Attendees: Alex Jordan, Alex Wright, Bruce Clark, Dan Carey, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Victor Liu and Chris Cregan
1)Jim and Alex W. played a game of Twilight Struggle. Jim as the Soviets came out the victor.
2) Chris, Victor, Alex J, Michael and Bruce played a round of Lords of Waterdeep with the new expansion Scoundrels of Skullport. Chris came out in first with 178 points followed by Michael with 149, Alex at 145 Bruce at 143 and Victor with 132.
3) Chris, Victor, Alex J, Michael and Bruce then played a round of Citadels, substituting out the witch for the assassin. Alex W. managed to end the game with 27 points followed closely by Victor with 25, Chris with 24 Alex J. at 17 and Michael with 16.
4) Jim and Dan played a round of A Distant Plain. Jim played coalition and Dan played the Taliban, both players lost to the Afghani government.
5) Finally Chris Jim and Alex J played a game of Eclipse with the expansion. Playing with ancient homeworlds all players found themselves fairly isolated for the majority of the game. Adopting completely peaceful means no player against player combat occurred the entire game. Michael won with a science heavy strategy, completely filling up his board with tech, and ended with 64 points. Chris got 2nd with 56 due to a combination of high combat points from defeating ancients and a racial bonus for occupied orbitals. Alex started completely surrounded by ancients and had his early fleet demolished in his first assault ending only at 12.