Meeting Recap 3/2/19


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Scott Harris, Brandan James, David Landon, Karen Landon, and Ben Samuelson

Games Played

Michael, Elsa, David, and Ben started off with Kingdomino, which Ben’s 70 points from his giant forest easily won.

Michael, Scott, David, and Ben played Blokus, where Michael won with only 3 squares left.

Chris, Michael, Scott, David, and Ben attempted to survive Nemesis. Things went very well for them at the beginning of the game, but they quickly snowballed. Scott and David were both killed by the intruders while Chris and Ben took off in an escape pod. Michael had a bit more to do on the ship, which he wrapped up and then made it into the hibernation chamber for the jump home. The ship did successfully make it back to earth and Chris, Michael, and Ben all survived without infection and completed their goals to win.

Brandan and Karen played Ticket to Ride with Karen winning at 172 points.

Chris took on the role of the ghost for Michael, Scott, Brandan, David and Karen’s mystics in Mysterium where they successfully reconstructed the murder.

Chris, Michael, Brandan, David, and Karen finished up with a game of Unspeakable Words. Chris was the first to 100 points, but when insane doing it, leaving the victory for Karen.

BEWC Meeting Recap 8/2/14

Attendees: Karen Landon, Dave Landon, Greg Chandra, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Matt Walker


1)  The day started off with a nice friendly game of Blokus.  Jim won with a commendable score of 25, Karen had 19, Matt ended with 17 and Michael got 12.  The second game saw Matt get 17 again and Michael got 12 however these ended up being the high scores in a much more confrontational game.

2) Next up was elephant racing in Formula E.  It was a mad scramble as sacred cows continually blocked the way of the racers making them smash together in several deadlocks.  Karen managed to break out of one of these cow walls only to close the hole up behind her allowing her to distance herself from the pack.  While she was continually plagued by mouse problems she managed to cross the finish line just as the rest of the pack was starting to make it near scoring range.

3) 7 Wonders with Dave’s new leaders expansion was played next.  With a very heavy military focus Michael managed to destroy his opponents getting a grand total of 80 points.  Over twenty points more than 2nd, everyone else was neck and neck though.  Next up was Karen and Dan at 59, Chris at 55, Matt at 53  Dave at 52 and Jim at 47.

4) Finally there was a five player Firefly game.  In the mission The Choices We Make players got goal tokens for completing Illegal jobs, and what’s more they could STEAL goals from other players with a successful piracy mission.  Chris managed to win after attacking Greg, stealing one token from him and gaining another for a completed illegal piracy job.  From Jubal his captain to his expanded 9 person crew he was well set up for piracy.  Michael though, had over a fifty-fifty chance to beat him a turn before, attempting to board Dave for the victory.  Dave had some thrillin’ heroics though and soundly rebuffed the attackers.  It should be noted that it was Dave, Matt and Greg’s first game.

BEWC Meeting Recap 8/3/13

Attendees: Mellissa Bassett, Bruce Clark, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Brandan James, Alex Jordan, Joe Kauffman, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, and Dave Olson

Games Played:

1) Bruce, Brandan, Alex and Dave L started off with Blokus, with Dave winning.

2) Brandan and Dave L settled in for War of the Ring, where Dave L achieved a military victory for the forces of Sauron.

3,4) Bruce, Michael, Jim, Alex, and Dave O played two quick games of Tsuro. Dave won the first, and Alex the second.

5) Bruce, Michael, Jim, Alex, Karen and Dave O moved on to Flash Point: Fire Rescue where we successfully got 7 victims out of the hotel with no fatalities.

6) Mellissa, Jim, and Joe played Rune Wars. Joe’s elves suborned a neutral dragon on the first turn and the threat of his forces kept Melissa penned in. Surviving severe clashes in the center of the map, Joe was victorious.

7) Bruce, Michael, Alex, and Dave O learned Sid Meier’s Civilization: The Board Game (the 2010 Fantasy Flight version, not the 2002 Eagle Games version). Despite the complexity and only Bruce having played before, we made relatively few rules errors. Alex’s Egyptians got out to an early lead with strong city development and moved well on the way towards both the technological and economic victory conditions. His neighbor Bruce’s Russians had been building up their military and moved in to try and slow him down. Dave’s Americans were also moving towards the tech victory condition and joined in on sniping at Alex. With Bruce and Alex concentrating on each other, Michael’s Romans continued their steady progress up the culture track and achieved a cultural victory, one turn before Alex would have made it to the economic victory.

8,9) Brandan, Dave L, and Karen played two rounds of Attika, with Dave winning both.

10) Brandan and Karen played two hands of Lost Cites and Karen ran away with both.

11) Dave L and Karen taught Brandan Galaxy Trucker, with Dave winning yet again.

12,13) Brandan, Dave L, and Karen played two games of Ticket to Ride. First was the Switzerland map where Brandan won, followed by India which Karen dominated.

BEWC Meeting Recap 9/1/12

Attendees: Mellissa Bassett, Dan Carey, Michael Feinberg, Linda Galperin, Lionel Galperin, Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, Brandan James, Joe Kauffman, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Chris Leitenberger, Dave Olson, and Jeremy Swope

Club Business: None.

Games Played:
1) Once everyone straggled in, Dan, Michael, Jim, and Dave L played The Castles of Burgundy, which was new to everyone. Jim and Dan both managed to rack up impressive points from animals, but Dave’s collection of yellow victory point giving tiles pushed him to a comfortable win with 237 points to Michael’s second place 218.

2) Scott, Brandan, Chris, Dave O, and Jeremy played 7 Wonders with both the Leaders and the new Cities expansions. The 8th card in each age led to a high scoring game, with Jermey winning with 89 points.

3,4) Linda, Lionel, Scott, Brandan, Chris, Dave O, and Jeremy played two games of Tsuro. In the first game, somehow Brandan found himself knocked out on the very first turn and the game wound down to Lionel and Chris sharing victory when the last play took them both off the board. In the second Lionel was able to claim a solo victory.

5) Michael, Lionel, Scott, Dave L, and Dave O played Airlines Europe, which was also new to all of them. Dave L triumphed with 84 points, with Dave O coming in second with 75.

6) Dan, Jim, Brandan, Joe, Mellissa, and Chris played an epic game of Battlestar Galactica using both the Pegasus and Exodus expansions and the New Caprica scenario from Pegasus. It was rough going for the humans with food rapidly becoming critical. With suspicion high against Chris, he managed to steal the admiral title and choose a disastrous jump before being executed. The other cylon, Mellissa, managed to stay hidden, and between the two they easily defeated the humans on New Caprica.

7) While waiting for the game of Galactica to end, Michael, Dave L, Karen, and Zoe played Blokus. Michael was the first out, while Zoe (with a little help) held on for second place and Dave put the rest of us to shame by getting out all of his pieces.

8) Still waiting on Galactica, Michael, Dave, and Karen played Attika. Access to the temples was blocked early, so everyone turned to trying to build their full cities. Everyone had a shot, but Karen got there well ahead of the others.

9) Michael, Brandan, Dave L, Karen, and Chris finished off with Alien Frontiers with the Factions expansion. For most of the early and mid-game there was a fairly balanced build up resources and colonies, but towards the end Michael had two really lucky sets of die rolls, the first turn letting him satisfy his second agenda (for another VP) and stealing huge quantities of resources and in the second turn using those resources to land three colonies (out of the six total in the game) in that one turn. After that there was nothing to be done to keep him from landing his last colony the next turn and winning the game with 11VP.

BEWC Meeting Recap 6/6/11

Attendees: John Boyle, David Landon, Karen Landon, Dave Olson

Club Business: Mansions of Madness, Lost Cities, and Bang! Wild West Show have arrived and are in the club cabinet.

Games Played:

1) John, Karen Dave L. and Dave O. played Hamburgum. Karen and Dave L were dominating early in the game, but in the end all players were grouped nicely on the score track, with Dave O. edging out the win.

2) Dave L and John took on Karen and Dave O. in a game of Blokus. It was a close game, but John and Dave L. nabbed the win.

3) John, Karen and Dave L. played a game of Kingdoms, with Karen getting the win.

BEWC Meeting Recap 4/2/11

Attendees: Josh Batolein, Serai Batolein, Jeff Bowen and family, John Boyle, Michael Feinberg, Ryan Frans, Lionel Galperin, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Dave Olson, Jay Olson

Club Business: None

Games Played:

1) John, Lionel, Michael, Dave L, and Karen played Ra. Lionel and Michael tied for victory points, but Michael had the tie-breaking highest value sun tiles.

2) Dave O and Jay played Carcassone: The Castle, where Dave crushed Jay, but apparently some creative application of the rules was involved.

3) Ryan, John, Jay, and Michael played High Frontiers. The game wasn’t finished due to time, but at the end Ryan was ahead on victory points and John was decently positioned to have a chance of overtaking him. Michael was way behind due to a number of catastrophic encounters with the radiation belts, which destroyed his entire rocket and crew on their way back from Deimos and crippled several attempts to get back there.

4) Dave L and Dave O played an epic game of Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage, with Dave L’s Carthaginians victorious.

5) Karen and Lionel played Blokus.

6, 7) Jeff and family played Fortress America and Pandemic: On the Brink

8, 9) Jay, Josh B, and Michael played two rounds of Thurn and Taxis, where Michael won both games while Jay instead focused on creating the longest possible route, achieving 18 carriages [there are only 22 spaces on the board].

10) Jay, Josh B, and Michael played Citadels which Michael won.

11, 12) Dave O, Jay, Karen, and Serai played two round of Dominion, first Alchemy and then Seaside, with Dave winning both.

13) Dave L, Josh B, and Michael played a close game of Rheinländer that Dave won.

14) Dave L, Josh B, and Michael played Kingdoms, where it looked like Josh was winning, but a brutal third epoch knocked him back to third and Dave took the lead.