Meeting Recap 09/19/15


Michael Feinberg, Ryan Frans, Jim Halloran, Dave Olson

Games Played

Michael and Dave played Eminent Domain.  Michael went for a strong produce/trade strategy and Dave went heavily military.  Michael won 37 to 35.

Michael and Dave played Eminent Domain.  This time they switched roles, Dave went for a strong produce/trade strategy and Michael went heavily military.  Michael won 45 to 36.

Ryan and Jim played Churchill.  Ryan won as Churchill with 51 points, Jim came in second as Stalin with 50, and the bot player FDR/Truman brought up the rear with 43 points.

Michael and Dave played BattleLore.  They played the first scenario, Agincourt.  Michael changed the course of history and won as the French, four flags to one, in a very quick romp.

Michael and Dave played BattleLore.  Again they played the first scenario, Agincourt, but they switched sides.  This time Michael was able to restore the historical balance, winning four flags to two.

Michael, Jim and Dave played Defenders of the Realm.  This was a rough game from turn one, and the heroes were only able to defeat one general before the game ended.

Michael, Jim and Dave played Defenders of the Realm.  This time the heroes did much better, and were able to take out three of the generals, but the countryside was overrun with minions and the land was too corrupted.  It was close to a win, but once again the heroes fell short.