
The club has a large inventory of games and magazines at the rec center. Many of the games are older SPI and Avalon Hill titles, and magazines include Dragon, Strategy & Tactics, etc, but in recent years we’ve been using club dues to purchase more current games from Fantasy Flight, Days of Wonder, Rio Grande, Z-Man, etc. As a member you are welcome to check out the games and magazines for use outside of club meetings.

See our collection on Board Game Geek.

Meetings see a wide range of board and card games played including euro games, deck building games like Dominion and Thunderstone, Fantasy Flight-style ‘Ameritrash,’ and some light wargaming like Conflict of Heroes or Memoir ’44.  Games played recently can be seen in the tag cloud at the right or by looking at recent meeting recaps. Between the club’s game cabinet and the large personal game inventories of some of the members, chances are we can find a copy of most games you’re interested in playing and can help coordinate either playing it at an upcoming meeting or setting up a separate session. The combined collections of the club and our members is available at our board game geek guild.