Meeting Recap 7/17/21


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, David Landon, Zoe Landon, and Gerald Power

Games Played

Michael, David, Zoe, and Gerald played Isle of Cats, where Michael just beat out Zoe for the win 106 to 101.

Chris, Michael, David, Zoe, and Gerald than played Istanbul where David readily won, gettings his 5th ruby while everyone else had only 2 or 3.

Chris, David, Zoe, and Gerald finished off with a game of Ca$h ‘n Gun$

Meeting Recap 6/26/21

Chris Cregan, Dave Landon, Zoe Landon, Dave Olson, Gerald Power, and Alex Wright

Games played in our first post-pandemic game day
Chris, Dave L., Zoe, Dave O., and Alex played Citadels. Chris and Alex ended the game in a tie, but Chris won on the tie-breaker.

Chris, Dave L., Zoe, Dave O., and Alex played The Resistance: Avalon. Chris and Zoe were the agents of Mordred and put up a good fight, but the forces of good won the day, thanks in part to the subtle leadership of Merlin (Dave L.).

Chris, Dave L., Zoe, Dave O., Gerald, and Alex played The Resistance: Avalon. Dave and Dave were the agents of Murdered and were successful in sowing chaos in the realm, despite the best efforts of Merlin (Alex).

Chris, Dave L., Zoe, Dave O., Gerald, and Alex played Mysterium. Chris was the ghost and was successful in providing the mediums with significant visions that could unveil his murderer.

Chris, Dave L., Zoe, Dave O., and Gerald played Mansions of Madness (the Dark Reflections scenario). Although 2 of the 5 investigators went insane, and one other investigator was on the brink of insanity for most of the game, the investigators successfully completed their mission.

Meeting Recap 3/7/20


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Brandan James, David Landon, Karen Landon, and Alex Wright

Games Played

Chris, Michael, David, and Elsa started off with Forbidden Desert, but were beat down by the sun before escaping.

Chris, Michael, Dave, and Alex then played Terraforming Mars. Michael won handily with 71 points to Chris’s second place 54, but a misunderstanding of his corporation bonus gave Michael some extra early turn resources that certainly helped get things going.

Chris, Michael, Brandan, David, and Karen played Robo Rally, where Chris’s mechanical arm gave him an easy win riding the conveyor belts.

Chris, Michael, Brandan, and David finished up with Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig after Karen had to leave part way through the game. Chris had the best second place castle at 63 points, followed by David at 61.

Meeting Recap 2/15/20


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson, Wolfie Tuk, Chad Willard, and Drake Willard

Games Played

Chris, Michael, Jim, Alex, Dave, and Wolfie played Shadows over Camelot. It was a rough start with two black swords coming out in the first round and Jim being unmasked fairly early as the traitor. However the knights managed to recover both the grail and the Lancelot’s armor and were well on the way to completing their final quest when an ambush while traveling to assist in that quest increased the black swords by one, losing the game.

Chad and Drake played Netrunner, with Drake winning.

Chris, Michael, Jim, Alex, and Wolfie broke out Lords of Waterdeep, with the Scoundrels of Skullport expansion. It ended up being quite a close game, with Michael winning with 149 points, Chris just behind at 157, Alex at 146 and then Wolfie and Jim tied with 134.

They finished up with Space Base, where an early income card on 6 and a lot of kind rolls rolls let Alex run away with the game.

Meeting Recap 2/1/20


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, Brandan James, David Landon, and Alex Wright

Games Played

Chris, Michael, David, and Alex started with Burgle Bros, where they reasonably hardly got out with all of the loot.

Brandan then joined them for Dinosaur Island with all of the expansions. Chris won handily with 88 points, followed by Michael at 68.

They finished up with Mysterium, where Dave as the ghost barely got all of the players to the shared version, but they were able to correctly solve the murder.

Meeting Recap 1/18/20


Matt Ackerman, Chris Cregan, Michael Eisenberg, Michael Feinberg, Jim Halloran, Alex Jordan, Dave Olson, Ben Samuelson, Jeramee Scherer, and Wolfie Tuk

2020 Officers Elected:

  • President: Jim Halloran
  • Vice-President: David Olson
  • Treasurer: Michael Feinberg
  • Secretary: Jeramee Scherer

Games Played

Matt, Michael E, Michael F, Jim, Alex, Dave, Ben, Jeramee, and Wolfie started with Bang! The Dice Game. Alex was the sheriff, but took a lot or arrows, and some lucky rolls on Michael F’s second turn did 4 damage to him, leading to a quick outlaw victory for Michael, Michael E, and Dave.

Michael E, Jim, Alex, and Dave played Twilight Imperium, 4th Edition.

Chris, Michael F, and Ben played Ben’s new deluxe edition of Suburbia. Michael took an early lead on the star track, which helped him to a strong finish with 103 points to Ben’s 80.

Matt, Jeramee, and Wolfie played Blood Rage, with Wolfie winning.

Chris, Michael F, and Ben finished up with Bargain Quest, where Ben won with 17 points, followed by Chris at 15.


Meeting Recap 1/4/20


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, David Landon, and Karen Landon

Games Played

Chris, Michael, Dave, and Karen started with three hands of The Mind. They got to level 6 in the first two and the third was looking even better, but then they crashed and burned in level 5.

They then tried Chris’s new copy of Inis. It was a close game and everyone ended up having two victory conditions, but despite a last minute attack, Michael was able to hold on to both of his conditions and keep the Brenn, winning the game.

They finished up with a game of Metro, where Michael won with 65 points, followed by Chris at 61.

Meeting Recap 12/21/19


Matt Ackerman, Mary Bos, Chris Cregan, Michael Eisenberg, Michael Feinberg, Christopher Gronau, Jim Halloran, and Dave Olson

Games Played

Matt, Mary, Michael F, Jim, Chris F, and Dave started with a game of the club’s new copy of Camel Up. Helped be a lucky early bet on green, Jim won with 42 dollars, followed by Michael at 31 and Matt at 30.

Mary, Jim, and Dave played Rune Stones. Dave just edged out Jim for the win 68 points to 67.

Matt, Michael F, and Chris G meanwhile played Bargain Quest where Michael won with 15 points followed by Matt with 11, but a slightly different adventure card draw for the final adventure phase would have reversed those scores.

Matt, Chris C, Michael E, Michael F, and Chris G tried a learning game of Tiny Towns. Mistakes were made but Michael F ended up with 26 points to Matt’s 23.

With the rules under there belt, they played a second game, with Dave stepping in for Matt. This time there were no rules issues and Michael F finished with 24 points and Chris C with 22.

Chris C, Michael E, Michael F, and Chris G finished up with two games of Space Base. In the first, Michael F’s plan of putting some low VP values in single digits and slowly collecting points worked out and he won with 40 points with Chris C rapidly catching up at 23. In the second game Michael F tried a similar strategy and it again worked, winning with 47 points, but another couple of unlucky rolls and Michael E or Chris C who both finished with 29 points would have passed him with their bigger economies.

Meeting Recap 12/7/19


Chris Cregan, Michael Feinberg, David Landon, Karen Landon, and Ben Samuelson

Games Played

Michael, Dave, Karen, and Ben started with the club’s new copy of Camel Up. Michael successfully bet first on both the winning and loosing camel, giving him the victory with 35 dollars followed by Karen and Ben who were tied with 32.

Chris joined them for a second game of Camel Up, where Michael again picked the leading camels winning with 38 dollars, followed by Dave at 36.

They then played Unlock! Squeek & Sausage where they were able to successfully escape with a few minutes remaining.

They played a close game of Between Two Castles of Ludwig. Michael won with a 67 point castle and a 76 point while, with Chris in second with two 67 point castles.

Chris, Michael, Dave, and Ben finished up with Caverna. Michael had 85 points with Ben just behind at 83 and Chris at 82.