Meeting Recap 7/20/19


Mary Bos, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson, Wolfie Tuk, Carlo Torrella, Kasey Webster, and Kate Webster

Games Played

Mary, Alex, Carlo, and Michael started with Carlo teaching Gonuts for Donuts. Carlo finished first with 24 points, followed by Alex at 19.

Chris, Alex, and Carlo teamed up against Mary, Michael, Dave, and Wolfie in two rounds of Captain Sonar. Michael’s team sunk Chris’s in the first game, but they got revenge and won the second.

Mary, Chris, Michael, Alex, Dave, Wolfie, and Carlo then moved on to Between Two Cities. It was a well balanced game with all eight cities ending between 54 and 58 points, but Mary was victorious with her lowest city being 56.

Chris, Dave, Kasey and Kate played Elysium, where Chris won with 65 points followed by Kasey at 61.

Mary, Alex, Wolfie, and Michael played a successful game of Clank! In! Space!, where everyone made it back to the hanger, though Mary was knocked out before reaching an escape pod. Michael raked in the most loot with 125 points, followed by Alex at 102.

Chris, Michael, Alex, Dave, Wolfie, and Kasey then played two rounds of Downforce. Chris easily one the first race with $26 million, while Michael won the second with $25 million, both taking advantage of their first place position to get out ahead.

Chris, Alex, Dave, Wolfie, and Kasey then played two rounds of Bang! The Dice Game. Game 1: Alex (Sheriff) and Chris (Deputy) won against Wolfie (Outlaw), Dave (Outlaw) and Kasey (Renegade).  Game 2: Wolfie (Sheriff) and Chris (Deputy) won against Dave (Outlaw), Kasey (Outlaw) and Alex (Renegade)

BEBGC Meeting Recap 12/03/16


Matt Ackerman, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Dave Olson, Ben Samuelson

Games Played

Matt (Medic), Michael (Generalist), Jim (Contingency Planner), Dave (Dispatcher) and Ben (Containment Specialist) played Pandemic: The Cure. The team was able to find cures for all four diseases to win the game!

Matt (Saxony Empire), Michael (Crimean Khaneg), Jim (Russviet Union), Dave (Republic of Polania), and Ben (Nordic Kingdoms) played Scythe. Final scores: Michael – 70; Ben – 66; Dave – 55; Jim – 52; Matt – 35.

Matt, Chris, Michael, Jim, Dave, and Ben played Captain Sonar. It was Captain/First Officer Michael, Radio Operator Ben and Engineer Jim up against Captain/First Officer Chris, Radio Operator Matt and Engineer Dave in a tense battle below the waves. In the end Michael, Ben and Jim won a decisive victory.

Chris (Overseers of Kalgon), Michael (Tri-Bot), Jim (Recyclons v40K), Dave (Freep), and Ben (Mhee Yow-Meex) played Mag Blast. It was a prolonged battle that was for some reason referred to multiple times as a Steve Jackson game — even though to set the record straight Steve is completely innocent and had no involvement in the game. In the end, Michael’s Tri Bot fleet was able to pull off the win.

Matt, Chris, Jim, Dave, and Ben played Fearsome Floors. Chris got out to an early start and was able to hang on for the ultimate victory.

Club Business


BEBGC Meeting Recap 10/01/16


Eray Aksit, Dan Carey, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Scott Harris, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Ben Samuelson, Alex Wright

Games Played

Chris, Michael, Dave, Karen, Ben, and Alex started out with Ca$h ‘n Gun$ where Michael was the best gangster, just edging out Karen with $85,000 in loot to her $80,000.

Everyone then tried out the club’s new copy of Captain Sonar. Ben started as the captain of the blue submarine with Scott, Dave and Karen on his crew. Michael led the yellow submarine with Chris and Alex. The first game was played with the turn-based-rules and was closely fought, but the yellow team managed to sink blue. For the second game, Eray joined the crew of the yellow submarine and Alex took his turn in the captains chair. We switched to the chaos of the real time rules and this time blue was victorious. For the final game, Dan stepped in for Dave on the blue team and Chris took his turn as yellow captain. Chris’s rapid fire commands kept blue guessing and yellow was able to find a sink them.

Eray and Dave refought history with 1960: The Making of a President, but history largely repeated itself with Dave winning the election as Kennedy with 308 votes in the electoral college.

Dan, Chris, Scott, and Ben played Kemet with Chris taking the victory with 10 points over Ben’s 9.

Michael taught Viticulture to Karen and Alex and ended up as the most successful vintner at 28 points, but Alex was close behind at 23/

Chris, Michael, Scott, Dave, and Karen finished up with Airlines Europe. Karen was by far the most successful business person, amassing 89 points with Michael in second at 68 and the rest of the table close behind.

BEBGC Meeting Recap 09/17/16


Matt Ackerman, Matt Bozzonetti, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Alex Jordan, Ben Samuelson

Games Played

Matt, Matt, and Alex played the ‘First Time in the Captain’s Chair’ mission of Firefly with a pile of expansions. Matt Ackerman playing as Jubal in his intercepter was able to cruise to a quick victory.

Chris, Michael and Ben played Kemet. Michael was ahead going into the last few actions when Ben moved against him, taking two points and moving himself to the lead. Michael was able to fight back and reclaim the lead, but Chris had the last action and managed to conquer one of Michael’s temples for a 3 point gain for him and a loss of 2 for Michael, giving Chris the win with 11 and Michael and Ben each with 9.

Matt B, Chris, Michael, Alex, and Ben played a second game of Firefly, this time using the ‘Rims the Thing’ setup and the ‘Any Port in a Storm’ mission. This was quite drawn out when all of a sudden just about everyone was close to completing the goal, but Chris was able to make it back to his haven first with the necessary 12,000 credits.

Club Business

The club voted to purchase Captain Sonar and a set of DnDeeples for Lords of Waterdeep.