Meeting Recap 6/17/23

Chris Gronau, Michael Eisenberg, Matt Ackerman, Jim Halloran, and Dave Olson attended.

There was a collaborative game of The Shipwreck Arcana with a group win.

A game of Western Legends got played with the following characters:

Kit Carson (Chris)

Bloody Knife (Dave, winner)

Stagecoach Mary Fields (Jim)

Doc Holiday (Matt)

Annie Oakley (Michael)

Jim and Matt had to leave, but Chris, Dave, and Michael played a game of Adrenaline which Dave won.

Meeting Recap 3/18/23

Alex J., Chris G., Gerald P., Jim H, Matt S., and Michael E. played a game of Twilight Imperium 4 with home systems in the 2nd ring, resulting in a high conflict game with multiple home systems being taken.  It was called as a tie between Alex and Matt.

Chris C. and Michael F. taught Duane C. Bargain Quest. In the first game, it looks like Chris was going to win, but then he drew the selfless adventure card which killed his adventurer – not only denied him a point for his adventurer surviving but also costing him two points for getting the musketeer killed. That left the final score with Michael at 16 and Chris at 15. In the second game, Michael was able to outfit the witch hunter with the avenger’s shield, giving him extra attack for every previously killed adventurer and allowing him to overcome the unspeakable one’s armor and win the game at 17 points to Chris’s 15.

Meeting Recap 8/20/22


Steve Prchal, Crystal Claussen, Alex Jordan, Robb Blazey, Chad Willard, Drake Willard, Haley Willard, Dave Olsen, Michael Eisenberg

Games Played

8 player game of Shadows Over Camelot!  A close game but the traitors (Haley and Crystal) pulled off the victory as Camelot fell to destruction by catapults.  Chad, Drake, Haley, Dave, and Michael then played a 5 player game of Space Base, with Michael pulling a close victory.