Attendees: Dan Carey, Tom Dunford, Michael Feinberg, Ryan Frans, Joe Kauffman, Michael Kelly, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Jesse Lute, Jason Molstad, Lane Taylor, Alex Wright, Elaine Wright
Club Business: None
Games Played:
1) Dan, Michael, Dave, and Jason started off with a game of Pandemic, but were fairly quickly overtaken by outbreaks and lost when we ran out of black disease cubes
2) Tom, Dave, and Ryan then spent most of the rest of the day playing Space Empires 4X. Ryan spent his efforts beating Tom back most of the way to oblivion, allowing Dave to sweep in for the victory.
3) Dan, Michael F, Jason, and Lane played Merchants & Marauders. It was the first time playing for everyone, but Michael had gone through the rules and we picked it up pretty quickly. Dan got off to an early lead striking it rich as a merchant, while Michael has some early success as a pirate picking off NPC merchant ships. Michael thought he had achieved victory when in two turns he picked up 4 (of the 10 necessary) glory points through completing a mission, selling 3 good in demand, proving a rumor true, and sinking a French naval frigate, and he needed only to get back to his home port and stash his gold to win. Just after he made it to port, but before his next turn when he could stash his booty, Dan cashed in his own earnings and won the game.
4,5) Joe and Michael K teemed up to play Attika, which Joe won, then played Axis & Allies: D-Day, where Joe upturned history, successfully defending as the Germans.
6,7) Karen, Alex, and Elaine played a round of 7 Wonders and then were joined by Jesse for a second round with the leaders expansion. Alex won both games, with impressive scores of 67 and 72.
8) Michael F, Karen, Jesse, and Alex played Ra, where Alex just edged out Karen, 47 to 46.
9) Michael F, Joe, Jason, and Alex Galaxy Trucker. Joe always seemed to take the longest to assemble his ships, which is usually a significant handicap, but this time perfection paid off and let him haul home big cargo loads in the second and third rounds and win the game.
10, 11) Michael K, Jesse, and Elaine played two games of Dominion Seaside with Elaine winning both.
12) Joe, Karen, and Jason played Metro with Karen wining.
13) Dave, Karen, and Elaine played Guillotine, where Dave was victorious.
14, 15) Joe, Michael K, Jesse, and Jason played two games of Ca$h ‘n Gun$ (the second with the advanced rules) where Jason won the first and Joe the second.
16) Michael F and Alex finished up with a game of Twilight Struggle. It was Michael’s first game and he was completely unable to overcome the experience disadvantage, with Alex’s US achieving complete domination over the Soviets by the 5th turn.