Meeting Recap 08/17/24

Attendees: Michael Eisenberg, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson, Christian Otto, Matt Skelton

Games Played:

Michael E (Sheriff), Michael F. (Deputy), Alex (Renegade), Dave (Outlaw) and Matt (Outlaw) played Bang!. The lawmen were victorious.

Michael E, Alex and Matt S played Firefly. Alex won.

Michael F, Jim and Dave played a couple of games of Splendor. Jim won the first game and Michael won the second game.

Michael F, Jim, Dave and Christian played Clank! In! Space!! Michael won.

Michael F, Jim, Dave and Christian played Lords of Waterdeep. Dave won.

Michael E, Alex and Matt S played a couple of games of Splendor.

Meeting Recap 07/20/24

Attendees: Matt Ackerman, Michael Eisenberg, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson, Matt Skelton, Tyler Saunders

Games Played:

Jim (USA) and Dave (USSR) played Twilight Struggle. The USA was victorious.

Michael E, Alex and Matt S played Firefly.

Matt A, Michael F, Scott and Tyler played Last Light. Tyler won.

Matt A, Michael F, Scott and Tyler played Alien Frontiers. Tyler won. Matt won.

Michael E, Jim, Alex, Dave and Matt S played Shadows over Camelot. Matt was the traitor and won the game by placing the 12th catapult.

Michael E, Michael F, Jim, Alex, Dave and Tyler played a couple of games of Bang! Outlaws won both games.

Meeting Recap 7/20/19


Mary Bos, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson, Wolfie Tuk, Carlo Torrella, Kasey Webster, and Kate Webster

Games Played

Mary, Alex, Carlo, and Michael started with Carlo teaching Gonuts for Donuts. Carlo finished first with 24 points, followed by Alex at 19.

Chris, Alex, and Carlo teamed up against Mary, Michael, Dave, and Wolfie in two rounds of Captain Sonar. Michael’s team sunk Chris’s in the first game, but they got revenge and won the second.

Mary, Chris, Michael, Alex, Dave, Wolfie, and Carlo then moved on to Between Two Cities. It was a well balanced game with all eight cities ending between 54 and 58 points, but Mary was victorious with her lowest city being 56.

Chris, Dave, Kasey and Kate played Elysium, where Chris won with 65 points followed by Kasey at 61.

Mary, Alex, Wolfie, and Michael played a successful game of Clank! In! Space!, where everyone made it back to the hanger, though Mary was knocked out before reaching an escape pod. Michael raked in the most loot with 125 points, followed by Alex at 102.

Chris, Michael, Alex, Dave, Wolfie, and Kasey then played two rounds of Downforce. Chris easily one the first race with $26 million, while Michael won the second with $25 million, both taking advantage of their first place position to get out ahead.

Chris, Alex, Dave, Wolfie, and Kasey then played two rounds of Bang! The Dice Game. Game 1: Alex (Sheriff) and Chris (Deputy) won against Wolfie (Outlaw), Dave (Outlaw) and Kasey (Renegade).  Game 2: Wolfie (Sheriff) and Chris (Deputy) won against Dave (Outlaw), Kasey (Outlaw) and Alex (Renegade)

BEBGC Meeting Recap 02/06/16


Sam Chew, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, David Landon, Karen Landon, Alex Jordan, Ben Samuelson, Jeramee Scherer, Byron Varin, Theresa Varin, Alex Wright, Elaine Wright, Phillip, Nicholaus, and Marney.

Games Played

Jim, Scott, David, Byron and Phillip started with Small World where Jim was victorious.

They then moved on to Bang! where Scott and Phillips shared a law victory.

Michael, Ben, and Alex W taught Alex J Caverna and Alex W finally broke Michael’s winning streak with an animal and ore storage heavy strategy, finishing with a commanding 106 points over Michael’s 89.

Jim, Scott, Phillip, and Marney played four games of Tsuro in various combinations, with Scott winning the first three and Jim coming back to win a final one on challenge against him.

Karen, Theresa, Elaine, and Nicholaus played a close game of Guillotine with Elaine and Theresa tying with 25 points and Karen one behind at 24.

Sam, Jeramee, Theresa, Elaine, and Nicholaus played Puerto Rico which was also extremely close – Jeramee, Elaine, and Theresa all tied with 36 points plus Sam with 35. Jeramee was victorious in the tie breaker of most goods and doubloons.

Jim and Ben faced off in Twilight Struggle, where Ben rewrote history with a Russian cold war victory.

Scott, Jeramee, Theresa, and Phillip played Rampage with yet another close game when Jeramee edged Scott out 51 to 50.

Sam, Michael, Alex J, Karen, and Byron played 7 Wonders with the Leaders expansion. Michael’s heavy investment in science gave him the win with 79 points, with Alex in second with 71.

The group came back together for a round of the Resistance where David, Theresa, and Nick were victorious as the spies over the loyal Michael, Karen, Jeramee, Byron, and Phillip.

Michael, David, Karen, and Jeramee finished up with the Castles of Mad King Ludwig. Michael won with 98 points, with Jeramee in second with 93, while Karen who had been trailing most of the game made an impressive sweep of the end game favors and almost caught up with 91. 

BEWC Meeting Recap 10/5/13

Attendees:Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Alex Wright, Dan Carey, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Chris Cregan,  Brandan James,Victor Liu, Robbie and Frank Fulton

1) Alex, Michael, Brandan and Dave started off with a game of Lords of Waterdeep.  Alex won with 125 points followed by Michael, Brandan and finally Dave who got 106, 103 and 80 respectfully.

2)Jim bought Warparty and played a game with Dan, Chris and Victor.  It was the first time playing and the instructions though simple were poorly worded leading to a learning game.  Jim and Chris playing as the Goblins and Undead ended up winning over Dan and Victor who played the Dwarves and Humans.  The forces of evil had defeated the Dwarves and were set up to take the stronghold but not in the 12 turn time limit and so all agreed evil won a partial victory.

3)Alex won his second game this time while playing Antike.  Robbie and Frank joined the original group playing Waterdeep.  Alex got 7 points followed by Michael with 6, Brandan, Frank and Dave all received 5 while Robbie ended with 2.

4)Karen joined the Antike group for a game of 7 Wonders.  It was an odd low scoring game.  Alex thought his streak was broken with 62 but it ended up highest.  Robbie and Brandan ended with 58, Mike and Dave 57.  Frank got 47 and Karen got 44.

5)Chris, Alex, Michael, Brandan, Karen, Dave played a large game of Robo Rally.  It was a particularly gruesome game with a robot dieing nearly every round as everyone scrambled for the 1 Flag.  A long corridor before the flag it made it so Robots were bumping into each other as one would be advancing towards while another try and move away from.  Chris managed to pull out of the tussle early and finished as most people were just getting flag one.  Michael was the only other Robot to reach the 2nd flag.

5)Finally Chris, Alex, Michael, Brandan, Karen, Dave played a couple games of BANG.  The first was quite short with Michael as the Sheriff quickly killing Chris as the Renegade.  Dave, Karen and Alex then finished off the Michael while Brandan the Deputy was unable to help. The Outlaws won.

6)The 2nd game of BANG took considerably longer.  Brandan as the Sheriff had a good set up character which made him nearly invincible till a string of bad draws.  Alex the Renegade quickly took out Chris this time an Outlaw.  Brandan managed to take down Dave the Outlaw but Alex took out Michael as the Deputy.  The game reached a stalemate between Alex, Karen and Brandan.  The Outlaws won again after Karen ended finished Brandan with considerable help from Alex.

BEWC Meeting Recap 9/7/13

Attendees:Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Alex Jordan, Dan Carey, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Chris Cregan,  Brandan James, Mike Kelly, and Tyler Piersol

1) Two games of Resistance were played while people waited for the full group to show.  The Resistance won the first game with Karen, Alex, Dan, Mike F against Jim and Dave.  The 2nd game had Dave swapped teams with Karen, but in the end the spys still lost.

2) Next up was a game to decide who would be King of Tokyo.  Karen and Alex died not being able to withstand from repeated attacks by Dave and Michael in Tokyo.  Dave died shortly after followed by both Michaels.  Ultimately, Brandon won.

3) Jim and Dan played a side game of Twilight Struggle.  Dan as Russia got off to a slow lead but Jim as the Americans managed to pull ahead as the years progressed.

4) Chris, Michael F, Dave and Alex played a game of Love Letter while things were being set up for Battlestar.  Alex ended up being the most successful letter deliverer person.

5) Having recently acquired the Daybreak expansion to Battlestar Galactica, this game was eager joined.  Unfortunately, the game turned out to be a little dull, with an easy human win.  It was Alex and Tyler’s first game of any Battlestar variant, and both spent the majority of the game stuck.  Alex was the mutineer and spent his entire game playing mutiny cards, though managed to successfully avoid getting sent to the brig because of it.  Tyler wasn’t so lucky, and spent the entire game there as Tom Zerich, in addition to having BOTH cylon cards.  Dave played as the Cylon Leader and was fortunate enough to have allegiances to the humans and shared their victory.  Michael F and K, Chris and Alex were the humans.

6) Meanwhile, Karen Jim and Dan played a series of games during the Battlestar game.  First up was Guillotine.  In a series of three games Karen won 2 and Jim won 1.

7) Karen continued her winning streak at Ticket to Ride.  She won with 130 points to Dan’s 89 and Jim’s 80.

8) Finally, Bang was played but was very short.  Michael F, Dave and Karen were the Outlaws and quickly surrounded and then finished off Tyler as the Sheriff.  Deputy Chris and Renegade Brandon were unable to do anything being to far away.

BEWC Meeting Recap 7/6/13

Attendees: Michael Feinberg, Ryan Frans, Jim Halloran, Brandan James, Amanda, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, and Dave Olson

Games Played:

1) Brandan and Dave L spent most of the day playing The Guns of Gettysburg, where Dave repeated history with a union victory.

2, 3) Michael, Ryan, Karen, and Dave O started with two games of Tsuro, which both ended with Dave winning and Michael in second.

4,5) Michael, Ryan, Karen, and Dave O moved on to Ryan’s new copy of Quarantine Z. In the first game, Dave was the zombie player and completely annihilated the human players. In the second, Michael was the zombie and the humans were able to hunker and down and burn through most of the zombie deck, looking like they would have an easy victory. Michael was able to find some reasonable zombies though and while attempting to escape from a combat, Ryan and Karen managed to blow themselves up with C4. That left just Dave and MIchael was able to kill him with some of his last cards, just squeaking out another zombie victory.

6) Michael, Ryan, Jim, Karen, and Dave O then played Alien Frontiers with the Factions expansion, where Ryan handily won.

7,8) Michael, Ryan, Jim, Karen, and Dave O switched to Cosmic Encounter. The first game was dominated by Karen’s use of the power of the loser, leading to her victory, while Ryan and Dave tied the second game.

9) Michael, Ryan, Brandan, Jim, Karen, Dave L and Dave O came together for a big game of Robo Rally. Ryan was ahead early and while a few other people got the third flag and almost caught him, Ryan held on for victory at the fourth flag.

10,11) Everyone then moved over to Bang!. In the first game, Dave O was the sheriff and one of his deputies, Ryan, was the first to fall, followed quickly by the three outlaws, leaving just Dave O, Michael, and Brandan. Michael managed to convince Dave that Brandan, was the renegade, but it didn’t matter as Brandan killed Michael, the actual renegade, for a law victory. In the second game, Ryan was the sheriff, and the outlaws thought things were looking good when Karen, sitting next to him, acquired a volcanic and a whole pile of bangs, but it turns out she was a deputy and actually killed Dave L, the renegade. With Ryan flanked by his other deputy, Dave O, the three outlaws soon fell for another law win.

12) Michael, Ryan, Brandan, Amanda, Karen, and Dave L finished off a long day of gaming with Scotland Yard. Ryan was Mr. X and on his first reveal successfully doubled back on the ferry and almost broke free, the investigators were able to keep decent track of him though and managed to corner him on turn 20.

BEWC Meeting Recap 11/17/12

Attendees: Dan Carey, Chris Cregan, Jim Halloran, Dave Olson and Alex Wright.

Club Business: None

Games Played:
1) Jim, Dave and Alex played Elfenland. Alex came away with the win, with 15 points, followed closely by Dave and Jim with 14 points each – a tie for second, which became a theme of the day.

2) Jim, Dave and Alex played the classic Sid Sackson game Can’t Stop, on an artisan board painstakingly hand-crafted by Alex. Jim was victorious.

3) Chris, Jim, Dave and Alex played the classic Sid Sackson game Acquire. Alex, Chris and Dave were pretty evenly matched with $44,800, $47,200 and $47,800 respectively, but Jim was the big winner with a whopping $57,000 at the end of the game.

4) Dan, Chris, Jim, Dave and Alex played Outpost. Dan got out to an early lead with a significant Titanium-based economy, but Alex and Chris were able to challenge him with strong economies of their own. In the end, Chris and Dan were tied with 80 points, with Dan edging out Chris on the tie-breaker, but it was only good enough for second place as Alex was able to pull off the big win with 90 points. Jim ended the game with a respectable 57 points, and Dave brought up the rear with 43 (yes, less than half the winning score). A fun time was had by all.

5) Dan, Chris, Dave and Alex played Lungarno. Chris came away with the win with 33 points, followed by Dave and Alex who each had 28 (another tie for second!), and Dan ended up with 19.

6) Dan, Chris, Dave and Alex played another round of Can’t Stop. This time Dan emerged victorious.

7) Dan, Chris, Dave and Alex finished the day with a round of Bang! Chris and Dave had a tough slog as the outlaws, with Chris going down early, and Dave spending most of the game at 2 HP. Alex was able to pick up a renegade win, finishing Dave off with the Volcanic, and taking out the Sheriff (Dan) in the next turn.

BEWC Meeting Recap 11/03/12

Attendees: Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Steve Filice, Jim Halloran, Michael Kelly, Megan Sanders, Dave Olson, and Alex Wright

Club Business: None.

Games Played:
1) Michael F, Jim, and Dave started with a quick game of Tsuro, where Dave played a tile killing both Michael and himself, leaving Jim as the winner.

2) Michael F, Jim, Megan, and Dave played Take It Easy! When doing the math at the end, it looked like Michael had just edged out Dave 113 to 112, but Megan’s total came way over the top at 122.

3) Jim and Dave branched off to play Twilight Struggle, where in a long slog Dave was victorious as the USSR.

4) Michael F, Michael K, Megan, and Alex played Settlers of Catan with the Cities and Knights expansion. Mid-game Michael F and Michael K were fighting each other for the lead, but then they stagnated. Megan almost had the win when she got to 12 points and was only one resource short of building a settlement for her 13th point, but on Alex’s next turn he stole longest road from Michael K and added his own settlement for the win.

5,6) Chris and Steve played two rounds of Lost Cities, winning one each.

7) Chris, Michael F, Steve, Michael K, Megan, and Alex played a close game of Citadels. In the end Steve was the winner with 27 points over Alex at 24, closely followed by Chris and Megan at 23.

8) Chris, Dave, and Alex moved on to Mystery Express, where Alex was best at deduction, getting all aspects of the mystery correct.

9) Michael F, Michael K, and Megan played Lords of Waterdeep. Megan got off to an early lead with her quests, but Michael F managed to overtake her toward the end to win 131 to 133. Michael K ended up with the only lord in the deck who got bonus victory points for buildings rather than quests and found that it was a significant disadvantage.

10) Chris, Michael F, Michael K, Megan, Dave, and Alex finished up with Bang! Alex and Dave, both outlaws, fell first and then Michael F, the deputy was killed before he could he finish off the last outlaw, Megan. Once Chris, the renegade, killed her off it became a sheriff-renegade duel. Both Chris and Michael K had dynamite in front of them, but before either could go off Chris shot the sheriff for a renegade win.