Meeting Recap 8/17/19


Matt Ackerman, Mary Bos, Chris Cregan, Matt Eller, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Gerald Power, Jeramee Scherer, Wolfie Tuk, Chad Willard, and Drake Willard

Games Played

Mary, Chris, Michael, and Jeremy started with two games of Bargain Quest, joined by Matt E for the second. Chris won the first game at 17 points, followed by Michael at 16 and Jeramee at 15. The second game was also quite close, with Chris winning again at 20 and Michael just behind at 19 and Matt at 18.

Matt A, Jim, Gerald, and Wolfie played two games of Wildlands, with Matt winning both.

Matt E, Chad, and Drake moved on to two games of Smash Up, where Matt one the first and Drake the second.

Chris, Michael, Jim, and Wolfie finished up with Suburbia. Michael had trailed most of the game but caught back up in end game bonuses to tie Wolfie with 94 points and win the tie breaker of reputation 8 to 7.

Meeting Recap 8/3/19


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Brandan James, David Landon, Karen Landon, Alex Wright, and Elaine Wright

Games Played

Chris, Michael, David, Karen, and Alex started with Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig. Karen and Michael shared the high score at 61 points, but Karen’s other city was higher at 69 points to Michael’s 64, winning the tie breaker.

Chris, Michael, and Brandan explored the galaxy in Star Wars: Outer Rim. Michael got to 11 points first, but then didn’t have enough money to hire Chewbacca that would have gotten him his 12th winning point, allowing Chris the chance to win a risky combat and get his 12th point. However while cleaning up they noticed that Michael had forgotten his refund for equipment he had traded in earlier in his last turn, which would have left him with enough money to win the game.

David, Alex, and Elaine played A Feast For Odin with the Norwegian expansion where Alex just edged out David 117 to 108.

Chris, Michael, Brandan, and David played another game of Star Wars: Outer Rim where this time Chris was the clear victor, hitting 10 points while  David and Brandan were still at 7.

Meeting Recap 7/20/19


Mary Bos, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson, Wolfie Tuk, Carlo Torrella, Kasey Webster, and Kate Webster

Games Played

Mary, Alex, Carlo, and Michael started with Carlo teaching Gonuts for Donuts. Carlo finished first with 24 points, followed by Alex at 19.

Chris, Alex, and Carlo teamed up against Mary, Michael, Dave, and Wolfie in two rounds of Captain Sonar. Michael’s team sunk Chris’s in the first game, but they got revenge and won the second.

Mary, Chris, Michael, Alex, Dave, Wolfie, and Carlo then moved on to Between Two Cities. It was a well balanced game with all eight cities ending between 54 and 58 points, but Mary was victorious with her lowest city being 56.

Chris, Dave, Kasey and Kate played Elysium, where Chris won with 65 points followed by Kasey at 61.

Mary, Alex, Wolfie, and Michael played a successful game of Clank! In! Space!, where everyone made it back to the hanger, though Mary was knocked out before reaching an escape pod. Michael raked in the most loot with 125 points, followed by Alex at 102.

Chris, Michael, Alex, Dave, Wolfie, and Kasey then played two rounds of Downforce. Chris easily one the first race with $26 million, while Michael won the second with $25 million, both taking advantage of their first place position to get out ahead.

Chris, Alex, Dave, Wolfie, and Kasey then played two rounds of Bang! The Dice Game. Game 1: Alex (Sheriff) and Chris (Deputy) won against Wolfie (Outlaw), Dave (Outlaw) and Kasey (Renegade).  Game 2: Wolfie (Sheriff) and Chris (Deputy) won against Dave (Outlaw), Kasey (Outlaw) and Alex (Renegade)

Meeting Recap 7/6/19


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, and David Landon

Games Played

Michael and David started with a game of Burgle Bros. where they fates were against them and they were easily caught after cracking only a single safe.

Chris, Michael, and David played Above and Below, where Michael’s good luck with exploration led to a handy 85 point victory with Chris just edging out David for second place at 48 points.

Chris, Michael, and David moved on to Kingdoms, where Chris won with 255 points and David in second with 236.

They finished up with Dinosaur Island with all of the Chris, Michael, and David expansion modules. Everything came together for Michael who one with 86 points, and David sneaking past Chris for second place this time, 62 to 61.


Meeting Recap 6/14/19


Matt Ackerman, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, and Wolfie Tuk

Games Played

Matt, Michael, Jim, and Wolfie started with a game of Space Base, that Matt won handily won at 38 points, followed by Michael at 29.

They moved on to Dice Forge, with Michael winning this time with 195 points and Matt in second with 163.

They finished up with two games of The Quest for El Dorado. Michael won both thanks in part to purchasing two pioneers each game and drawing into them for a huge last turn rush to the finish.

Meeting Recap 6/1/19


Aimee Clare, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Scott Harris, Brandan James, and David Landon

Games Played

Aimee, Chris, Michael, Scott, and Dave started off with a four hands of Love Letter, where Aimee was the most successful suitor, winning 2.

They then moved on two games of 7 Wonders with the Armada expansion. Michael won the first game with 75 points going heavily into both blue cards and blue ships, followed by Chris at 72. The second game had much higher scoring, with Chris winning with 89 points, largely from guilds, follow by Michael with 85.

Brandon then joined them for two rounds of Ca$h ‘n Gun$. In the first game only Chris, Michael, and Brandan survived, with Brandan having the most cash at $110,000. In the second game, Brandan was again the winner, though this time only with $70,000, followed by Dave with $65,000 while Scott and Michael had amassed $75,000 each but were killed in the final shoot out.

Chris, Michael, Scott, Brandan, and Dave tried out five player Dinosaur Island. Chris ran away with the game, ending with 131 points, but everyone else was extremely close with Dave at 99, Michael at 98, Scott at 96, and Brandan at 92.

Meeting Recap 5/18/19


Matt Ackerman, Mary Bos, Aimee Clare, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Dave Olson, Ben Samuelson, Jeramee Scherer, Emily Snavely, Carlo Torrella, and Chad Willard

Games Played

Mary, Aimee, Jeramee, and Carlo started with Splendor, with Aimee winning.

Matt, Michael, Jim, Dave, Ben, and Emily played Welcome To… where Michael won.

Chris, Mary, Aimee, and Jeramee played Space Base with Carlo winning.

Matt, Michael, Dave, Ben, and Emily tried out the new Armada expansion for 7 Wonders. Matt won commandingly with 89 points from a heavy blue card strategy followed by Ben with 71 points mostly from science.

Matt, Aimee, Chris, Michael, Ben, and Carlo played When I Dream where Michael was the best dreaming.

Jim, Dave, Jeramee, and Emily finished up with Cyclades with Emily victorious.

Meeting Recap 4/6/19


Steve Albert, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Scott Harris, David Landon, Karen Landon, Dave Olson, Alex Wright, and Elaine Wright

Games Played

Chris, Michael, Scott, Dave L, Karen, and Alex started with a game of Diamonds that Scott one with 43 points in a tie breaker of Michael.

Dave L, Karen, Dave O, and Alex played Photosynthesis, with Alex wining.

Steve, Chris, Michael, and Scott played Nemesis. Steve died on the ship, but everyone else survived and satisfied their victory condition.

Dave L, Karen, Dave O, Alex, and Elaine tried out the club’s new copy of Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig, where Alex again won.

Chris took on the roll of Mr. X in a game of Scotland Yard against Dave L, Karen and Steve.

Michael, Scott, Mike, and Alex finished up with a very low scoring game of Dominion that Alex won with only 12 points.

Meeting Recap 3/2/19


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Scott Harris, Brandan James, David Landon, Karen Landon, and Ben Samuelson

Games Played

Michael, Elsa, David, and Ben started off with Kingdomino, which Ben’s 70 points from his giant forest easily won.

Michael, Scott, David, and Ben played Blokus, where Michael won with only 3 squares left.

Chris, Michael, Scott, David, and Ben attempted to survive Nemesis. Things went very well for them at the beginning of the game, but they quickly snowballed. Scott and David were both killed by the intruders while Chris and Ben took off in an escape pod. Michael had a bit more to do on the ship, which he wrapped up and then made it into the hibernation chamber for the jump home. The ship did successfully make it back to earth and Chris, Michael, and Ben all survived without infection and completed their goals to win.

Brandan and Karen played Ticket to Ride with Karen winning at 172 points.

Chris took on the role of the ghost for Michael, Scott, Brandan, David and Karen’s mystics in Mysterium where they successfully reconstructed the murder.

Chris, Michael, Brandan, David, and Karen finished up with a game of Unspeakable Words. Chris was the first to 100 points, but when insane doing it, leaving the victory for Karen.

Meeting Recap 2/16/19


Matt Ackerman, Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson, Ben Samuelson, Emily Snavely, Wolfie Tuk, and Aylin Tumer

Games Played

Matt, Jim, Dave, Ben, and Wolfie started with Space Base, which Jim won.

Chris, Michael, Alex, and Emily played Clank! In! Space! Alex was the first to get a treasurer but was knocked out just before we made it back to the landing bay, soon followed by Chris still in the depths of the ship. Michael and Emily both did make it to the landing bay, but were knocked out in the same turn before escaping the ship. Michael won  on points, 73 to 70, but if one less of Emily’s cubes had been drawn in the last attack, she would have gotten to an escape pod and won handily.

Matt, Jim, Dave, Ben, and Wolfie moved on to Root.  Dave won.

Chris, Alex, and Emily played Dinosaur Island where Chris built the best (least deadly?) theme park.

Chris, Wolfie, Aylin, Jim and Dave played Mission Red Planet.  Chris won.

Aylin, Dave and Jim played King of New York twice.  Dave won both times.