.

Matt, Jim, Dave, Ben, and Wolfie moved on to Root.  Dave won.

Chris, Alex, and Emily played Dinosaur Island where Chris built the best (least deadly?) theme park.

Chris, Wolfie, Aylin, Jim and Dave played Mission Red Planet.  Chris won.

Aylin, Dave and Jim played King of New York twice.  Dave won both times.

Meeting Recap 6/2/18


Eray Askit, Michael Feinberg, Scott Harris, Brandan James, Robin Kish, Jenna, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Alex Wright, and Elaine Wright

Games Played

Eray, Dave, and Alex played Alchemists, with Alex winning.

Michael, Brandan, Karen, and Elaine started off with Metro, where Michael just edged out Elaine for the victory, 61 to 59.

Michael, Scott, Robin, Jenna, Karen, and Elaine played Between Two Cities. Michael had the best second best city at 57 points, with Scott just behind at 55.

Michael, Scott, Robin, and Jenna moved on to Clank! In! Space! where Scott this time overcame Michael to win with 114 points to Michael’s 110.

Brandan, Dave, Karen, and Elaine (with some tag team help from Alex) played Ticket To Ride India, which saw Karen trouncing everyone with 112 points followed by Brandon at 104. They wanted it noted for the record that Karen’s score was 50% higher than Dave’s.

Dave, Karen, Alex, and Elaine finished up with the Castles of Mad King Ludwig.

Meeting Recap 5/19/18

Between Two Cities

Played by Mike, Jim, Matt, Dave, Jeremy, Alex and Chris

Mike won

Roll Player 

Played by Stephanie, Chis and Dave

Dave won

Clank! In! Space!

Played by Mike, Jeremy, Dave and Ben

Jeremy won


Played by Dave, Chris, and Stephanie

Chis won


Played by Jim, Matt and Alex

Matt won

Dice Forge 

Played by Mike, Jeremy and Dave

Dave won

Dice Forge 

Played by Jim, Jeremy and Dave

Jeremy won two

Meeting Recap 3/3/18


Eray Askit, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Scott Harris, Dave Landon, Karen Landon,  Dave Olson, Ben Samuelson, and Jeramee Scherer

Games Played

Michael, Dave O, Ben, and Jeramee played Clank! In! Space! Michael delved really deep into the ship, but the luck of the draw was with him and against the odds he barely made it out alive. Ben also made it out, but Michael had racked up the points and one 145 to 100.

Eray, Chris, Dave L, and Scott played Anachrony.