Meeting Recap 1/21/17


Jim Halloran, Michael Feinberg, Dave Olsen, Robert Gohl, Alex Jordon, Chad Willard, Haley Willad, Drake Willard, Chis Cregan, Matt Ackerman

Club Business

Elections results for 2017 Officers

President                              Michael Feinberg

Vice President                     Jeremy Scherer

Treasurer                              Dave Olsen

Secretary                               Jim Halloran

Club plans to hold an additional meeting on the 5th Saturday for those months with 5 Saturdays.  Matt has volunteered to host the 5th Sat meetings.

Board Games to be purchased:

Caste Panic: Wizard Tower

Star Trek Ascendecy

Games Played

Five Tribes: Played by Jim, Rob, Michael and Dave.  Michael won

Monsters Menace America: Played by Jim, Dave, Rob and Drake.  Jim won

Firefly: Played by Alex, Matt and Michael.  Matt won

Star Wars Rebellion-Played by Chad and Haley.  Unknown victor, game still in progress

Spectre Ops: Played by Drake, Rob, Chris, Dave and Jim.  Cooperative Victory for Dave, Chris and Jim

7 Wonders Duel: Played by Alex and Michael     One victory each.

Quarriors: Played by Chris, Drake and Michael.  Michael won

Defenders of the Realm: Played by Jim, Dave and Drake, and Jim and Dave.  2 Cooperative losses.

BEBGC Meeting Recap 01/07/17


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Amanda James, Brandan James, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Jeramee Scherer, and Alex Wright

Games Played

Dave, Karen, Jeramee, and Alex started with Ra, where Karen won commandingly and Jeramee came in second.

Chris and Michael played 7 Wonders: Duel with Chris rolling over Michael to a military victory.

Chris, Michael, Dave, Jeramee, and Alex tried to “Escape from Innsmouth” in Mansions of Madness Second Edition. Initially things went well for the group and they found a way out of the town and solved most of the mystery, but the situation soon spiraled out of control. Much back tracking was required to find the final piece of evidence and to then make their escape and meanwhile the horrors of the situation were sinking in. By the end, all of the investigators had gone insane and their disparate goals kept anyone from making it to the boat out in time, causing everyone to lose.

Chris, Michael, Brandan Dave, Jeramee, and Alex played three rounds of One Night Ultimate Werewolf Daybreak. In all three the villagers were able to successfully find one of the wolves and win.

Chris, Michael, Jeramee, and Alex played a close round of Dominion. Chris’s shanty town + smithy combo won him the game with 31 points, but Alex was just behind with 30, then Michael with 29.

Amanda, Brandan, Dave, and Karen played Castles of Mad King Ludwig where Amanda won.

Chris and Jeramee played Blood Rage with Chris being victorious.

BEBGC Meeting Recap 10/15/16


Matt Ackerman, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Dave Olson, Ben Samuelson, Jeramee Scherer

Games Played

Michael, Jim, Dave and Ben played King of New York. Ben won the game with 20 victory points.

Michael, Jim, Dave, Ben and Jeramee played King of New York. Ben won the game by defeating all of the other monsters.

Matt, Michael, Dave and Ben played Dead of Winter. Matt, Michael and Dave were able to win and meet their secret objective. Ben also met his secret objective (one survivor having two wounds), but Matt healed his survivor taking away the win.

Jim (Empire) and Jeramee (Rebels) played Star Wars: Rebellion. The rebels were able to pull off the win.

Matt, Michael, Dave and Ben played Dragon & Flagon. It was a knock-down drag-out brawl, but Ben was able to emerge victorious.

Matt, Michael, Jim, Dave, Ben, Jeramee played Shadows over Camelot. The loyal knights were able to win, and there was no traitor.

Jeramee taught Michael  7 Wonders: Duel and Michael won through science.

Club Business


BEBGC Meeting Recap 03/05/16

Attendees: Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Scott Harris, Brandan James, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Angela Li, Ed McGran, Kerri Olson, Byron Varin, Alex Wright, Phillip

Games Played

Michael, Scott, Ed, Byron, and Phillip tried out the club’s new copy of Dead of Winter. They played the introductory “We Need Samples” mission, but inadvertently selected the hard core difficulty. The group lost from moral, but with more statistically likely rolls on collecting samples after killing zombies, probably could have won.

A second game of Dead of Winter was played, with Chris replacing Scott, this time the “Raiding Party” scenario, also on hard core. It started off with a player dead from a bite on the first move and went downhill from there, with the group soon lost.

Brandan, Dave, and Alex played Five Tribes, with Dave winning.

The three of the moved on to XCOM: The Board Game and defeated the aliens.

Brandan and Dave played 7 Wonders: Duel, where Dave won again after Brandan was stuck in a swamp.

Chris, Brandan, Kerri, and Angela played Castles of Mad King Ludwig with the Secrets expansion with Angela building the most fantastical castle.

Chris, Brandan, Dave, Karen, Kerri, and Angela faced off in Ca$h ‘n Gun$ where Kerri was the most successful gangster.

They finished up with Mister X with the investigators finding Kerri’s Mister X.