BEWC Meeting Recap 9/7/13

Attendees:Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Alex Jordan, Dan Carey, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Chris Cregan,  Brandan James, Mike Kelly, and Tyler Piersol

1) Two games of Resistance were played while people waited for the full group to show.  The Resistance won the first game with Karen, Alex, Dan, Mike F against Jim and Dave.  The 2nd game had Dave swapped teams with Karen, but in the end the spys still lost.

2) Next up was a game to decide who would be King of Tokyo.  Karen and Alex died not being able to withstand from repeated attacks by Dave and Michael in Tokyo.  Dave died shortly after followed by both Michaels.  Ultimately, Brandon won.

3) Jim and Dan played a side game of Twilight Struggle.  Dan as Russia got off to a slow lead but Jim as the Americans managed to pull ahead as the years progressed.

4) Chris, Michael F, Dave and Alex played a game of Love Letter while things were being set up for Battlestar.  Alex ended up being the most successful letter deliverer person.

5) Having recently acquired the Daybreak expansion to Battlestar Galactica, this game was eager joined.  Unfortunately, the game turned out to be a little dull, with an easy human win.  It was Alex and Tyler’s first game of any Battlestar variant, and both spent the majority of the game stuck.  Alex was the mutineer and spent his entire game playing mutiny cards, though managed to successfully avoid getting sent to the brig because of it.  Tyler wasn’t so lucky, and spent the entire game there as Tom Zerich, in addition to having BOTH cylon cards.  Dave played as the Cylon Leader and was fortunate enough to have allegiances to the humans and shared their victory.  Michael F and K, Chris and Alex were the humans.

6) Meanwhile, Karen Jim and Dan played a series of games during the Battlestar game.  First up was Guillotine.  In a series of three games Karen won 2 and Jim won 1.

7) Karen continued her winning streak at Ticket to Ride.  She won with 130 points to Dan’s 89 and Jim’s 80.

8) Finally, Bang was played but was very short.  Michael F, Dave and Karen were the Outlaws and quickly surrounded and then finished off Tyler as the Sheriff.  Deputy Chris and Renegade Brandon were unable to do anything being to far away.

BEWC Meeting Recap 9/1/12

Attendees: Mellissa Bassett, Dan Carey, Michael Feinberg, Linda Galperin, Lionel Galperin, Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, Brandan James, Joe Kauffman, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Chris Leitenberger, Dave Olson, and Jeremy Swope

Club Business: None.

Games Played:
1) Once everyone straggled in, Dan, Michael, Jim, and Dave L played The Castles of Burgundy, which was new to everyone. Jim and Dan both managed to rack up impressive points from animals, but Dave’s collection of yellow victory point giving tiles pushed him to a comfortable win with 237 points to Michael’s second place 218.

2) Scott, Brandan, Chris, Dave O, and Jeremy played 7 Wonders with both the Leaders and the new Cities expansions. The 8th card in each age led to a high scoring game, with Jermey winning with 89 points.

3,4) Linda, Lionel, Scott, Brandan, Chris, Dave O, and Jeremy played two games of Tsuro. In the first game, somehow Brandan found himself knocked out on the very first turn and the game wound down to Lionel and Chris sharing victory when the last play took them both off the board. In the second Lionel was able to claim a solo victory.

5) Michael, Lionel, Scott, Dave L, and Dave O played Airlines Europe, which was also new to all of them. Dave L triumphed with 84 points, with Dave O coming in second with 75.

6) Dan, Jim, Brandan, Joe, Mellissa, and Chris played an epic game of Battlestar Galactica using both the Pegasus and Exodus expansions and the New Caprica scenario from Pegasus. It was rough going for the humans with food rapidly becoming critical. With suspicion high against Chris, he managed to steal the admiral title and choose a disastrous jump before being executed. The other cylon, Mellissa, managed to stay hidden, and between the two they easily defeated the humans on New Caprica.

7) While waiting for the game of Galactica to end, Michael, Dave L, Karen, and Zoe played Blokus. Michael was the first out, while Zoe (with a little help) held on for second place and Dave put the rest of us to shame by getting out all of his pieces.

8) Still waiting on Galactica, Michael, Dave, and Karen played Attika. Access to the temples was blocked early, so everyone turned to trying to build their full cities. Everyone had a shot, but Karen got there well ahead of the others.

9) Michael, Brandan, Dave L, Karen, and Chris finished off with Alien Frontiers with the Factions expansion. For most of the early and mid-game there was a fairly balanced build up resources and colonies, but towards the end Michael had two really lucky sets of die rolls, the first turn letting him satisfy his second agenda (for another VP) and stealing huge quantities of resources and in the second turn using those resources to land three colonies (out of the six total in the game) in that one turn. After that there was nothing to be done to keep him from landing his last colony the next turn and winning the game with 11VP.

BEWC Meeting Recap 6/2/12

Attendees: Greg Chandra, Jenna, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Frank Fulton, Robbie Fulton, Jim Halloran, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Saeed Sadatian, Dave Olson, Jay Olson, Alex Wright, and Elaine Wright

Club Business: None.

Games Played:
1) Michael, Karen, Frank, and Robbie started by breaking out the club’s new copy of Eminent Domain, with Dave helping with rules explanation. Despite it taking a little while to figure out what was going on, it ended up being a very close game. Frank just edged out the victory with 24 points to Michael’s 23 and Karen’s 22.

2) Jim and Dave L played Twilight Struggle, where Jim’s luck with the dice on the space race helped him to win as the communists.

3) Chris, Michael, Karen, Frank, Robbie, and Saeed played Citadels. Karen was victorious with 32 points, with Michael and Chris just behind tied at 30.

4) Needing another 6 player game, Jim, Dave L, Dave O, Jay, Alex, and Elaine broke out Antike. Alex was the first to get to 7 ancient personages, snatching the victory from Dave L who was just one turn away.

5) Chris, Michael, Frank, and Robbie delved into Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of Ashardalon, but were defeated by the dungeon.

6) Dave L, Karen, Alex, and Elaine played another round of Eminent Domain, which Alex won with 22 points.

7,8) Dave O and Jay played two rounds of Mr. Jack, each getting caught in their turn as Jack.

9) Dave O and Jay followed up with Wings of War: Dawn of War, where Jay had an Allied victory.

10) Greg, Frank, Robbie, Dave L, Dave O, and Jay played Battlestar Galactica with the Exodus expansion. As usual, Dave L was a cylon and he and Greg defeated the humans.

11) Chris, Michael, and Alex played Carcassonne. Michael and Alex dueled for control over a giant field, but Alex successfully snuck in an extra farmer when Michael wasn’t looking, leading to him having a commanding 93 point win.

12) Jenna, Karen, and Elaine played Bananagrams, with Elaine beating Karen to the final peel by seconds.

13) Jenna, Chris, Michael, and Karen played a third round of Eminent Domain, with Karen finally winning, defeating Chris 21 to 20.

14,15,16) Greg, Jenna, Chris, Michael, Dave L, and Karen finished up with three rounds of Ca$h ‘n Gun$. Jenna comfortably won the first round with $90,000 and Greg snuck out victory in the second with $85,000. In the third round, we added in the informer, which caused a great deal of confusion due to the illogical patterns of the police being called. On the final draw, when it looked like the informer had no chance, the police were called and Karen, having been killed in the first two games, won as the informer – she also would have one in a classic game, having amassed an impressive $95,000.


BEWC Meeting Recap 3/17/12

Attendees: Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Joe Kauffman, Michael Kelly, Dave Olson, and Alex Wright,

Club Business: None.

Games Played:
1,2) Chris and Michael F started with two rounds of BattleLore. In the first, First Chevaucheé, Michael as Charles of Blois was unable to develop any momentum and Chris as John of Montfort completely walked over him, 5 to 0. In their second game, they added in wizards, playing the Wizard and Lore scenario – Aquitaine 1369. It was a little less unbalanced, but Chris’s sir Robert Knolles was still victorious over Michael’s Sire Bertrand du Guesclin 6 to 3.

3) Jim, Joe, and Michael K played Tanto Cuore, where Joe was victorious and crowned King of Maids

4) Michael F and Dave sat down for their first play of Star Trek: Fleet Captains. Michael controlled the Federation fleet and turning around his earlier bad luck with BattleLore, drew some readily achievable missions, which combined with some lucky die rolls, brought them game to a fairly early end with 10 VP to Dave’s Klingon’s 4 VP.

5) Chris, Jim, Joe, Michael K, and Alex played Betrayal at House on the Hill. Surprisingly quickly, Chris was revealed as the Haunt, but the banshee he summoned was only able to kill two of the other four players before he was defeated, so the investigators won.

6) Chris, Jim, Michael K, and Alex played 7 Wonders, where Chris won with a commanding 61 points, specializing in science, and Mike K came in second having earned the maximum possible 18 points from his military.

7) Chris, Michael F, Jim, Dave and Alex played a surprisingly slow game of Battlestar Galactica with the Exodus expansion. Chris was a cylon from the start and tipped his hand a little earlier due to a misunderstanding of the rules (it was his first time playing) so he got sent to the brig, but did a valiant job of protesting his innocence and until after the first half. Unfortunately with the revised loyalty deck of Exodus, one card doesn’t get dealt out, and against the odds, this time it was the other cylon card, so Chris was on his own. The rec center closed before we finished the game, but it was still up in the air which way the game would go – the humans had just made their 8th distance of jump, so just needed to get through the jump track one more time, but several of the resource dials were down to two or three, galactica was damaged, and a large cylon fleet had just jumped in.

BEWC Meeting Recap 2/4/12

Attendees: John Boyle, Dan Carey, Michael Feinberg, Ryan Frans, Brandon James, Joe Kauffman, Michael Kelly, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Dave Olson, Jay Olson, Alex Wright, and Elaine Wright

Club Business: None.

Games Played
1) John, Dan, Michael F, Joe, Michael K, and Dave L played Battlestar Galactica with the Exodus expansion – using the new characters and cards, the cylon fleet board, and the final five loyalty cards. Even though it turned out there was no cylon in play at the beginning of the game, the system really beat up on the humans, but spread the damage out so that none of the dials were in the red at the halfway point, causing Michael K’s Boomer’s to side with the cylons when he received the sympathizer card. After the cylon fleet wreaked havoc on the civilian fleet and Dave’s Baltar revealed himself as a cylon things were looking quite grim for the humans. Suspicions were also also high, as there should have been one more cylon player, but almost miraculously the humans were able to hold on for the final jump to Kobol. The human victory was dependent on a really luck break though – with the exodus expansion the loyalty deck includes one extra card to account for possible executions and against the odds, it was the last cylon card that was not dealt out.

2) Brandon and Karen played three rounds of Wings of War: Dawn of War, with Brandon winning two and Karen one.

3) Dave O, Joe, Alex, and Elaine played Small World where Alex won with a commanding 107 points due to his pillaging gypsies.

4) Michael F, Michael K, and Elaine played Agricola, allowing Elaine to break her Agricola loosing streak when she beat Michael F by 1 point.

5) Joe, Dave L, Karen, and Alex played Ra with Dave winning.

6) Dan, Brandon, Dave O, and Jay broke in the club’s new copy of Ascending Empires, with Dan being the inaugural victor.

7) Lack of table space exiled Dave O and Alex to the kitchen for a head-to-head match up in Hannibal, where reportedly Dave’s Carthaginians marched all over Alex’s Romans.

8) Michael F, Ryan, Brandon, Joe, Michael K played a second round of Battlestar Galactica with the Exodus expansion, this time also adding in the personal goal loyalty cards. This games started almost the exact opposite from the first, with the humans having the easiest time any of us had seen, with resource dials actually going up instead of down. Things started to change after Ryan fulfilled his personal goal and had to draw a new loyalty card, which was a cylon. After some subtle working against the humans, he revealed himself, sending Michael F’s Starbuck to the brig, where he ended up stuck for the rest of the game. While it was unlikely any of the resource dials were going to be depleted, Galactica was accumulating damage and things were looking unexpectedly tight for the humans. Mike K then unexpectedly used Helo’s moral compass ability to force a bad choice on a crisis card, making it clear he was a cylon just before he revealed himself. With two cylons each using the basestar bridge to do two points of damage to galactica, plus potentially moving the jump track back, it didn’t seem like there was much change left for the humans who only had two players not in the brig. Some lucky rolls however allowed Brandon’s Adama to nuke most of the cylon fleet into oblivion and a well timed draw of a repair card allowed FTL control to be repaired, letting Joe’s boomer jump the fleet to Kobol just before the next cylon turn which would have destroyed Galactica.

9) Karen and Dave finished the day off with a game of Metro.

BEWC Meeting Recap 9/17/11

Attendees: Jason Bowen, John Boyle, KC Deitrick, Joe Kauffman, Michael Feinberg, Scott Harris, Josh Lichti, Jesse Lute, Lane Taylor, Dave Olson

Club Business: We voted to purchase Power Grid. There was also strong interest in Alien Frontiers and we’ll likely decide to purchase it when the third printing becomes available next month. [For those interested in Alien Frontiers, Clever Mojo is currently running a kickstarter campaign to fund an expansion. At certain backer levels you get a copy of the base game –]

Games Played:

1) John, KC, Michael, Scott, Josh, and Lane played 7 Wonders with the Leaders expansion. Lane and Josh got into a military race, which tied up their resources leaving them tied for last pace, while Scott just managed to edge out John for the victory, 67 to 66.

2) Jason, John, KC, Joe, Michael, Scott, Josh, and Lane had an epic game of Red Dragon Inn. After some early players were knocked out, mostly by running out of money (the wench kept thinking the pot was her tip…), it settled into a game of pick on the leader, whittling the pack down to Josh’s Deidre the Priestess, Scott’s Dimli the Dwarf, and John’s Wizgille the Tinkerer. Deidre was drunk under the table first, then Wizgille and Dimli were both teetering on the edge when Wizgille’s random gear deck forced John to draw more cards then he had left, giving Scott the win.

3) Once KC was out of Red Dragon, he joined Dave for a game of Battle Line, which Dave won.

4) Jason, KC, Lane, Michael, and Dave played Kingsburg, which was close the whole game with Lane leaping past KC at the very end to win 44 to 42.

5) Joe, Jesse, and Scott played Pandemic, but succumbed to a triple outbreak in the Middle East.

6) Joe and Jesse played one round of Lost Cities, which Joe won, but there were some misunderstandings on the rules, as it was the first time playing for both.

7) Jason, KC, Joe, Michael, Jesse, and Dave played Battlestar Galactica, where Dave and Michael enjoyed a cylon victory. Interestingly, Dave and Michael were also the two cylons at the last club battlestar game…. The game started off very slow, but turned disastrous for the humans after the sleeper agent phase when Joe’s Tyrol was thrown in the brig as a sympathizer (where he was stuck for the rest of the game) and then Jason had to leave early, leaving the humans one player down. Suspicions were flying like mad, particularly after Michael’s Admiral Adama (who became a cylon during the sleeper agent phase) choose a particularly disastrous next jump, leaving the fleet with only one fuel. With only two free players, the humans couldn’t manage to send him to the brig before he revealed himself on his next turn, immediately followed by Dave’s Starbuck, which sent Joe’s Baltar and Jesse’s Tigh to the brig and sickbay respectively, leaving the humans completely overwhelmed by a cylon super crises, consuming the last of their fuel.

BEWC Meeting Recap 7/2/11

Attendees: John Boyle, Joe Kauffman, Rhonda Frans, Ryan Frans, Michael Feinberg, Scott Harris, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, David Olson, Jay Olson

Club Business: None

Games Played:

1) Dave L, Karen, and Joe played Attika with Dave winning.

2,3) John, Dave L, Scott, and Karen played a round of 7 Wonders that Dave won, and then Michael joined them for a second round where Scott came back from his tied for last position in the first game to win.

4) Ryan, Dave O, Jay, and Joe played a close game of Nightfall that Joe won.

5,6) John, Dave L, Scott, and Michael played two rounds of Innovation. For the first game, John was the only one that had played before (though not in some time) and we misplayed several rules before John took an early fairly unbalanced victory. The second game went much better and was neck and neck through much of the game, before a lucky card transfer allowed Michael to claim his 4th (winning) achievement right before Dave could.

7,8) Ryan, Dave O, Jay, and Joe played two games of Thunderstone. It was the first time playing for everyone, with Joe winning the first game, and Dave O winning the second much tighter lower scoring game.

9) John, Dave L, Karen, Rhonda, and Michael played Vinci, and despite some early runaway leaders the game ended quite close for everyone. Dave managed to achieve exactly the 100 points to trigger the last round, and Michael was one troop short of being able to gain 100 points himself, and had to settle for second place with 99 points.

10) The group successfully guesses several cases from Crack the Case with Joe as the moderator.

11) Joe, Dave O, Dave L, Jay, Ryan, and Michael played Battlestar Galactica. It was a fairly uneventful first half of the game, but after the sleeper agent phase, Ryan as Baltar determined that Dave O as Boomer was a cylon and sent him to the brig. Michael as Adama was the other cylon and played it covertly for a few turns until using the admiral’s ability to choose the jump effects to pick a particularly devastating card and then revealed himself before he could be sent to the brig himself. The situation was dire for the humans with all of their resource dials near critical, and it then looked like the game was over when two centurion boarding parties were poised to take over the Galactica on the next cylon turn, but their scout managed to delay the boarding party and then some key rolls from Jay wiped out the centurions and moved the humans into position to jump to Kobol and win the game. But just when the cylons in turn had given up hope, a lucky shot from one of their basestars damaged the jump control room and trapped the humans. It was not to be however, as the control room was repaired and the fleet jumped to safety before the cylons could capitalize on the delay.