BEWC Meeting Recap 06/20/15


Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Dave Olson and Jeramee Scherer

Games Played

Michael, Jim, Dave and Jeramee played Buck Rogers: Battle for the 25th Century Game.  We played some version of the base game mixed with the advanced game with some elements of the fan inspired Version 2.0 from BGG.  Jim took control of Wilma Deering and set up base on Earth and the Moon.  Jeramee took the role of Black Barney and owned Mars AND Mercury, with a small presence in the asteroid belt.  Michael played as Buck Rogers with his forces split between Venus and the asteroids.  Dave controlled Killer Kane with forces on Venus and the asteroid belt.

Wilma and Barney jumped out to early leads running unopposed on Earth/Moon for Wilma and Mars/Mercury for Barney.  Kane and Buck figured out early on that they should form a non-agression pact if they were going to be able to compete with Wilma and Barney.  Kane made an attempt on Mercury, but was quickly thwarted by Barney’s numerical superiority.  Buck and Kane both made some inroads in the asteroid belt.  Barney made an early attempt to infiltrate the Earth sattelites, but Wilma was able to repel the attempt.  Barney also made a move against Buck on Venus, but was unable to capture any territories.

In the end, we did not get to finish the game since Jim (Wilma) had to leave early, but at that point Wilma was moving to take Mars from Barney, and Buck decided to back-stab his loyal partner and fellow Venusian Killer Kane.  The score when the game was abandoned was Jim 14, Michael 13, Jeramee 12, Dave 3.

Michael, Jeramee and Dave played The Castles of Burgundy.  Final score: Michael 93, Jeramee 68, Dave 59

Club Business

The club voted to purchase Ca$h ‘n Guns (second edition) and Specter Ops.

BEWC Meeting Recap 2/1/14

Attendees: Dan Carey, Michael Feinberg,Chris Cregan, Bruce Clark, Brandan James Alex Jordan, Victor Liu Dave Landon, Karen Landon, and Alex Wright

Club Business: None.

Games Played
1) A game of Medici started the day off.Dave ended up winning with 84 to Bruce’s 71 Alex W. at 74, Victor had 61 and Michael ended in 2nd with 76.

2) Bruce had brought his new copy of Caverna and a game was quickly set up.  Michael dominated with 88 points in the end.  Alex W had 65 followed closely by Bruce at 64 and Victor at 59.

3) Alex, Jim, Dan and Chris played a couple rounds of Warparty with a turn limit of 12, though neither game got that far.  The first game had Chris and Dan on a team as Dwarves and Humans respectively.  Jim played the Undead and Alex the Goblins.  Jim immediately got out his hero and levied a magic tax on the Dwarves to slow them down.  Chris moved in on Alex quickly trying to capitalize on his quest to kill goblins.  Alex pulled his entire army and all his heros to defend his outposts which let the dwarves teleport into a mountain range boardering his stronghold and promptly end the game prematurely for a Good Forces victory.

The 2nd game had Dan playing the Goblins with Alex on as the Undead while Chris played the humans with Jim on as the Dwarves.  This game saw a lot more dungeon interactions with heroes scooping up relics or allies from explorations.  The undead and humans both gained mobile forces, the undead with a powerful wizard and bone dragon duo and the humans with a stable of knights backed by mage and priest.  Both Goblins and Dwarves massed large armies and feilded all of their heroes, though at the cost of their more advanced units.  Both Undead and Goblin heroes joined together to take on the dungeon in Goblin territory and were rewarded with a powerful unit.  However, this was within striking distance of both Human and Dwarven armies who converged in an attack.  It was a decisive victory for Good whose heroes jumped in level and power.   With this power the dwarves expanded out and built their third outpost.  Evil conceded after it was clear they could not destroy a good outpost and the goblins could not match the Dwarves (humans and undead already had built their outposts).

4) Brandan Won Castles of Burgundy with 243 just edging out Michael at 229.  It was the Landons first time at the game with David ending at 181 point and Karen with 174.

5)Airlines was brought out with Michael winning at 82, Dave at 71 and a three way tie for 64 between Chris, Brandan and Karen.

6)The night finished off with two games of Unspeakable Words.  In typical Lovecraftian fashion everyone went insane for the first game.  In the 2nd game insanely only Michael went mad after getting to 82 points.  Chris, at 91, was the only lucid one not to break 100.  Brandon won at 106, Karen at 105 and Dave at 102.

BEWC Meeting Recap 1/4/14

Attendees: Dan Carey, Michael Feinberg, Scott Harris, Brandan James, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, and Alex Wright

Club Business: None.

Games Played
1) Dan, Michael, Scott, Karen, Dave, Karen, and Alex started off with Unspeakable Words. Michael won with 109 points with Dave behind the 100-point threshold with 99. Alex and Scott went insane.

2) Dan, Michael, Scott, Brandan, Karen, Dave, Karen, and Alex then moved on to 7 Wonders with both the Cities and Leaders expansions. Nobody could stop Alex’s science machine and his 81 point victory, Dave came in second with 69, with the rest of the pack close behind with only five points separating 2nd and 5th places.

3) Michael, Scott, Dave, and Karen split off for Star Trek Catan where Michael made good use of McCoy’s support to go through the development deck and get the cards he needed for largest star fleet, edging out the win from Dave 10 points to 9.

4) Dan, Brandan, and Alex played Castles of Burgundy, which Alex one with a commanding 236 points over Dan’s 191 in second place.

5, 6) Dan, Michael, Brandan, Karen, Dave, Karen, and Alex played two rounds of Ca$h ‘n Gun$. In the first Dan one with $85,000 and Alex just behind with $80,000. For the second game, individual player powers were added, leading to a more brutal game iwht both Dave and Dan dying and Michael sneaking in with a $105,000 win with Alex in second at $95,000.

7) Dan, Michael, Brandan, Karen, Dave, and Karen hunted Alex in Scotland Yard, and despite a nice early breakout by Mr. X, Alex was hunted down in round 10.

8) Michael, Brandan, Karen, and Alex played Smash Up with victory being snatched from Michael’s Alien Zombies when Alex broke a base one round for Michael could break his. Alex’s Ninja Dinosaurs were victorious with 17 points, with Karen’s Robot Wizards in second.

9) Dave, Karen, and Alex finished up with a game of Samurai.

BEWC Meeting Recap 5/04/2013

Attendees: Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Chris Cregan, Michael Kelly, Dan Carey, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Brandan James, Josh Lichti, Alex Wright, Elaine Wright, Ryan Frans, Rhonda Frans and John Boyle

Games Played

1)Ticket To Ride Switzerland.  John won with 111, followed by Michael F at 101 and Brandon with 100.

2)Medici.  Dan 161, Dave 141 and Jim 79.

3)Merchant of Venus.  Brandan 3010, Jim 2240 Chris 1770

4) King of Air and Steam.  Michael K 143, Dave L 135, Josh L 158, Dan C 135, Michael F 150 and John B 145

5) Hansa. Ryan 57 Alex 56

6) Airlines:Europe.  Karen L. 106, Ryan 92, Dave L 76 Michael K 68 Rhonda 58

7) Castles of Burgundy.  Michael F 238, Alex -225, Elaine 199, Dan 183

8) Scotland Yard.  Dave as Mr X was captured by the detectives Ryan, Michael K, Karen, and Alex.

9)Dominion: Seaside.  Jim 30, Chris 28, Michael F 26 and Dan 5 (Dan’s first game of Dominion).

10)Dominion: Hinterlands.  Michael F 38, Chris 26, Jim 19.

11)Wings of War: Dawn of War.  Dave and Michael commanding an axis team (with French support) faced off against Chris, Karen and Brandan as the Allies.  After quickly losing Michael’s plane and one of Dave’s two, Dave was able to take on all three allies plane with his one remain and won.

12)Medici.  Chris 125, Michael F 104, Karen 100, Dave 98, Brandan 94

13)Medici.  Chris 102, Michael F 105, Karen 107, Dave 107, Brandan 81

BEWC Meeting Recap 10/6/12

Attendees: Monique Ball, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Frank Fulton, Robbie Fulton, Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, Michael Kelly, Chris Leitenberger, Josh Lichti, Luke Miller, Heather Murphy, Dave Olson, Alex Wright, and Elaine Wright

Club Business: None.

Games Played:
1) Chris C, Michael F, Dave, and Alex all got there early to try out the club’s new copy of Mage Knight. Having all at least skimmed the rules we got into the game fairly quickly and had a lot of fun with it. There were still a number of surprises though at the end game scoring and one extra crystal that Chris picked up because he had nothing better to do with a card ended up turning into three extra victory points which gave him the win with 38 points to Michael’s second place 35.

2) Jim, Scott, Chris L, and Michael K played 7 Wonders with the Leaders and Cities expansions. Chris’s blue card strategy just edged out Mike’s science strategy 74 to 73.

3) Scott had to leave, so Josh, briefly back from Japan, stepped in for him and joined Jim, Chris L, and Mike K for a game of Kingsburg with the To Forge A Realm expansion. Josh ran away with the game with 53 point wins, but all the players for some reason felt that it was important that I point out that Mike came in last place, despite getting extra victory points for being the fairy.

4) After finishing Mage Knight, Chris C, Michael F, Dave, and Alex were joined by Frank and Robbie for their own game of 7 Wonders with both expansions. Chris continued his trend of beating Michael by 3 points, winning with 75 points to Michal’s second place 72.

5) Jim, Chris L, Josh and Michael K took over the Mage Knight board, but unfortunately they ran out of time to finish before the rec center closed. They got through one day and one night of the first scenario, and at the end Josh was leading with 26 points with Jim in second with 20.

6) Chris C, Michael F, Luke and Alex moved on to Castles of Burgundy. Through most of the game it looked like Chris was comfortably leading, but at the end when all of the extra points from yellow tiles were tallied up, Michael finally made up for his two losses to Chris earlier in the day by edging him out 225 points to 224.

7) Monique, Frank, Robbie, Heather, and Dave played the Germany map of Power Grid, where Robbie dominated the game.
Monique ball

8,9) With a little time left before the rec center closed, Chris C, Michael F, Luke, Alex and Elaine played two rounds of Tsuro. It came down to the last piece, but Michael just barely edged out Elaine in the first game. In the second, Alex held on the longest, followed by Luke.

10) Monique, Heather, and Dave started a game of Pandemic and were working on their second cure when we had to leave.

BEWC Meeting Recap 9/15/12

Attendees: Dan Carey, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Michael Kelly, Alex Wright, and Elaine Wright.

Club Business: We voted to purchase Mage Knight.

Games Played:
1,2) Michael F and Jim started with two rounds of Tsuro, winning one each.

3) Dan and Alex spent the day playing Pursuit of Glory, about World War I in the middle east. Dan was the Allied (British/Russian) player and Alex was the Central Powers (Ottoman Turk) player. Dan launched some attacks on the Caucasus and Mesopotamia to start the game and made a little progress. Alex countered and later advanced a bit in the Caucasus. Dan’s invasion of the Gallipoli peninsula bogged down just like in real life. By 1916 Dan’s British and Indians were making some progress in Mesopotamia but the Russians were not getting anywhere in the Caucasus. Alex opened up another front in the Balkans, attacking Serbia with Germans and Bulgarians. He also advanced forces to the Suez Canal but Dan concentrated forces there to hold him back, and he later withdrew across the Sinai. Alex also had some Iranian tribes causing trouble for Dan in Persia. Due to time, the game was called at the end of 1916, as the Russian Revolution was just starting to take the Russians out of the game. Adding up the points, Dan won a victory of endurance, kind of a minor victory.

4) Chris, Michael F, Jim, and Michael K played Monsters Menace America, mostly on a lark, but ended up enjoying the game. In the first phase of the game, Michael F’s Tomanagi (basically Godzilla) had free range to terrorize the west coast, while everyone else concentrated on the eastern and central US. Chris’s Megaclaw took the brunt of the miltary’s counterattack, but despite that he went into the monster challenge round with the second most health after Michael F. Michael K’s Toxicor started off the challenge, but lost to Jim’s giant eyeball Zorb. Zorb then decided to take on Tomanagi and lost. In the final battle between Tomanagi and Megaclaw, statistically Tomanagi was stronger, but luck was on Megaclaw’s side and Chris was the last man standing.

5) Chris, Michael F, Jim, and Michael K moved on to Airlines Europe, where Chris just managed to edge out Michael F for the win 92 points to 90.

6,7,8) While waiting on lunch, Chris, Michael F, Jim, and Elaine played three more rounds of Tsuro. Jim won the first while the second came down to everyone still alive (but adjoining the same tile!) with only two tiles left. Jim was left with no choice in tile placement except a path that drove everyone off the board but Michael. In the third game, Chris and Jim isolated themselves in one corner and ended up running into each other, leaving Elaine victorious.

9) Chris, Michael F, Michael K, and Elaine played The Castles of Burgundy. Michael K used his farms to rack up an impressive 204 points, but Michael F built up a commercial empire, using yellow tiles to build 6 of the 7 warehouses and then earning 4VP for each of them, along with 3VP more for each color of goods sold using the warehouses, bringing him to 216VP and the win.

BEWC Meeting Recap 9/1/12

Attendees: Mellissa Bassett, Dan Carey, Michael Feinberg, Linda Galperin, Lionel Galperin, Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, Brandan James, Joe Kauffman, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Chris Leitenberger, Dave Olson, and Jeremy Swope

Club Business: None.

Games Played:
1) Once everyone straggled in, Dan, Michael, Jim, and Dave L played The Castles of Burgundy, which was new to everyone. Jim and Dan both managed to rack up impressive points from animals, but Dave’s collection of yellow victory point giving tiles pushed him to a comfortable win with 237 points to Michael’s second place 218.

2) Scott, Brandan, Chris, Dave O, and Jeremy played 7 Wonders with both the Leaders and the new Cities expansions. The 8th card in each age led to a high scoring game, with Jermey winning with 89 points.

3,4) Linda, Lionel, Scott, Brandan, Chris, Dave O, and Jeremy played two games of Tsuro. In the first game, somehow Brandan found himself knocked out on the very first turn and the game wound down to Lionel and Chris sharing victory when the last play took them both off the board. In the second Lionel was able to claim a solo victory.

5) Michael, Lionel, Scott, Dave L, and Dave O played Airlines Europe, which was also new to all of them. Dave L triumphed with 84 points, with Dave O coming in second with 75.

6) Dan, Jim, Brandan, Joe, Mellissa, and Chris played an epic game of Battlestar Galactica using both the Pegasus and Exodus expansions and the New Caprica scenario from Pegasus. It was rough going for the humans with food rapidly becoming critical. With suspicion high against Chris, he managed to steal the admiral title and choose a disastrous jump before being executed. The other cylon, Mellissa, managed to stay hidden, and between the two they easily defeated the humans on New Caprica.

7) While waiting for the game of Galactica to end, Michael, Dave L, Karen, and Zoe played Blokus. Michael was the first out, while Zoe (with a little help) held on for second place and Dave put the rest of us to shame by getting out all of his pieces.

8) Still waiting on Galactica, Michael, Dave, and Karen played Attika. Access to the temples was blocked early, so everyone turned to trying to build their full cities. Everyone had a shot, but Karen got there well ahead of the others.

9) Michael, Brandan, Dave L, Karen, and Chris finished off with Alien Frontiers with the Factions expansion. For most of the early and mid-game there was a fairly balanced build up resources and colonies, but towards the end Michael had two really lucky sets of die rolls, the first turn letting him satisfy his second agenda (for another VP) and stealing huge quantities of resources and in the second turn using those resources to land three colonies (out of the six total in the game) in that one turn. After that there was nothing to be done to keep him from landing his last colony the next turn and winning the game with 11VP.