BEBGC Meeting Recap 02/20/16

Attendees: Matt Ackerman, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Ed McGran, Neil Meyer, Dave Olson, Gary Pearson, Ben Samuelson, Kirill Sapunov, Jeramee Scherer, Byron Varin, Theresa Varin, Phillip, Nicholaus

Games Played

Ed (Dracula), Ben (Lord Godalming), Phillip (Dr. John Seward), Jeramee (Van Helsing), and Dave (Mina Harker) played Fury of Dracula. The hunters had Dracula on the run from eastern Europe to Spain and back to eastern Europe. In the end Van Helsing had him cornered and under attack, but he Dracula was able to survive and escape, winning the game!

Kirill, Michael, Chris, Byron, Nicholas and Theresa played King of New York. After a hard fought game, Chris was crowned King!

Matt played Hostage Negotiator, but he was unable to successfully complete the scenario.

Neil, Matt, Theresa and Nicholas played Ascending Empires. Matt won with the largest empire.

Michael, Chris, Byron and Kirill played Kings of Air and Steam. King of Air and Steam Chris won with 146, Michael was just behind at 137, then Kirill at 128 and Byron at 118.

Gary, Kirill, Michael, Chris and Byron played Bohnanza. Chris rounded out his triple crown performance and was crowned king of the bean farmers.

Byron, Gary, Theresa and Nicholas played Ca$h ‘n Guns (second edition). Byron was the winner.

Jeramee, Dave, Phillip and Ed played Defenders of the Realm. The realm was successfully defended!

Michael, Ben, Chris and Kirill played Concordia. Ben handily won with 149, Chris and Michael were tied with 127 and Kirill had 99.

Club Business:

The club voted to purchase Dead of Winter and Xia: Legends of a Drift System, and Ed McGran offered to donate a copy of Forbidden Stars in exchange for 2 years of club dues.

BEWC Meeting Recap 12/01/12

Attendees: Chris Cregan, Jim Halloran, Dave Slaby, Lane Taylor, and Alex Wright

Club Business: None.

Games Played:
1) Chris, Jim, Dave, Lane, and Alex played a quick game of Bohnanza while they waited to see if anyone else was going to show up. Dave proved to be the better bean farmer and won commandingly with 3 points over 2nd place.

2) They then brought out Twilight Imperium. The galaxy was not evenly distributed, with Dave and Chris’s side of the galaxy having the glut of planets. Jim and Lane bordered each other and quickly formed an uneasy alliance, dividing up what few planets they had. After several turns Lane had amassed a large fleet positioned near the center of the galaxy, well away from his original starting location. Jim took the opportunity break the alliance and captured Lane’s starting planets in one turn.

Alex advanced quickly colonizing planets up to and around Chris’s border, building up a fleet while at it. With the abundant starting planets though, Chris’s fleet was significantly larger with the excess money and when battle ensued his fleet was completely destroyed. Not without significant damage to Chris’s own fleet however, which Dave was more than happy to obliterate the following turn.

Dave had been slow playing it up till then, mostly making trade packs and slow advancement. Rather than press the advantage, his fleet returned to his space. Alex and Chris formed a truce with both armadas completely destroyed. Both nations rebuilt and moved towards Dave who, having not been attacked at all, was in a very solid position. Dave built up a large force but wasn’t able to join it with his main force before getting it destroyed by Chris’s new fleet. Alex however, changed direction and advanced into Chris’s unguarded nation, taking several planets effortlessly. Unfortunately for Dave, his fleet was out of position and Jim took the opportunity to strike at his home sector, finally making the long trek from the far side of the galaxy.

They were forced to leave after that, while Alex was the closest to victory, it was determined that it would take more than a turn for him to get there.

BEWC Meeting Recap 4/28/12

Attendees: Dan Carey, Greg Chandra, Chris Cregan, Linda Galperin, Lionel Galperin, Jim Halloran, Michael Kelly, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, and Alex Wright

Club Business: None.

Games Played:
1) Dan and Dave played Conflict of Heroes: Storms of Steel! Kursk 1943, the “Get the Satchel” scenario. Dave won when his panzer grenadiers overpowered Dan’s Soviet infantry, got the satchel with the battle plans and took them off the map.

2) Dan, Dave, Lionel, Linda, and Karen played Vegas Showdown. Linda built the best Vegas hotel and won.

3) Michael, Greg, Jim, and Chris played Power Grid: Factory Manager, a new game of Michael’s by the makers of Power Grid. Chris won.

4) Dan and Dave played another Conflict of Heroes Kursk scenario, “Wounded Tiger.” Dan’s Soviet T-34’s charged Dave’s immobilized Tiger and knocked it out then proceeded to destroy the rest of Dave’s tanks.

5) Jim, Chris, Karen, Greg, Michael, and Alex played Bohnanza where Greg won.

6) Karen, Michael, Greg, Chris and Alex finished up a game of Ra, with Chris just edging out Alex for the victory.

BEWC Meeting Recap 2/18/12

Attendees: John Boyle, Dan Carey, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Richard Heller, Joe Kauffman, Michael Kelly, Melissa Laface, Ian Rojas, Lane Taylor, and Alex Wright,

Club Business: None.

Games Played:
1) While waiting for morning stragglers, Michael F and Lane started with a quick game of Battle Line. Michael came to the edge of victory, having the card in his hand that would prove lane couldn’t beat a meld that would have given him his third adjacent flag for a breakthrough, but he didn’t have any remaining flags to play it on, and even if he could, Lane completed a meld on the next turn to give him five flags for an envelopment and the win.

2) John, Chris, Michael F, Joe, Ian, and Lane played A Game of Thrones: The Board Game. The game started with Michael’s House Stark and John’s House Greyjoy allying themselves in the north and a much looser alliance of Chris’s House Martell, Ian’s House Tyrell, Joe’s House Lannister, and Lane’s House Baratheon against them. The southern alliance got off to a shaky start when Martel took one of Baratheon’s strongholds (supposedly so Chris could show the rest of us who hadn’t played before how combat worked) but most of the conflict was between Greyjoy and Lannister as fleets battled for the west coast of Westeros. By mid game most players had acquired three of the seven necessary fortresses with Michael and Chris each having four and being well placed to expand, when Chris suddenly exploded into Ian’s territory taking all three remaining Tyrell fortresses in one turn and winning the game.

3) Dan and Michael K played the club’s new copy of Outpost. It was a learning game for both as they had never played it before. In the first era the game was fairly close as both players had the same number of victory points. Both built more water and ore factories, though Michael bought during the auction key items of technology that would help him down the road. In the second era Michael began to pull away, with his titanium factories and larger hand size. Dan was later able to buy robots, a laboratory and a new chemical factory to stay in the game, but could not close the gap. In the third era Michael’s resource advantages were simply too much for Dan to overcome. Michael was able to buy the very expensive moonbase which enabled him to reach 75 points to end the game. He won the game with the most points. Overall it was a fun game despite a few bumps along the way as both players learned the rules and how to apply them.

4) Chris, Michael F, Ian, Lane, and Alex played a half game of Shogun, deciding to stop after the first scoring round and not continue on to the second year as we wouldn’t have had enough time to finish it. Winter was a brutal -7 food, causing everyone to suffer varying degrees of shortages and revolts. Alex lost one province to revolt, but Michael was extremely unlucky, not only losing both of his revolting provinces (by the barest possible of margins) but also having them be strategically critical ones whose loss cost him 9 points that would have given him a comfortable victory. In the end, Chris was victorious with 22 points, followed by Ian and Lane, and then Michael and Alex beat back to 17.

5) Richard and Melissa’s timing was off from everyone else’s games, so played a two player game of Uwe Rosenberg’s new game Ora et Labora, unfortunately running out of time to finish it before the rec center closed.

6) Chris, Michael F, Ian, and Lane finished up with a game of Bohnanza, given the luck of the cards, Michael ended up concentrating on planting numerous low value beans, which in turn led to receive lots of free cards as the other players tried to get them out of their hands, and a comfortable victory with 29 points.