Meeting Recap 6/1/19


Aimee Clare, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Scott Harris, Brandan James, and David Landon

Games Played

Aimee, Chris, Michael, Scott, and Dave started off with a four hands of Love Letter, where Aimee was the most successful suitor, winning 2.

They then moved on two games of 7 Wonders with the Armada expansion. Michael won the first game with 75 points going heavily into both blue cards and blue ships, followed by Chris at 72. The second game had much higher scoring, with Chris winning with 89 points, largely from guilds, follow by Michael with 85.

Brandon then joined them for two rounds of Ca$h ‘n Gun$. In the first game only Chris, Michael, and Brandan survived, with Brandan having the most cash at $110,000. In the second game, Brandan was again the winner, though this time only with $70,000, followed by Dave with $65,000 while Scott and Michael had amassed $75,000 each but were killed in the final shoot out.

Chris, Michael, Scott, Brandan, and Dave tried out five player Dinosaur Island. Chris ran away with the game, ending with 131 points, but everyone else was extremely close with Dave at 99, Michael at 98, Scott at 96, and Brandan at 92.

Meeting Recap 5/18/19


Matt Ackerman, Mary Bos, Aimee Clare, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Dave Olson, Ben Samuelson, Jeramee Scherer, Emily Snavely, Carlo Torrella, and Chad Willard

Games Played

Mary, Aimee, Jeramee, and Carlo started with Splendor, with Aimee winning.

Matt, Michael, Jim, Dave, Ben, and Emily played Welcome To… where Michael won.

Chris, Mary, Aimee, and Jeramee played Space Base with Carlo winning.

Matt, Michael, Dave, Ben, and Emily tried out the new Armada expansion for 7 Wonders. Matt won commandingly with 89 points from a heavy blue card strategy followed by Ben with 71 points mostly from science.

Matt, Aimee, Chris, Michael, Ben, and Carlo played When I Dream where Michael was the best dreaming.

Jim, Dave, Jeramee, and Emily finished up with Cyclades with Emily victorious.

Meeting Recap 11/4/17


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Scott Harris, Brandan James, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Abigail Lichti, Josh Lichti, Ben Samuelson, and Alex Wright

Games Played

Chris, Michael, Scott, Dave, Abigail, Josh, and Ben started with 7 Wonders with the Leaders expansion. Chris’s Babylon plus strong leaders led him to 55 points in science and the win with 74 points, while Scott’s Giza was close behind with 70 points for second.

Chris, Scott, Dave, Abigail, and Josh played Mountains of Madness where they achieved a coop victory with no injuries.

Michael, Ben, and Alex played Great Western Trail which Alex dominated for a 124 point win over Michael’s second place 96.

Chris, Scott, Dave, and Josh were victorious (though by the skin of their teeth) in XCOM: The Board Game

Chris, Michael, Scott, Brandan, Dave, Karen, Abigail, Josh, and Ben played three hands of The Resistance with the spies winning all three.

Michael and Karen moved on to Carcassonne: Hunters and Gatherers, which Michael won.

Chris, Scott, Brandan, Dave, Abigail, Josh, and Ben finished up with three more rounds of The Resistance, the last two using the Merlin rules from Avalon, but the spies still won all three.

Meeting Recap 5/6/17


Eray Askit, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Scott Harris, Brandan James, Dave Landon, Karen Landon

Games Played

Eray, Michael, Scott, and Karen started with Castles of Mad King Ludwig. Scot won with 118 points, with Karen in second at 109.

Chris and Brandan played The Duke with Brandan winning.

Eray, Chris, Michael, Scott, Brandan, and Dave played 7 Wonders. Michael’s science got him to 57 points, but couldn’t catch Chris’s 67 points from blue and purple cards.

Chris, Michael, Scott, Brandan, and Dave played Fire and Axe. Chris ran away with the game at 165 points, but Brandan’s pillaging put him in second with 136.

Meeting Recap 2/4/17

Games played

One Night Ultimate Werewolf Daybreak: Jeremy, Karen, Ben, Jim, Dave L and Alex.  Jeremy won.

One Night Ultimate Werewolf Daybreak: Jeremy, Jim,  Karen, Ben, Brandon and Alex.  Jim, Alex and Brandon won.

A Feast For Odin: Brandon, Alex and Dave G.  Brandon won.

Castles of Mad King Ludwig: Karen, Dave L, Ben and Amanda.  Karen won.

Twilight Struggle: Jim and Jeremy.  Jim won.

7 Wonders: Jim, Earie, Dave l, Karen, Amanda, Brandon and Alex.  Brandon won.

BEBGC Meeting Recap 12/15/16


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Robert Gohl, Jim Halloran, Alex Jordan

Games Played

Robert, Jim and Alex started with two games of 7 Wonders. Alex edged out Robert 59 to 56 to win the first game, while Jim came back to win the second with 57 over Alex’s second place 53.

Chris, Michael, Robert, Jim, and Alex played Lords of Waterdeep with the Scoundrels of Skullport expansion. It had seemed like Michael was ahead most of the game, but Chris completed a quest that let him put three buildings into play, earning him steady income from them and at the end revealed the builder lord giving him 6 points for each building. That put Chris just over the top, beating Michael 127 to 125.

Chris and Michael played two games of Star Wars: Rebellion. In the first, Chris’s rebellion gambled on locating their base in Geonosis, immediately adjacent to Michael’s imperial forces in Rodia. The rebels started off with a surprise assault on Rodia, but were unsuccessful, and the feint to Naboo did not draw off the imperial forces who invaded Geonosis and with the help of some luck with dice, Michael won on turn 3.

For the  second game of Rebellion, Chris and Michael switched sides and played a longer game of cat and mouse, with the imperials steadily marching through the galaxy, but not finding the Rebel base and the Rebels winning small victories. On turn six however a powerful imperial force found the Rebels on Yavin. If they could have held out against the initial assault, plans were in place to evacuate to Endor and for a different force to assault Coruscant, quite possibly leading the Rebellion to victory, but it was not to be – the base fell and Chris’s imperials were victorious.

Club Business

Jim, Michael, and Chris were named to the nominating committee for 2017 officers. Elections will be held at the 1/21/17 meeting.

BEBGC Meeting Recap 11/05/16


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Scott Harris, Brandan James, Alex Jordan, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Alex Wright, and Elaine Wright

Games Played

Michael, Dave, Alex W and Elaine played a close game of A Feast For Odin. Alex came out on top with 98 points, but Elaine was just behind with 95 and then Dave with 93.

Chris, Scott, Alex J, and Karen started off with Castles of Mad King Ludwig, which Karen dominated with 140 points followed by Chris with 126.

Chris, Brandan, Alex J, and Karen were successful in saving Earth in XCOM: The Board Game.

Michael, Dave, Alex W and Elaine played Machi Koro, with Alex winning.

Chris, Michael, Brandan, Dave, Alex W and Elaine played one round of Coup where Brandan took down Elaine to be the last one standing.

Chris, Michael, Brandan, Dave, and Alex W finished up with a game of 7 Wonders with the Leaders expansion that Brandan won with 69 points.

BEBGC Meeting Recap 09/03/16


Eray Aksit, Gui Askit, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, Dave Landon, Karen Landon, Alex Wright

Games Played

Michael, Jim, Scott, Dave, Karen, and Alex started off with Star Trek Panic. After completing three missions and the Enterprise near destruction, they decided to call it quits.

Eray and Jim played Twilight Struggle where history repeated itself and Jim’s Americans won the cold war.

Chris, Michael, and Scott concentrated just on the space race in Leaving Earth. Michael picked up most of the early points, but Chris was first to the moon and back with samples, giving him a commanding 14 point victory.

Gui, Dave, Karen, and Alex played Castles of Mad King Ludwig. Karen was behind most of the game but during end game scoring dominated the bonus to win with 101 points over Dave with 93 and Alex just behind at 92.

Gui, Scott, Karen, and Alex played three rounds of Speed Scrabble, which Alex dominated, though Karen came quite close to unseating him in the final game.

Gui, Chris, Michael, Scott, Dave, and Karen came back together for a game of 7 Wonders with the Leaders expansion. Dave won with 62 points, followed by Gui with 32 and then Chris and Scott tied with 52.

Chris, Michael, Jim, Scott, Dave, and Karen played three rounds of Coup, where Chris won the first, Jim the second, and Scott the third.

Chris, Michael, Dave, and Karen finished up with a second game of Castles of Mad King Ludwig. Michael was able to align his castle with all of the bonus tiles and achieved a 124 point victory with Dave in second at 100.

BEBGC Meeting Recap 02/06/16


Sam Chew, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Scott Harris, David Landon, Karen Landon, Alex Jordan, Ben Samuelson, Jeramee Scherer, Byron Varin, Theresa Varin, Alex Wright, Elaine Wright, Phillip, Nicholaus, and Marney.

Games Played

Jim, Scott, David, Byron and Phillip started with Small World where Jim was victorious.

They then moved on to Bang! where Scott and Phillips shared a law victory.

Michael, Ben, and Alex W taught Alex J Caverna and Alex W finally broke Michael’s winning streak with an animal and ore storage heavy strategy, finishing with a commanding 106 points over Michael’s 89.

Jim, Scott, Phillip, and Marney played four games of Tsuro in various combinations, with Scott winning the first three and Jim coming back to win a final one on challenge against him.

Karen, Theresa, Elaine, and Nicholaus played a close game of Guillotine with Elaine and Theresa tying with 25 points and Karen one behind at 24.

Sam, Jeramee, Theresa, Elaine, and Nicholaus played Puerto Rico which was also extremely close – Jeramee, Elaine, and Theresa all tied with 36 points plus Sam with 35. Jeramee was victorious in the tie breaker of most goods and doubloons.

Jim and Ben faced off in Twilight Struggle, where Ben rewrote history with a Russian cold war victory.

Scott, Jeramee, Theresa, and Phillip played Rampage with yet another close game when Jeramee edged Scott out 51 to 50.

Sam, Michael, Alex J, Karen, and Byron played 7 Wonders with the Leaders expansion. Michael’s heavy investment in science gave him the win with 79 points, with Alex in second with 71.

The group came back together for a round of the Resistance where David, Theresa, and Nick were victorious as the spies over the loyal Michael, Karen, Jeramee, Byron, and Phillip.

Michael, David, Karen, and Jeramee finished up with the Castles of Mad King Ludwig. Michael won with 98 points, with Jeramee in second with 93, while Karen who had been trailing most of the game made an impressive sweep of the end game favors and almost caught up with 91. 

BEBGC Meeting Recap 01/16/16


Matt Ackerman, Michael Feinberg, Lionel Galperin, Robert Gohl, Jim Halloran, Alex Jordan, Gary Pearson, Ben Samuelson, Jeramee Scherer

Club Business

2016 Officers were elected:
President: Chris Cregan
Vice President: Jim Halloran
Treasurer: Michael Feinberg
Secretary: Dave Olson

Games Played

Michael, Robert, Jim, Alex, and Ben started with Castle Panic, where they succesfully defended the castle with only two towers destroyed.

Matt, Lionel, Jim, and Jeramee played Cosmic Encounter. Jeramee’s Traders tagged along with Lionel’s Misers for the shared victory.

Michael, Robert, Alex, and Ben played the Desperadoes mission of Firefly with the Kalidasa and Pirates and Bounty Hunters expansions. Michael and Robert both suffered heavy setbacks at the hands of the reavers and it seemed like Ben had won the game when he was first over $15,000 and announced last call, but Alex swept in and sold all of the cargo and contraband he had been collecting through salvage ops and won the game with $18,800 to Ben’s $18,000.

Matt and Lionel contested their fleets in Star Wars Armada with Matt’s rebels emerging victorious.

Jim, Gary, and Jeramee ran two races of Formula D with Jim winning the first and Jeramee the second.

Lionel, Jim, and Gary played several rounds of Tsuro with Jim winning three times, Lionel and Gary one each, and one tie between Jim and Gary.

Michael, Alex, and Robert finished up with 7 Wonders, where it looked like Michael was in the lead, but Alex topped him 64 to 58 from his 36 points of science.