Meeting Recap 1/18/20


Matt Ackerman, Chris Cregan, Michael Eisenberg, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson, Ben Samuelson, Jeramee Scherer, and Wolfie Tuk

2020 Officers Elected:

  • President: Jim Halloran
  • Vice-President: David Olson
  • Treasurer: Michael Feinberg
  • Secretary: Jeramee Scherer

Games Played

Matt, Michael E, Michael F, Jim, Alex, Dave, Ben, Jeramee, and Wolfie started with Bang! The Dice Game. Alex was the sheriff, but took a lot or arrows, and some lucky rolls on Michael F’s second turn did 4 damage to him, leading to a quick outlaw victory for Michael, Michael E, and Dave.

Michael E, Jim, Alex, and Dave played Twilight Imperium, 4th Edition.

Chris, Michael F, and Ben played Ben’s new deluxe edition of Suburbia. Michael took an early lead on the star track, which helped him to a strong finish with 103 points to Ben’s 80.

Matt, Jeramee, and Wolfie played Blood Rage, with Wolfie winning.

Chris, Michael F, and Ben finished up with Bargain Quest, where Ben won with 17 points, followed by Chris at 15.


Meeting Recap 9/16/17

Games Played

Zombie Dice

Played by Jim, Selwyn and Ben


Played by Jim, Matt, Ben and Alex

Partial game that ended with Matt leading


Played by Jim, Ben and Alex

Alex won


Played by Mike, Sel, Mark and Jeremy

Mike won

Potion Explosion

Played by Steph, Chris and Sel

Sel won

Great Western Trail

Played by Mike, Mark, and Jeremy

Mike won

Carcassonne: The Discovery

Played by Jay and Dave

Mystery of the Abbey

Played by Steph, Sel, Chris, Dave and Jay

Sel won

Blood Rage 

Played by Jeremy, Chris Cregan, Mike and Mark

Jeremy won


Played by Steph and Chris

Chris won

Endangered Orphans

Played by Steph and Chris

Chris won

Roll Play 

Played by Steph and Chris



Meeting Recap 3/18/17

Lords of Waterdeep

Played by Mike, Jim, Alex, Ben, Rob and Matt

Mike won

Blood Rage

Played by Chris, Dave O, Jay and Jeremy

Chris won

Assault of the Giants

Played by Jay, Dave O, Matt and Jim

Jay won

Power Grid

played by Chris, Vince and Alex

Chris won


Played by Ben, Mike and Jeremy

Mike won


Played by Mike, James. Ben, and Jeremy

James won

The day ended with several quick games of Coup and Bang

BEBGC Meeting Recap 01/07/17


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Amanda James, Brandan James, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Jeramee Scherer, and Alex Wright

Games Played

Dave, Karen, Jeramee, and Alex started with Ra, where Karen won commandingly and Jeramee came in second.

Chris and Michael played 7 Wonders: Duel with Chris rolling over Michael to a military victory.

Chris, Michael, Dave, Jeramee, and Alex tried to “Escape from Innsmouth” in Mansions of Madness Second Edition. Initially things went well for the group and they found a way out of the town and solved most of the mystery, but the situation soon spiraled out of control. Much back tracking was required to find the final piece of evidence and to then make their escape and meanwhile the horrors of the situation were sinking in. By the end, all of the investigators had gone insane and their disparate goals kept anyone from making it to the boat out in time, causing everyone to lose.

Chris, Michael, Brandan Dave, Jeramee, and Alex played three rounds of One Night Ultimate Werewolf Daybreak. In all three the villagers were able to successfully find one of the wolves and win.

Chris, Michael, Jeramee, and Alex played a close round of Dominion. Chris’s shanty town + smithy combo won him the game with 31 points, but Alex was just behind with 30, then Michael with 29.

Amanda, Brandan, Dave, and Karen played Castles of Mad King Ludwig where Amanda won.

Chris and Jeramee played Blood Rage with Chris being victorious.