BEWC Meeting Recap 12/6/14

Attendees: Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, Dennis Henning, Alex Jordan, Dave Landon, Ed McGran, Dave Olson, Alex Wright

1) All attendees (Except Dave O.) started with a game of 7 Wonders with Alex Wright pulling off an impressive science-heavy 62-ish point win.

2) All attendees played three games of The Resistance.  The first game was won by spies Scott, Dennis and Dave O.  The second game saw a win by the Resistance, with Dennis, Dave L. and Jim failing as the spies.  The final game was another win for the spies, with Alex J., Scott and Dave L. getting the win.

3) Jim (Dwarves), Alex J (Undead), Ed (Goblins) and Dave O (Humans) played a partial game of Warparty.  It was dwarves and humans vs. goblins and undead. The undead were having a fairly easy time of it with the humans, and the dwarves and goblins were at each other’s throats, with possibly a small advantage to the dwarves in the end based on the  heroes’ experience levels.  There was no obvious winner when the game was called off.

4) Dennis, Dave L and Alex W played three games of Dominion, with Alex winning all three.

5) Dennis, Dave L and Alex played Attika, with Dave L emerging victorious.

BEWC Meeting Recap 8/3/13

Attendees: Mellissa Bassett, Bruce Clark, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Brandan James, Alex Jordan, Joe Kauffman, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, and Dave Olson

Games Played:

1) Bruce, Brandan, Alex and Dave L started off with Blokus, with Dave winning.

2) Brandan and Dave L settled in for War of the Ring, where Dave L achieved a military victory for the forces of Sauron.

3,4) Bruce, Michael, Jim, Alex, and Dave O played two quick games of Tsuro. Dave won the first, and Alex the second.

5) Bruce, Michael, Jim, Alex, Karen and Dave O moved on to Flash Point: Fire Rescue where we successfully got 7 victims out of the hotel with no fatalities.

6) Mellissa, Jim, and Joe played Rune Wars. Joe’s elves suborned a neutral dragon on the first turn and the threat of his forces kept Melissa penned in. Surviving severe clashes in the center of the map, Joe was victorious.

7) Bruce, Michael, Alex, and Dave O learned Sid Meier’s Civilization: The Board Game (the 2010 Fantasy Flight version, not the 2002 Eagle Games version). Despite the complexity and only Bruce having played before, we made relatively few rules errors. Alex’s Egyptians got out to an early lead with strong city development and moved well on the way towards both the technological and economic victory conditions. His neighbor Bruce’s Russians had been building up their military and moved in to try and slow him down. Dave’s Americans were also moving towards the tech victory condition and joined in on sniping at Alex. With Bruce and Alex concentrating on each other, Michael’s Romans continued their steady progress up the culture track and achieved a cultural victory, one turn before Alex would have made it to the economic victory.

8,9) Brandan, Dave L, and Karen played two rounds of Attika, with Dave winning both.

10) Brandan and Karen played two hands of Lost Cites and Karen ran away with both.

11) Dave L and Karen taught Brandan Galaxy Trucker, with Dave winning yet again.

12,13) Brandan, Dave L, and Karen played two games of Ticket to Ride. First was the Switzerland map where Brandan won, followed by India which Karen dominated.

BEWC Meeting Recap 9/1/12

Attendees: Mellissa Bassett, Dan Carey, Michael Feinberg, Linda Galperin, Lionel Galperin, Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, Brandan James, Joe Kauffman, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Chris Leitenberger, Dave Olson, and Jeremy Swope

Club Business: None.

Games Played:
1) Once everyone straggled in, Dan, Michael, Jim, and Dave L played The Castles of Burgundy, which was new to everyone. Jim and Dan both managed to rack up impressive points from animals, but Dave’s collection of yellow victory point giving tiles pushed him to a comfortable win with 237 points to Michael’s second place 218.

2) Scott, Brandan, Chris, Dave O, and Jeremy played 7 Wonders with both the Leaders and the new Cities expansions. The 8th card in each age led to a high scoring game, with Jermey winning with 89 points.

3,4) Linda, Lionel, Scott, Brandan, Chris, Dave O, and Jeremy played two games of Tsuro. In the first game, somehow Brandan found himself knocked out on the very first turn and the game wound down to Lionel and Chris sharing victory when the last play took them both off the board. In the second Lionel was able to claim a solo victory.

5) Michael, Lionel, Scott, Dave L, and Dave O played Airlines Europe, which was also new to all of them. Dave L triumphed with 84 points, with Dave O coming in second with 75.

6) Dan, Jim, Brandan, Joe, Mellissa, and Chris played an epic game of Battlestar Galactica using both the Pegasus and Exodus expansions and the New Caprica scenario from Pegasus. It was rough going for the humans with food rapidly becoming critical. With suspicion high against Chris, he managed to steal the admiral title and choose a disastrous jump before being executed. The other cylon, Mellissa, managed to stay hidden, and between the two they easily defeated the humans on New Caprica.

7) While waiting for the game of Galactica to end, Michael, Dave L, Karen, and Zoe played Blokus. Michael was the first out, while Zoe (with a little help) held on for second place and Dave put the rest of us to shame by getting out all of his pieces.

8) Still waiting on Galactica, Michael, Dave, and Karen played Attika. Access to the temples was blocked early, so everyone turned to trying to build their full cities. Everyone had a shot, but Karen got there well ahead of the others.

9) Michael, Brandan, Dave L, Karen, and Chris finished off with Alien Frontiers with the Factions expansion. For most of the early and mid-game there was a fairly balanced build up resources and colonies, but towards the end Michael had two really lucky sets of die rolls, the first turn letting him satisfy his second agenda (for another VP) and stealing huge quantities of resources and in the second turn using those resources to land three colonies (out of the six total in the game) in that one turn. After that there was nothing to be done to keep him from landing his last colony the next turn and winning the game with 11VP.

BEWC Meeting Recap 12/3/11

Attendees: Dan Carey, Tom Dunford, Michael Feinberg, Joe Kauffman, Michael Kelly, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Alex Wright, Elaine Wright, Shawn Yoon

Club Business: None

Games Played

1) Michael F, Dave, and Karen started with a game of Attika, which Dave, as usual, won.

2) Dan and Tom spent most of the day playing The Destruction of Army Group Center, which held true to historical form and Dan’s Soviets were victorious over Tom’s Germans.

3) Michael F, Michael K, Dave, and Shawn played an extremely close game of Pillars of the Earth, which ended with Michael F at 41 VP, Michael K at 42 VP, and Shawn and Dave tied with 43 VP. Shawn had the tiebreaker of more money remaining, giving him the win. A more thorough reading of the rules after the game revealed that Michael F shouldn’t have lost a VP for being only 1 gold short on his taxes (the king strangely rounds in your favor), making the game even closer.

4) Michael F, Joe, Alex, and Elaine played Agricola, with Alex winning, Michael right behind him, and Joe and Elaine tying for third.

5) Michael K, Dave, Karen, and Shawn played Thurn and Taxis, which was another close game, with Dave beating out Michael by 1 point.

6) Michael K and Shawn played Ascension, with Shawn once again winning by a single point.

7) Dan, Michael F, Dave, and Alex played Mare Nostrum. Dave’s Roman legions made an early foray into Michael’s Egypt before turning on Dan’s Carthage. Alex’s Greek triremes were able to interdict the Romans at sea, but no one was able to stop their rise to power and Dave’s victory.

8) Joe, Michael K, Karen, Elaine, and Shawn played Betrayal at House on the Hill. Michael K was revealed as the traitor in the Let Them In haunt and despite dying in the process, he and the madman were able to let in all of the specters and overwhelm the explorers for a traitor victory.

BEWC Meeting Recap 11/5/11

Attendees: Dan Carey, Tom Dunford, Michael Feinberg, Ryan Frans, Joe Kauffman, Michael Kelly, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Jesse Lute, Jason Molstad, Lane Taylor, Alex Wright, Elaine Wright

Club Business: None

Games Played:

1) Dan, Michael, Dave, and Jason started off with a game of Pandemic, but were fairly quickly overtaken by outbreaks and lost when we ran out of black disease cubes

2) Tom, Dave, and Ryan then spent most of the rest of the day playing Space Empires 4X. Ryan spent his efforts beating Tom back most of the way to oblivion, allowing Dave to sweep in for the victory.

3) Dan, Michael F, Jason, and Lane played Merchants & Marauders. It was the first time playing for everyone, but Michael had gone through the rules and we picked it up pretty quickly. Dan got off to an early lead striking it rich as a merchant, while Michael has some early success as a pirate picking off NPC merchant ships. Michael thought he had achieved victory when in two turns he picked up 4 (of the 10 necessary) glory points through completing a mission, selling 3 good in demand, proving a rumor true, and sinking a French naval frigate, and he needed only to get back to his home port and stash his gold to win. Just after he made it to port, but before his next turn when he could stash his booty, Dan cashed in his own earnings and won the game.

4,5) Joe and Michael K teemed up to play Attika, which Joe won, then played Axis & Allies: D-Day, where Joe upturned history, successfully defending as the Germans.

6,7) Karen, Alex, and Elaine played a round of 7 Wonders and then were joined by Jesse for a second round with the leaders expansion. Alex won both games, with impressive scores of 67 and 72.

8) Michael F, Karen, Jesse, and Alex played Ra, where Alex just edged out Karen, 47 to 46.

9) Michael F, Joe, Jason, and Alex Galaxy Trucker. Joe always seemed to take the longest to assemble his ships, which is usually a significant handicap, but this time perfection paid off and let him haul home big cargo loads in the second and third rounds and win the game.

10, 11) Michael K, Jesse, and Elaine played two games of Dominion Seaside with Elaine winning both.

12) Joe, Karen, and Jason played Metro with Karen wining.

13) Dave, Karen, and Elaine played Guillotine, where Dave was victorious.

14, 15) Joe, Michael K, Jesse, and Jason played two games of Ca$h ‘n Gun$ (the second with the advanced rules) where Jason won the first and Joe the second.

16) Michael F and Alex finished up with a game of Twilight Struggle. It was Michael’s first game and he was completely unable to overcome the experience disadvantage, with Alex’s US achieving complete domination over the Soviets by the 5th turn.

BEWC Meeting Recap 7/2/11

Attendees: John Boyle, Joe Kauffman, Rhonda Frans, Ryan Frans, Michael Feinberg, Scott Harris, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, David Olson, Jay Olson

Club Business: None

Games Played:

1) Dave L, Karen, and Joe played Attika with Dave winning.

2,3) John, Dave L, Scott, and Karen played a round of 7 Wonders that Dave won, and then Michael joined them for a second round where Scott came back from his tied for last position in the first game to win.

4) Ryan, Dave O, Jay, and Joe played a close game of Nightfall that Joe won.

5,6) John, Dave L, Scott, and Michael played two rounds of Innovation. For the first game, John was the only one that had played before (though not in some time) and we misplayed several rules before John took an early fairly unbalanced victory. The second game went much better and was neck and neck through much of the game, before a lucky card transfer allowed Michael to claim his 4th (winning) achievement right before Dave could.

7,8) Ryan, Dave O, Jay, and Joe played two games of Thunderstone. It was the first time playing for everyone, with Joe winning the first game, and Dave O winning the second much tighter lower scoring game.

9) John, Dave L, Karen, Rhonda, and Michael played Vinci, and despite some early runaway leaders the game ended quite close for everyone. Dave managed to achieve exactly the 100 points to trigger the last round, and Michael was one troop short of being able to gain 100 points himself, and had to settle for second place with 99 points.

10) The group successfully guesses several cases from Crack the Case with Joe as the moderator.

11) Joe, Dave O, Dave L, Jay, Ryan, and Michael played Battlestar Galactica. It was a fairly uneventful first half of the game, but after the sleeper agent phase, Ryan as Baltar determined that Dave O as Boomer was a cylon and sent him to the brig. Michael as Adama was the other cylon and played it covertly for a few turns until using the admiral’s ability to choose the jump effects to pick a particularly devastating card and then revealed himself before he could be sent to the brig himself. The situation was dire for the humans with all of their resource dials near critical, and it then looked like the game was over when two centurion boarding parties were poised to take over the Galactica on the next cylon turn, but their scout managed to delay the boarding party and then some key rolls from Jay wiped out the centurions and moved the humans into position to jump to Kobol and win the game. But just when the cylons in turn had given up hope, a lucky shot from one of their basestars damaged the jump control room and trapped the humans. It was not to be however, as the control room was repaired and the fleet jumped to safety before the cylons could capitalize on the delay.